Assignment 2, due Aug. 31
Part of
the homework for 22C:112, Fall 2012
Note: This is not a machine problem. You need not run your program on a real computer, although that is an excellent way to check your work. You are, however, responsible for making the code readable enough that we can check your work.
#!/bin/tcsh # fib n -- outputs the first n fibonacci numbers @ i = $1 @ f0 = 0 @ f1 = 1 while ( $i > 0 ) echo $f0 @ i = $i - 1 @ f2 = $f0 + $f1 @ f0 = $f1 @ f1 = $f2 end
Note: The note above applies here too!
void parseargv(){ int i = 0; while ((argv[i] = strtok( command, " " )) != NULL) i++; } }Also, make sure to put <string.h> in the list of includes at the head of the program.
void getcommand() { putchar('>'); gets( command ); }This was not done because it requires understanding more routines in the standard library and it teaches less about C. Both the original and this replaced version have a bug: They let the user type more than 100 characters, and if the user does so, the consequences are unpredictable. The following code is almost, but not quite, equivalent:
void getcommand() { putchar('>'); fgets( command, 100, stdin ); }
a) How is it not equivalent? To answer this, read the man pages for gets and fgets, and figure out what changes. Or try it and see what the consequences are. (0.5 points)
The fgets() routine enforces a limit on the size of the input buffer, while the (older) gets() enforces no limit and is happy to overrun the buffer if the user types a line that is too long.
b) Fix the original version of getcommand() from mush.c so that it does not overflow the command array. The fix can be done by changing as little as one line of code. You may turn in just the change (as in, replace this with that) or you may turn in the repaired text of getcommand(). (0.5 points)
void getcommand(){ char ch; int i = 0; putchar('>'); do { ch = getchar(); command[i] = ch; if (i < 99) i++; /* this line was changed */ } while (ch != '\n'); command[i-1] = '\000'; }There are many solutions, the following is only one of them. This particular solution reads the entire overlength line while discarding the excess.