// RoadNetwork.java /* Road network simulator * @author Douglas W. Jones * @version Mar. 26, 2021 * This working version contains working code for vehicle creation * and a framework for navigation. Vehicles navigate at random, but: * BUG: Vehicles are created and never destroyed. * BUG: There is no check that non-sink intersections have outgoing roads */ import java.io.File; import java.io.FileNotFoundException; import java.util.Queue; import java.util.LinkedList; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.PriorityQueue; import java.util.Random; import java.util.Scanner; import java.util.regex.Pattern; /** Centralized error reporting tools * error reports are output to System.err (standard error, aka stderr) */ abstract class Error { private Error() {} // prevent construction of any instances! Never called! private static int errorCount = 0; /** Fatal error * @param msg -- the warning message * this never returns, the application is terminated abnormally */ public static void fatal( String msg ) { System.err.println( "Error: " + msg ); System.exit( 1 ); // report failure to the OS (or to the shell) } /** Non-fatal warning * @param msg -- the warning message */ public static void warn( String msg ) { System.err.println( "Warning: " + msg ); errorCount = errorCount + 1; } /** If there have been any warnings prior to this call, exit */ public static void exitIfWarnings() { if (errorCount > 0) { System.exit( 1 ); // report failure to the OS (or to the shell) } } } /** Support for scanning input files with error reporting * @see Error * @see java.util.Scanner * Ideally, this would be extend class Scanner, but class Scanner is final * Therefore, this is a wrapper class around class Scanner */ class MyScanner { Scanner sc; // the scanner we are wrapping public MyScanner( File f ) throws FileNotFoundException { sc = new Scanner( f ); } // methods that we wish we could inhereit from Scanner public boolean hasNext() { return sc.hasNext(); } public boolean hasNextFloat() { return sc.hasNextFloat(); } public String next() { return sc.next(); } // patterns that matter here, all will match the empty string private static final Pattern delimPat = Pattern.compile( "[ \t\n\r]*" ); private static final Pattern notNamePat = Pattern.compile( "[^A-Za-z]*|" ); private static final Pattern namePat = Pattern.compile( "([A-Za-z][0-9A-Za-z]*)|" ); private static final Pattern NotIntPat = Pattern.compile( "([^-0-9]*)|" ); private static final Pattern intPat = Pattern.compile( "((-[0-9]|)[0-9]*)" ); private static final Pattern notFloatPat = Pattern.compile( "[^-0-9]*|" ); private static final Pattern floatPat = Pattern.compile( "(-|)(([0-9][0-9]*\\.[0-9]*)|([0-9]*\\.[0-9][0-9]*)|([0-9]*))" ); /** tool to defer computation of messages output by methods of MyScanner * To pass a specific message, create a subclass of Message to do it */ public interface Message { String myString(); } // new methods added to class Scanner /** get the next name from the scanner or complain if missing * Names start with letter then letters or digits up to anything else. * @param defaut -- return value if there is no next item * @param errorMesage -- the message to complain with * @return the next item or the default */ public String getNextName( String defalt, Message errorMessage ) { sc.skip( delimPat ); String errorText = sc.skip( notNamePat ).match().group(); String name = sc.skip( namePat ).match().group(); if (!errorText.isEmpty()) { Error.warn( errorMessage.myString() + " skipped " + errorText ); } if (name.isEmpty()) { Error.warn( errorMessage.myString() ); return defalt; } else { return name; } } /** get the next integer from the scanner or complain if missing * See intPat for the details of what makes a float. * @param defalt -- return value if there is no next integer * @param errorMesage -- the message to complain with (lambda expression) * @return the next integer or the defalt */ public int getNextInt( int defalt, Message errorMessage ) { // first skip the delimiter, accumulate anything that's not an int String notInt = sc.skip( delimPat ).skip( NotIntPat ).match().group(); // second accumulate the int, if any String text = sc.skip( delimPat ).skip( intPat ).match().group(); if (!notInt.isEmpty()) { // there's something else where an int belonged Error.warn( errorMessage.myString() + ": int expected, skipping " + notInt ); } if (text.isEmpty()) { // missing name Error.warn( errorMessage.myString() ); return defalt; } else { // the name was present and it matches intPat return Integer.parseInt( text ); } } /** get the next float from the scanner or complain if missing * only support 0.0 0. .0 . (no exponent field allowed) * @param defalt -- return value if there is no next item * @param errorMesage -- the message to complain with * @return the next item or the defalt */ public float getNextFloat( float defalt, Message errorMessage ) { sc.skip( delimPat ); String errorText = sc.skip( notFloatPat ).match().group(); String text = sc.skip( floatPat ).match().group(); if (!errorText.isEmpty()) { Error.warn( errorMessage.myString() + " skipped " + errorText ); } if ( text.isEmpty() ) { Error.warn( errorMessage.myString() ); return defalt; } else { return Float.parseFloat( text ); // this will not throw uncheckedException because text is valid } } // patterns for use with the NextLiteral routines public static final Pattern beginParen = Pattern.compile( "\\(|" ); public static final Pattern endParen = Pattern.compile( "\\)|" ); public