22C:116 Policies, Fall 2002

Part of the 22C:116 Advanced Operating Systems On-Line Co llection
by Douglas W. Jones
THE UNIVERSITY OF IOWA Department of Computer Science

Time and place: 11:30 Monday, Wednesday and Friday, 110 MacLean Hall.

Textbook: Tannenbaum's Modern Operating Systems (2nd ed.), available at the IMU Bookstore.

Exams will be comprehensive, covering all material up to the date of the exam, with an emphasis on recent material (but not so recent that it hasn't had time to sink in). Students with serious conflicts, such as illness or religious holidays may make alternate arrangements (in advance, if at all possible).

Grades will be based on homework and exam scores, as follows:

50% -- Homework, 10 to 12 assignments, 5% each;
only the 10 highest scores will count towards the final grade.
20% -- Exam I. The midterm (see lecture schedule).
30% -- Exam II. The final (see lecture schedule).

Note: If this offering of 116 follows the pattern set by its predecessors, average homework scores will be around 4.5 out of 5, while the average midterm and final scores will be closer to 10 out of 20 and 15 out of 30. As a result, excellent homework scores can only partly compensate for poor exam scores.

Homework will be due at the start of class on Monday every week. Homework must be turned in on paper, electronic submission is not acceptable for a number of reasons. Your name must be legible at the top of each page (in case multiple pages get separated). Signatures are wonderful for legal documents, but if we can't read your signature you will receive no credit on the work!

The Web will be used to distribute lecture notes, assignments, and answers to exercises (when time permits). Everything will be indexed on the World Wide Web at the following URL:


The fine print that must be repeated here, as a matter of policy:

   Students caught cheating for the first time may be given a penalty up to an automatic F in the course. Such an F cannot be removed from the transcript. Penalties up to expulsion may apply to second offences.
   You are encouraged to discuss homework problems with others in the class; this is usually a good learning tool. On the other hand, do not share or discuss your solutions prior to turning them in!
   Temporary grades of I (Incomplete) will be granted only on the basis of negotiation prior to the final exam. If extended illness or other matters beyond your control interfere with your ability to satisfactorily complete the course, see me as soon as possible!
   If you have any disagreement or communications problem with the teaching assistant, bring it to me. Only if I cannot resolve it should you contact the department chair (14 MLH); due process continues to the dean (of either the Graduate or Liberal Arts college, depending on your student status) and then up through the university administration to the Board of Regents.
   If, for any reason, you need any kind of special accomodation please contact me, either after class, during office hours or by E-mail.