
22C:116, Fall 2000

Douglas W. Jones
Please write your answers on the paper provided. Make sure your name is on the front page, in the same form as it appears in the official class list! Illegible and overly long answers are difficult to grade. Please leave margins around your answers!

This exam is open-book, open-notes, closed neighbor!

NOTE: Essentially all questions on this test can be answered in one short paragraph or less! There are no long essay questions here!

This exam is worth 1/5 of the final grade (20 points; allocate 2 minutes per point).

Background: The DreadcOS system allows each page of the virtual address space to be marked with some subset of the rights {Read, Write, Read-C, Write-C, Enter}.

Some parts of this problem may use the following picture

              cap ______                    byte______ 
  current ---> 0 |_R__W_|    cap ______      0 |______|
               1 |______|     0 |______|     1 |______|
               2 |__RC__|---> 1 |_R__W_|---> 2 |______|
               3 |      |     2 |______|     3 |__X___|
                   :  :       3 |      |     4 |      |
                                  :  :           :  :  
  1. Which of the DreadcOS access rights are likely to be enforced the MMU hardware of a typical modern processor, and which will be enforced by software. (2 points)

  2. Write a tiny code fragment (in clear pseudocode) to load the contents of the byte marked X in the figure (byte 3 referenced by capability 1 in page 2 of the virtual address space) into some directly addressable variable Y. Assume that page 1 of the virtual address space is initially invalid. (2 points)

  3. Assuming that all required pages are in main memory, assuming that current points to the page-table of the current process, write pseudocode for the get-c(a,b) system call. (2 points)

  4. What is the natural page size for this system, assuming that the virtual address space is 32 megabytes (225 bytes), and assuming that capabilities are 8 bytes long, and assuming that each C-list may be used to describe a complete address space. (2 points)

  5. Assume we've found a way to pass parameters on an enter() system call, but that the system contains no built-in return mechanism. Give a brief but clear justification for the convention that each domain always contains an enter capability for itself. (2 points)

  6. Explain why it is necessary under DreadcOS to create a new domain for each process that might wish to execute a particular program. (2 points)

  7. Assume DreadcOS C-lists are used to represent files and directories, so that all disk I/O occurs as a consequence of page faults, either those detected by the MMU or those detected by attempts to do put and get operations. What operating system characteristic determines the size of the queue of pending disk operations? (2 points)

  8. Assume all DreadcOS disk accesses are performed by the page fault service routine. Furthermore, assume that there is a disk scheduler. Does this imply that page faults cause CPU scheduler activity? Explain! (2 points)

  9. Briefly describe an implementation of a UNIX-like fork operation under DreadcOS. Do not give pseudocode! That's far too much detail! (2 points)

  10. Under DreadcOS, shared objects and protected objects are implemented using capabilities, C-lists and an assortment of data pages. Why is this implementation undesirable for small objects such as typical linked list or binary tree elements. (2 points)

Coming soon from Dreadco: DreadcOOL,
the Dreadco Object Oriented Language!
All the quality you've come to expect from the developers of DreadcOS!