Homework 4
22C:116, Fall 2000
Due Friday Sep 15, 2000, in class
Douglas W. Jones
A Problem:
Do problem 12 on page 142 of Tannenbaum.
A Problem:
Do problem 14 on page 143 of Tannenbaum.
A Problem:
Do problem 15 on page 143 of Tannenbaum.
The memory access times given in this problem are typical of computers
built around 1975, decades before the text was written. Many of us old-timers
still think in terms of the speeds we observed on the first computers we
A Problem:
Do problem 24 on page 144 of Tannenbaum.
A Problem:
Do problem 25 on page 144 of Tannenbaum.
A Problem:
A page fault handler may require disk I/O. Explain the interaction
you would expect between the page fault handler and the scheduler when
the ready list contains several processes, each with its own virtual
address space. This is a two-way question! The page fault handler
must initiate scheduling activity and the scheduler must manipulate
the address space.