The Unix Memory Model
Part of
22C:112, Operating Systems Notes
Consider the following horribly misbehaved program:
/* misbehaved */ #include <stdlib.h> int main() { for (;;) { long int i; *(int *)random() = random(); } }
This program uses the standard pseudo-random number generator from the C/C++ library to maliciously write random integers to random locatons in memory. The attack this program performs on itself is comparable to a horrible flood of hardware failures, or the impact of the very least subtle attacks on the security of an operating system. It is also typical of the consequences of the typical programming error made by C or C++ programmers when working with pointers.
The question is, why doesn't this program crash the system when you run it on a modern Unix, Linux, MacOS or Windows machine? Indeed, if you run it on an old Mac with a 68000 processor, as opposed to the later 68030, Power PC or Intel processors, it has a high likelihood of crashing the machine. The same is true if you run it under Microsoft DOS or versions of Windows from prior to Windows NT and Windows 95.
These old operating systems used computer architectures that offered a very simple memory addressing model. All of memory was seen as a simple array of integers, addressed starting at zero and running up through a limit that depended on the particular chip being used. This model dates back to the seminal paper by Burks, Goldstine and VonNeumann written in 1946.
By the 1960's, the designers of large computer systems realized that the lack of memory protection was a big problem, so they began exploring mechanisms that would do two things:
Initially, many vendor's solutions to these problems involved different mechanisms to solve these problems, but by the mid 1960's, it was obvious that a single basic mechanism could accomplish both purposes. This device has come to be known as the memory management unit.
It took a while for memory management units to mature, but by 1970, several vendors were selling them in essentially modern form. The memory management units of the Multics system, the IBM System 360 Model 67, and others did not differ greatly from that of the Power PC or Pentium -- as seen from the perspective of the programmer. Of course, the implementation technology was quaint, and of course, lots of little details of the implementaiton differed from modern memory management units.
Unix (and its many clones, Linux, Solaris, FreeBSD, and many more) organizes memory by processes. Each process represents one program being executed. The operating system is able to execute multiple processes in parallel by multiplexing one or more CPUs between the set of processes that are currently ready to execute. There is no need to allocate CPU power, for example, to processes that are blocked awaiting input. If there are more ready processes than there are CPUs, the operating system will typically dole out time to the different processes in increments of something like 1/100 of a second.
The operating system allocates a number of resources to each process:
Note that the operating system is not necessarily visible in the address space of a process. The memory model does not require that the operating system be invisible, but if any parts of the operating system are visible in the process's address space, they are read-only. Furthermore, no operating system data structures that reveal private information about other running processes can be readable, and the only legal control transfers into the operating system are through calls to operating system services.
If the operating system is not visible to the application program, how does an application program call a system service. To the programmer, the system services are typically simply subroutines in the standard library, routines like open() and read().
The answer depends on the architecture. Some memory management units permit certain addresses in the address space to be designated as "gate crossing" addresses or system entry points. Others do not. Here, we describe the one solution that works on every modern machine, regardless of the nature of its memory management unit:
In general, all interrupts and traps cause a transfer to a system service routine (either an interrupt or trap service routine). All such service routines are part of the operating system. With the simplest memory management units, the MMU is simply turned off on entry to such a service routine; with more complex MMUs, the MMU switches from the memory address space of the user to the memory address space of the system. In either case, return from trap switches back to the address space of the program that caused the trap.
What the operating system designers do is pick some trap and designate this as a call to the operating system. Some hardware designers reserve some opcode for this, giving it a name such as TRAP. Others do not, but any way of forcing a trap will suffice. For example, we could declare that the last page in the address space, containing the address FFFFFFFF16, will never be executable. Having declared this, we can use a jump to FFFFFFFF16 as a system call. Since there are many different addresses in that page, we can allocate one address to each system call, so a jump to FFFFFFE516 might be our code for read(). Given this, a user's call to read() would call a stub of the form:
int read( int fd, char * buf, int len ) { static int (*readit)( int fd, char * buf, int len ) = 0xFFFFFFE5; (*readit)( fd, buf, len ); }
One such stub would need to be created for each system call. The system code for the trap handler would then need to examine the virtual address that caused the trap. On finding the address FFFFFFE516, it would know that this trap should be interpreted as a call to read(). The code would then need to get the parameters, which requires close cooperation between the compiler and the system, since how a compiler passes parameters is determined by the compiler writer. If the compiler passes parameters in registers, then the saved parameter values are in the memory locations used to save registers on entry to the trap service routine. If parameters are passed on the user's stack, then the parameters are on top of the stack in the user's address space.
If parameters are passed on the caller's stack, the easiest way to view this, from the system perspective, is that the caller's stack pointer is passed as a parameter in a register. Typically, the system establishes a new stack, in the system address space, for its own return addresses and local variables.
If we turn off the memory management unit while the system is running, or if user and system code have different virtual address maps, pointers passed by the user, and even the user's stack pointer, cannot be used as memory addresses because the memory they reference will not be at the same place in the operating system's address space as it is in the user's address space.
Therefore, each pointer passed by the user to the system must be validated and translated to an address in the system's address space. For the sake of example, consider a system where the memory management unit is simply turned off while the system is responding to a trap. In this case, the system must take each pointer provided by the user program and perform virtual to physical address translation on that pointer before using it. This translation might have any of the following outcomes:
Having completed the translation of the user's pointer to a system pointer, the system can then use that pointer directly to access one byte of memory.
If the system needs to access many bytes of memory, there are two options: First, the system could access them one byte at a time, repeating the above validation and translation step for each byte. Second, the system could have a pointer validator and translator that operates on a range of addresses. In this case, the translated range of addresses will not necessarily be the same size as the desired size. If I ask the address translator-validator to translate address X for 200 bytes, it may return t(X) for 120 bytes. The system must then translate address X+120 for 80 bytes as a separate transaction. This is because pages that appear consecutive to the user won't necessarily be consecutive to the system.
The modern idea of a digital computer dates to 1946. Earlier conceptions of programmable calculators date to the 19th century in the work of Charles Babbage, and these ideas reappeared in the early 20th century in such machines as the Harvard Mark series of relay-based machines, as well as the first electronic calculator, Eniac. Everything changed, though, after this paper:
Preliminary discussion of the logical design of an electronic computing instrument Taken from report by Arthur W. Burks, Herman H. Goldstine and John von Neumann to the U. S. Army Ordnance Department, 1946.
Memory management references:
The Wikipedia writeup on memory management units is a good place to start.
The Wikipedia writeup on address space supports this.
One-Level Storage System by T. Kilburn, D. B. C. Edwards, M. I. Lanigan and F. H. Sumner, first published in 1962, describes the Atlas computer's virtual memory system. The Atlas computer was the first computer that could claim to have anything that resembled a modern memory management unit.
The PDP-8 Memory Extension and Time-Share Option, sold starting in 1965, was an extremely simple yet effective memory management unit for a very small computer, even by the standards of that era.