This is an open-book exam! You may use any notes or books you wish, but
not your neighbor's exam paper. Please write your answers in the exam
booklet provided.
On a typical computer system, when the hardware detects an floating point
error, such as divide by zero, a floating-point-error trap request is asserted,
causing a control transfer to the floating-point-error trap service routine.
Part A:
If a UNIX process attempts division by zero, it expects a SIGFPE signal
to be delivered. Briefly outline how the floating-point-error trap service
routine under a UNIX system implements this semantics.
(1.0 point)
Part B:
If a Mach thread attempts division by zero, it expects to be stopped and
it expects a message to be sent to its process's exception port. Briefly
outline how the floating-point-error trap service routine under a Mach
system implements this semantics.
(1.0 point)
Part C:
If a user running under IBM's VM attempts division by zero, it expects
a call to that user's virtual floating-point-error trap service routine.
Briefly outline how the real floating-point-error trap service routine
inside VM implements this semantics.
(1.0 point)
Under IBM's VM operating system, the page fault trap handler may do one of
the following in response to a trap request from the memory management unit:
- Replace a page -- the normal page-fault service.
- Force a virtual page-fault trap for the user.
- Force a virtual bus trap for the user.
Note that a bus trap is requested when an illegal physical address is
issued by the CPU or MMU, while a page-fault trap is requested by the MMU
when it is unable to translate a virtual address to a physical address.
How does the VM operating system determine which action to take?
(3 points)
Assume that you have a routine called emualte(i) that emulates the
execution of the privileged instruction i in the context of the current
VM user. Given this, write high level pseudocode
for the privileged instruction trap service routine under IBM's VM operating
system. Emphasize how your routine decides whether to emulate the instruction
that caused the trap or to force a virtual privileged instruction trap for
the user.
(3 points)
What barriers stand in the way of building an operating system using the
Mach kernel (that is, a combination of the Mach kernel with fault handlers,
servers and other components) that will act, in sum, like IBM's VM operating
system. That is, where the virtual machine offered to the user of this Mach
based system is semantically indistinguishable from the host hardware.
(3 points).
The study question outlining the design of an object oriented operating system
omitted a number of important details that would need to be worked out before
a real system could be built. Point out the most important of the
(3 points).
If the object oriented operating system suggested in the study question were
to be used in a network environment, where a user on one machine should be
able to manipulate objects on another machine, how would you expose the network
to the users? (Hint: Consider the concept of stub objects).
(3 points).
Given that the object oriented operating system is intended to be supported
on a machine with a conventional MMU, the address-translation-fault trap
service routine must detect and handle user references to objects. The MMU
itself maps pages of the address space to page frames, but from the point
of view of the hardware, references to unmapped pages and references to
objects are seen identically as illegal memory references.
Recall that our object oriented operating system interprets all references
to a page as calls to one of two methods, one for fetches from the page
and one for stores to the page; the actual operand address relative
to the page is passed as a parameter to the method, as is the operand size,
and for stores, the value being stored.
Part A
How can the trap service routine distinguish between references to unmapped
pages and references to objects?
(1.5 points)
Part B
Given that the trap service routine has found a reference to an object,
what does it do about it?
(1.5 points)
There are two interesting alternative models for method invocation under
the example object oriented operating system:
- Spawn a new thread to handle each method invocation. When the method
returns, the thread terminates.
- Allow only one method invocaton at a time in each object. If some
method is currently running, block all attempts to invoke a method until that
method terminates.
These approaches only differ if multiple parallel processes are attempting
to make simultaneous use of some object. Discuss the impact of these two
alternatives on the code you would write for a simple object such as the
classic counter object (with methods increment and inspect).
(3 points)
Consider a simple token-based distributed mutual exclusion algorithm,
implemented on a virtual ring, and using an agent process to handle token
forwarding while the user processes are idle. What variables, semaphores
or other data would your user and agent processes need to share, and how
would these be used?
(3 points)
Consider an
environment where the operating system provides semaphores, mutual exclusion
locks and shared memory regions as the basic interprocess communication tools.
The operating system detects deadlocks involving mutual exclusion locks, and
the system resolves such deadlocks by aborting a process. When a process
terminates, normally or abnormally, all locks it holds are automatically
Discuss (at a high level or using a very simple example) how you would
implement atomic transactions in this environment.
(3 points)