22C:116, Lecture 36, Fall 1999

Douglas W. Jones
University of Iowa Department of Computer Science

  1. Amoeba, a Distributed Operating System

    Tannenbaum's Amoeba system is one example of a distributed operating system. One of the major ways this system differs from the model of distributed operating systems illustrated by DEMOS, for example, is that the Amoeba system uses cryptographic methods to guard capabilities from tampering by users:

    		    Conventional Model:
             Modifiable by User || Hidden inside Kernel
                  Varialbes     ||   Capability List
    		       Amoeba Model:
             Modifiable by User || Hidden inside Kernel
                  Varialbes     ||     (not much!)
                 Capabilities   ||
    Despite the fact that Amoeba capabilities are just bit patterns, in the same way as any other variable, and despite the fact that user code may freely modify bits in these patterns, Amoeba offers a considerable amount of security!

    The reason is that capabilities in Amoeba are protected by cryptographic means. As a result, while a user may easily damage a capability by changing the bit pattern, it is very hard for users to deliberately create a valid capability.

    Cryptographic protection of capabilities has several major advantages; first and foremost, it allows users to store capabilities in any data structure; users may directly store capabilities in files, in records, or in arrays. If the capabilities are in a list managed by the kernel, this is much harder to do! (As an example of the difficulty of doing so, imagine the problems that arise if a UNIX user needs to save an open file descriptor, which is effectively a capability for a file, returned by the open() system call. The most the user can do is save the integer which is used as an index into the system-maintained list of open files of that user process, and this integer has no meaning beyond the life of that process.)

    The primary disadvantage of cryptographic protection of capabilities (aside from the obvious problem of guaranteeing that the cryptographic method being used is actually secure) is that the system can no-longer find all capabilities. In a conventional capability system, for example, garbage collection can be used to reclaim inaccessable storage, and the kernel can automatically update capabilities to point to the current location of resources that have migrated. Under Amoeba, none of this is possible!

  2. Encrypting Capabilities

    The most obvious way for an operating system to protect capabilities by encryption is for the system to manufacture the capability, then encrypt it before passing it to the user, then reverse the encryption every time the user presents the capability to the system. For example:

                 User           ||           Kernel
                  or            ||             or
                Client          ||           Server
                 Request new resource --->
                                ||      Create Capability
                                ||           Encrypt
                        <--- return capability to user
            store capability    ||
            Pass capability to kernel --->
                                ||           Decrypt
                                ||        Use Capability
    This model uses a secret key, or password, held by the kernel, to encrypt and decrypt capabilities. If all local kernels in a distributed system have the same password and they have the same secure encryption algorithm, then users may freely pass capabilities around, and the kernel need not fear that users will be able to intentionally forge a particular capability.

    Unfortunately, this scheme relies on keeping a secret password, and it also suffers from problems of accidental creation of valid capabilities by users. Consider the following:

                 User           ||           Kernel
                  or            ||             or
                Client          ||           Server
            Pass random number --->
                                ||           Decrypt
                                ||      Use as Capability
    What are the chances that a random bit string passed to the kernel will be interpreted as a valid capability after decryption? This depends strongly on the structure of a capability!

    The natural form of a capability in a distributed system is a permission to send a message to a process. Thus, a capability might be as simple as . In this case, a process sending random numbers to the kernel might have a significant chance of accidentally creating a valid process-id!

    The key is to make sure that the encrypted capability is sparse -- that is, that the vast majority of random bitstrings do not decrypt to make valid capabilities. One easy way to do this is to use a one-to many mapping as part of the encryption process; that is, each bit in the original item is represented by many bits in the encrypted form. Consider the following:

               __________ ________
              |     encrypt       |
    The checksum in this scheme can be made arbitrarily large in order to make the entire scheme arbitrarily resistant to accidental creation of valid capabilties. The more bits assigned to the checksum, the less likely it will be that a randomly chosen bitstring will be indistinguishable from a legitimate capability.

    The trouble with this scheme is that the checksum defeats the encryption. As a general rule, cryptanalysis -- that is, derivation of the key or password to a cryptographic algorithm from example encrypted messages, is greatly simplified by the presence of any kind of redundancy in the messages, and checksums are almost perfectly suited to the job of aiding the cryptanalytical process.

    If reliability in the face of accidents is the only criterion, this is no problem, but if malicious users may be trying to crack the encryption scheme, it is useful to add an extra encryption step:

              | encrypt  |
               __________ ________
              |     encrypt       |
    The first encryption step makes the input to the checksum algorithm resemble a random number, so that, even if the password is found for the second encryption step, the user can't use this to attack a specific capability.

  3. Server Side Authentication

    Most notions of the use of capabilities in distributed operating systems revolve around the rights to use certain objects implemented by certain servers. Thus, the basic representation of a capability boils down to:

    	  | server id | resource id |
    Tannenbaum's Amoeba system takes advantage of this, recognizing that the server itself can play a major part in capability authentication. This is called server side authentication; in such schems, a checksum field is generally added, as in the previous encrypted schemes:
              | server id | resource id | checksum |
    This is verified by the kernel when a process tries to use a capability to send a message to a server, but the checksum algorithm is no secret; any process can forge a valid checksum. The primary purpose of the checksum at this level is merely to speed error detection for accidentally created invalid capabilities.

    The second key idea in server-side authentication is that the object-id field, as assigned by the server, can have considerable internal structure. For example, one subfield might be used to identify the object being used, while another subfield might be used to verify that the capability is valid:

              | server id | resource id | checksum |
              |           |verify|number|          |
    Here, the server might assign consecutive numbers to each object it creates; these are easily forged, but the key to the security -- the redundancy in the capability representation, rests in what the server stores in the verification field.

    One alternative is to have the server assign a random number to each new object it creates. In effect, these numbers are used as passwords to protect the resources under that server. If the server remembers these random numbers in a table, indexed by object number, it may quickly check capabilities it is handed in order to see that they are valid references to objects it has created. Random numbers used for such purposes may be generated by a pseudorandom number generator, and if high levels of security are needed, a cryptographically secure pseudorandom number generator will suffice (standard texts on cryptography discuss these).

          receive message m from client c
          if message requests resource creation
             create resource number n
             password[n] := random
             return  as capability to c
          else if message requests manipulation of capability 
             assert that s = server_id
             if p = password[n] then
                perform requested manipulation
                error!  Ignore
    If the verification code plus the object number are smaller than the available resource ID field, these can be extended by a locally generated checksum over both the verification and object number fields. note that checksums that include random numbers tend to look equally random,

    The net result of these kinds of extensions is a capability system where most of the responsibility for security rests on the servers, but this burden is fairly light. In Amoeba, standard library routines are provided for the standard capability representation; these make it very easy for users to write servers that conform to a highly secure model, while eliminating most of the concern for security from the kernel.