Homework 7 Solutions

22C:116, Fall 2000

Douglas W. Jones

  1. Part a: Give readable pseudocode for an algorithm to traverse a graph with the above represenation searching for a cycle, as would be required for deadlock detection.
    BOOLEAN hascycle( refvertex v )
    /* precondition:  All marks are zero;
       returns TRUE if the graph reachable from V contains a cycle;
       final values of marks are:
        0 - not visited
        1 - visited on the path from V to a cycle
        2 - visited and not involved in a cycle
        refitem i;
        if (v->marks = 1) return TRUE;
        if (v->marks = 2) return FALSE;
        v->marks = 1; { indicate that this vertex is being checked }
        for (i = v->list; i != NULL; i = i->next ) {
            if (hascycle( i->edge )) return TRUE;
        v-> marks = 2; { indicate that this vertex has been checked }
        return FALSE;
    Part b: Give readable pseudocode for an algorithm to traverse a graph with the above represenation and mark each reachable vertexs, as would be required for garbage collection.
    void mark( refvertex v )
    /* precondition:  All marks are zero;
       final values of marks are:
        0 - not visited
        1 - reachable from v
        refitem i;
        if (v->marks = 1) return;
        v->marks = 1; { indicate that this vertex is reachable }
        for (i = v->list; i != NULL; i = i->next ) {
            mark( i->edge );

  2. The Problem: Write a mark-sweep garbage collector for this machine, so that a user program could use the following routine:
    char * gc_malloc(s)
        char * p = malloc(s);  /* first try */
        if (p != NIL) return p;
        return malloc(s);      /* second try */
    void mark( char * v )
        int i;
        char * * p;
        if (marked(v)) return;
        p = (char * *)(((int *)v)[1])
        for (i = *(int *)v; i > 0; i--) {
            mark( *p );
    void sweep()
        char * p = first();
        while (p != NULL) {
            char succp = succ(p);
            if (marked(p)) {
            } else {
            p = succp;