22C:112 Policies, Fall 2012
Part of
the 22C:112 Operating Systems Collection
Time and place: 213 McLean Hall,
10:30-11:20 Monday, Wednesday and Friday
Textbook: Course Notes and readings from the Internet
Auxiliary Text: The C Programming Language
by Kernighan and Ritchie
Exams will be comprehensive, covering everything up to the exam date, emphasizing integrating the material from recent assignments. Students with serious conflicts such as Illness or religious holidays may make alternate arrangements (in advance, if at all possible).
Grading: 30% of the score will depend on homework (10 assignments at 3% each). 30% will depend on programming (6 assignments at 5% each). The exams will count, respectively, 15% and 25%.
Late and Incomplete Work: Turn in what you have finished by the due date! Except in case of "acts of God" (a legal term for circumstances outside your control), late work will not be accepted without prior arrangement.
Computer support: The CS departmental Linux machines, 105 and B12 MLH are the official machines to support this class. These machines are accessible from the Internet and from most ITC machines on campus. All students will have course accounts. In most cases, any Unix compatible machine will work; this includes MacOS X and Linux.
The Web will be used to distribute solutions to assignments and exams, as well as tutorials and supporting material. Everything is indexed on-line at:
The Fine Print that must be repeated here as a matter of policy:
The College of Liberal Arts and Sciences Policies and Procedures
Administrative Home of the Course --
The College of Liberal Arts and Sciences is the administrative home of
this course and governs such academic matters as add/drop deadlines,
the second-grade-only option, issues of academic fraud or probation,
and how credit is applied to graduation requirements.
Different colleges may have different policies. Students with questions
about these or other CLAS policies should speak with an academic advisor
or with the staff in 120 Schaeffer Hall.
Also see the CLAS Academic Handbook:
Academic Fraud --
Plagiarism and any activity that results in a student presenting work
that is not his or her own are academic fraud. Academic fraud is reported
to the departmental DEO and then to the Associate Dean for Academic Programs
and Services in the College of Liberal Arts and Sciences who deals with
academic fraud according to these guidelines:
Making a Suggestion or a Complaint --
Students have the right to make suggestions or complaints and should
first visit with the instructor, then with the course supervisor if
appropriate, and next with the departmental DEO. All complaints must be
made within six months of the incident.
Accommodations for Disabilities --
A student seeking academic accommodations should first register with Student
Disability Services and then meet with a SDS counselor who determines
eligibility for services. Eligible students should meet
privately with the course instructor to arrange accommodations.
Understanding Sexual Harassment --
Sexual harassment subverts the mission of the University and threatens
the well-being of students, faculty, and staff. See
Reacting Safely to Severe Weather --
If severe weather is indicated by the UI warning system,
seek shelter in the innermost part of the building, if
possible at the lowest level, staying clear of windows and of free-standing
expanses which might prove unstable. The class will resume after the severe
weather has ended. See