Assignment 13, due Dec. 6


Part of the homework for 22C:112, Fall 2013
by Douglas W. Jones
THE UNIVERSITY OF IOWA Department of Computer Science

On all assignments, your name must be legible as it appears on your University ID card! Assignments are due at the start of class on the day indicated (usually Friday). Exceptions will be by advance arrangement unless there is what lawyers call "an act of God" (something outside your control). Homework must be turned in on paper, either in class or in the teaching assistant's mailbox. Never push late work under someone's door!

This is a "bonus" assignment. Only the top 10 homework scores will count toward the final grade. The material covered on this assignment will be a potential source of content for the final exam.

  1. Background: Some modern computers have the following two special instructions, used to help synchronize operations in shared memory:
    LOADLOCK r,a
    This is exactly the same as LOAD r,a except that it also remembers the address a and sets an autonomous part of the CPU to work monitoring the address bus to see if any other processor writes the address a. The CPU can only monitor one address at a time, so there must be a special "monitor" register in the CPU to hold the address being monitored.

    If no other processor has written to memory address a since the CPU began monitoring address a, this instruction behaves exactly like STORE r,a, except that it also sets a condition code to indicate success. If, on the other hand, some other processor has interfered, the condition code is reset and no store operation takes place.

    If we assume that the STORECOND instruction reports failures in the C (carry) condition code, the following instruction sequence is equivalent to "exchange memory location AD and register R1" except that it uses an extra register to do the job.

          MOVE      R2,R1   -- copy R1 into scratch register R2
          LOADLOCK  R1,AD   -- get previous value of AD into R1
          STORECOND R2,AD   -- try to complete the exchange
          BCR       LOOP    -- if it failed to store, try again

    An aside: Why these odd seeming instructions? Because they happen to be straightforward to implement on shared-memory multiprocessors (or multicore processors) that are based on "snooping cache" memory architectures.

    A problem: Give code using assembly language (or something like assembly language) to safely increment the contents of memory location AD by one, even in the context of other programs that might be trying to tinker with the same location. You can assume an ADDI r,c instruction that increments register r by the constant c, and you should assume that all arithmetic operations are register-only; that is, there is no increment or add instruction that can directly manipulate an operand in memory. (0.5 points)

          LOADLOCK  R1,AD   -- get previous value of AD into R1
          ADDI      R1,1    -- provisionally increment it
          STORECOND R1,AD   -- try to complete the increment
          BCR       LOOP    -- if it failed to store, try again

  2. Background: Consider this outline of a "secretary" process comparable to that in Monday's lecture, but including elements of a client-server system:
    void secretary() {
            available = TOTAL_SIZE_OF_RESOURCE;
            for (;;) {
                    m = dequeue_message();
                    select (m.type) {
                    case request: /* user requested a resource */
                            if (m.amount < available) {
                                    available = available - m.amount;
                                    send_reply( m );
                            } else {
                                    set_aside( m );
                    case release: /* user released the resource */
                            available = available + m.amount;

    Users send the secretary process messages requesting or releasing resources, and they indicate how much they are requesting or how much they are releasing. Ignore, for the moment, the actual allocation and deallocation problem: In a real system, the reply to a request message would obviously include some kind of handle on what was allocated, and the release message would include the handle for what is being released.

    There is something fundamental missing from the above code. (And it was missing in the lecture too).

    a) What is missing? Hint: Something was started above that was never finished. (0.5 points)

    set_aside( m ); sets requests aside that cannot be handled immediately. These requests are abandoned and never handled.

    b) Suggest the most appropriate place in the above code to finish it. (0.5 points)

    The missing code goes where the current code reads m = dequeue_message();.

    c) Describe the logic for finishing it. Use English or pseudocode, don't focus on syntax. (0.5 points)

    A new request should only be dequeued if there is no set-aside request that could be handled.

  3. Background: The article "Task Communicaton in Demos" is a free download to on-campus users or off-campus users who access the article through a VPN connection to campus. (It is free on campus because we are an institutional member of ACM.) Read it!

    a) Assume that process x running under DEMOS creates a new link, call it n. A user can then send a message over link n. What process will receive that message? (0.5 points)

    The process x is the only process that can receive messages sent over links it creates.

    b) (0.5 points) Suppose processe x creates link n, and process x wants to give link n to process y. What tools does Demos provide to allow x to pass n to y?

    If x has a link to a channel of y then x can include a link it created in a message sent to that channel.