It costs 20 cents to mail a postcard, and stamps are available in denominations of 1 2 3 4 5 10 15 and 20 cents. The spies agree that using more than four stamps per message would look suspicious, and they agree that all cards will be stamped with exactly 20 cents worth of stamps. They agree that the only way messages will be encoded is by the combination of denominations used, the order of the 4 or fewer stamps on the card, and by the orientation of each stamp in the row.
How many full bits of information can be conveyed per postcard through this covert channel.
To include extra header fields in a piece of mail, try this:
% mail -s "The subject \ Comment: An added header line \ Organization: Another added line" your-e-mail-address Message body .Propose a covert channel that you could use within the mail header for communicating with your intended recipient, and propose a way that mailers and mail forwarders could be modified to block this channel.
Consider the following policy: The class is named CLASS; it contains two students AMY and BOB. LOU is a person not in the class. The instructor is KIM. Each student has a file called HW, private read-write for that student. The instructor has a file called GRADES, private read-write for the instructor. The instructor can read and write ASSIGNMENT and SYLLABUS; all students in the class can read ASSIGNMENT, but LOU may not. Everyone can read SYLLABUS.
a) Describe this as an access matrix.
b) Describe this as a set of capability lists, one per user.
c) Describe this as a set of access control lists, one per file.
d) Describe how UNIX would allow you to enforce this policy.