All exams will be comprehensive, covering all material up to the date of the exam, with an emphasis on recent material (but not so recent that it hasn't had time to sink in). Students with serious conflicts, such as illness or religious holidays may make alternate arrangements (in advance, if at all possible).
Final grades will be based on homework and exam scores, as follows:
It is necessary to repeat certain annoying policies here: Students caught cheating for the first time may be given a penalty up to an automatic F in the course. Such an F cannot be removed from the transcript. Penalties up to expulsion may apply to second offences.
You are encouraged to discuss homework problems with others in the class; this is usually a good learning tool. On the other hand, do not discuss your solutions prior to the due date!
Temporary grades of I (Incomplete) will be granted only on the basis of negociation prior to the final exam. Please, if extended illness or other matters beyond your control interfere with your ability to satisfactorily complete the course, see the instructor!
If you have any disagreement or communications problem with the teaching assistant, take it to the professor in charge. If you have any problem with your professor, contact the department chair; due process continues to the dean (of either the Graduate or Liberal Arts college, depending on your student status) and then up through the university administration to the Board of Regents.