22C:116, Advanced Operating Systems, Fall 2001
Douglas W. Jones
201H MLH, 1:30-2:30 MWF
Imran Pirwani
101B MLH, 2:30-3:30 MWF
University of Iowa Department of Computer Science
12:30 Monday, Wednesday and Friday, 110 MLH
Lecture Schedule and Notes
Homework Assignments
Policies and Grading
Additional Sources of Information
The textbook: Tannenbaum's
Modern Operating Systems
My previous offerings of the course:
Fall 1995
Spring 1997
Fall 1997
Fall 1998
Spring 1999
Fall 1999
Fall 2000
User Level Threads
-- a thread manager that can be incorporated into C (or C++) programs.
Plan 9
-- a distributed and largely UNIX compatable programming environment developed at Bell Labs. The man pages are a useful resource.
System Software Research is Irrelevant
-- a pesimistic view of the field.
-- A new OS from Be Inc.
The Linux home page
(University of North Carolina)