static final Pattern dash = Pattern.compile( "-|" ); public static final Pattern semicolon = Pattern.compile( ";|" ); /** try to get the next literal from the scanner * @param literal -- the literal to get * @returns true if the literal was present and skipped, false otherwise * The literal parameter must be a pattern that can match the empty string * if the desired literal is not present. */ public boolean tryNextLiteral( Pattern literal ) { sc.skip( delimPat ); // allow delimiter before literal! String s = sc.skip( literal ).match().group(); return !s.isEmpty(); } /** get the next literal from the scanner or complain if missing * @param literal -- the literal to get * @param errorMesage -- the message to complain with (lambda expression) * @see tryNextLiteral for the mechanism used. */ public void getNextLiteral( Pattern literal, Message errorMessage ) { if ( !tryNextLiteral( literal ) ) { Error.warn( errorMessage.myString() ); } } } /** Wrapper extending class Random, turning it into a singleton class * @see Random * Ideally, no user should ever create an instance of Random, all use this! * Users can call MyRandom.stream.anyMethodOfRandom() (or of MyRandom) * or MyRandom.stream().anyMethodOfRandom() * Users can allocate MyRandom myStream = MyRandom.stream; * or MyRandom myStream = MyRandom.stream(); * No matter how they do it, they get the same stream */ class MyRandom extends Random { public static final MyRandom stream = new MyRandom(); // the only stream; // nobody can construct a MyRandom except the above line of code private MyRandom() { super(); } /* alternative access to stream * Returns the only stream */ public static MyRandom stream() { return stream; } // add distributions that weren't built in /** exponential distribution * @param mean -- the mean value of the distribution * @return a positive exponentially distributed random value */ public double nextExponential( double mean ) { return mean * -Math.log( this.nextDouble() ); } } /** Framework for discrete event simulation */ class Simulator { private Simulator() {} // prevent construction of instances! Don't call! /** Functional interface for scheduling actions to be done later * Users will generally never mention Action or trigger because * this is used to support lambda expressions passed to schedule(). */ public static interface Action { void trigger( double time ); } private static class Event { public final double time; // when will this event occur public final Action act; // what to do then public Event( double t, Action a ) { time = t; act = a; } } private static final PriorityQueue eventSet = new PriorityQueue<>( ( Event e1, Event e2 )-> Double.compare( e1.time, e2.time ) ); /** Schedule an event to occur at a future time * @param t, the time of the event * @param a, what to do for that event * example: *
     *    Simulator.schedule( now+later, (double t)-> whatToDo( then, stuff ) );
*/ public static void schedule( double t, Action a ) { eventSet.add( new Event( t, a ) ); } /** Run the simulation * Before running the simulation, schedule the initial events * all of the simulation occurs as side effects of scheduled events */ public static void run() { while (!eventSet.isEmpty()) { Event e = eventSet.remove(); e.act.trigger( e.time ); } } } /** Vehicles drive over roads through intersections * @see Road * @see Intersection */ class Vehicle { // BUG no known attributes private static final MyRandom rand = MyRandom.stream; /** The vehicle makes navigation decisions * @param i -- the intersection the vehicle is at * @param r -- the set of available outgoing roads * @return the road it picked */ public Road pickOutgoing( Intersection i, ArrayList r ) { // BUG drivers don't know where they're going, they just turn at random return r.get( rand.nextInt( r.size() ) ); } } /** Roads connect intersections */ class Road { // instance variables private final Intersection source; // road from here private final Intersection destination; // road to there // BUG what direction does this road enter that destination from? private final double travelTime; // time in seconds // static information about all roads // BUG: only public so test code can iterate over it -- alternatives? public final static LinkedList all = new LinkedList<>(); /** Read a road description and construct it * @param in -- the Scanner from which the road description is read */ public Road( MyScanner in ) { final String srcname; // name of source intersection final String dstname; // name of destination intersection final float travtim; // temporary travel time srcname = in.getNextName( "???", ()-> "road: source missing" ); dstname = in.getNextName( "???", ()-> "road " + srcname + ": destination missing" ); travtim = in.getNextFloat( 99999F, ()-> "road " + srcname + " " + dstname + ": travel time missing" ); in.getNextLiteral( MyScanner.semicolon, ()-> "road " + srcname + " " + dstname + " " + travtim + ": semicolon missing" ); // BUG: What about time units? if (travtim <= 0.0F) { Error.warn( "road " + srcname + " " + dstname + " " + travtim + ": negative travel time?" ); travelTime = 99999F; } else { travelTime = travtim; } // look up the source and destination intersections source = Intersection.lookup( srcname ); if (source == null) { Error.warn( "road " + srcname + " " + dstname + " " + travtim + ": undefined source intersection?" ); } else { // tell the intersectio that it is connected source.setOutgoing( this ); } destination = Intersection.lookup( dstname ); if (destination == null) { Error.warn( "road " + srcname + " " + dstname + " " + travtim + ": undefined destination intersection?" ); } else { // tell the intersectio that it is connected destination.setIncoming( this ); } all.add( this ); } // Behavior for roads /** A vehicle enters the road from an intersection * @param time of entry * @param v -- the vehicle * Typically called from intersection */ public void enter( double time, Vehicle v ) { Simulator.schedule( time + travelTime, (double t)-> exit( t, v ) ); // BUG the travel time could have been perturbed with a random element // BUG the travel time could have been adjusted for congestion of road } /** A vehicle exits the road */ private void exit( double time, Vehicle v ) { destination.arrive( time, v ); // BUG does the intersection care what incoming road I entered from? } // Utility stuff for Road /** Reconstruct a string approximation of the text used to create this road * WARNING: Never call this until after a call to Error.exitIfWarnings() */ public String toString() { return "road " + source.name + " " + destination.name + " " + travelTime + " ;"; } } /** Intersections are connected by roads */ class Intersection { // instance variables of each intersection public final String name; // the name of the intersection private final double traversalTime; // time in seconds protected final int directions; // number of incoming directions private ArrayList incoming = new ArrayList<>(); // roads to here private ArrayList outgoing = new ArrayList<>(); // roads from here boolean occupied = false; // is there a vehicle in this intersection // FIFO queue of vehicles waiting or in this intersection, initially empty LinkedList waiting = new LinkedList<>(); // static data about all the intersections // BUG: only public so test code can iterate over it -- alternatives? public final static LinkedList all = new LinkedList<>(); /** Constructor is needed to set final fields * @param n -- the name of the intersection * @param tt -- the traversal time */ protected Intersection( String n, double tt, int d ) { name = n; traversalTime = tt; directions = d; } /** Factory to Read an intersection description and construct it * @param in -- the Scanner from which the intersection description is read * Note: This does not return the newly allocated object, it merely adds * it to the list of all intersections. */ public static void newOne( MyScanner in ) { String n = in.getNextName( "???", ()-> "intersection: name missing" ); float tt = in.getNextFloat( 99999F, ()-> "intersection " + n + ": traversal time missing" ); // BUG: What about time units? int d = in.getNextInt( 1, ()-> "intersection " + n + " " + tt + ": number of directions missing" ); // sanity checks on fields if (lookup( n ) != null) Error.warn( "intersection " + n + " " + tt + " " + d + ": name redefined?" ); if (tt < 0.0F) Error.warn( "intersection " + n + " " + tt + " " + d + ": negative time?" ); if (d < 1) Error.warn( "intersection " + n + " " + tt + " " + d + ": negative directions?" ); if (!in.tryNextLiteral( MyScanner.semicolon )) { String subclass = in.getNextName( "???", ()-> "intersection " + n + " " + tt + " " + d + ": subclass missing" ); if ("stoplight".equals( subclass ) ) { all.add( new Stoplight( in, n, tt, d ) ); } else if ("source".equals( subclass ) ) { all.add( new Source( in, n, tt, d ) ); } else if ("sink".equals( subclass ) ) { all.add( new Sink( in, n, tt, d ) ); } else { Error.warn( "intersection " + n + " " + tt + " " + d + " " + subclass + ": not a kind of intersection" ); all.add( new Intersection( n, tt, d ) ); // prevent error cascade } in.getNextLiteral( MyScanner.semicolon, ()-> "intersection " + n + " " + tt + " " + d + ": semicolon missing" ); } else { all.add( new Intersection( n, tt, d ) ); } } // Additional tools for constructing the network /** add a road to the list of incoming roads * @param r the road * Called only from constructor for roads. */ public void setIncoming( Road r ) { incoming.add( r ); } /** add a road to the list of outgoing roads * @param r the road * Called only from constructor for roads. */ public void setOutgoing( Road r ) { outgoing.add( r ); } // Behavior for intersections /** a vehicle arrives at this intersection, usually from a road * @param time the vehicle arrives * @param v the vehicle that arrives */ public void arrive( double time, Vehicle v ) { System.out.println( // Debug output, comment out if not debugging v.toString() + " arrived at" + name + " at " + time ); waiting.add(v); if (!occupied) { occupied = true; Simulator.schedule( time + traversalTime, (double t)-> depart( t ) ); } } /** a vehicle departs from this intersection * @param time the vehicle arrives * @param v the vehicle that arrives */ public void depart( double time ) { Vehicle v = waiting.remove(); if (waiting.isEmpty()) { occupied = false; } v.pickOutgoing( this, outgoing ).enter( time, v ); } // Utility stuff for intersections public String toString() { return "intersection " + name + " " + traversalTime + " " + directions + ";"; } /** look up an interseciton by name * @param name -- the textual name of the intersetion * @return the Intersection object or null if there is none */ public static Intersection lookup( String name ) { for (Intersection i: all) if (i.name.equals( name )) return i; return null; } } /** Sources are a kind of Intersection that generates traffic * Typically, sourcers will represent edge points on the road * network where cars enter from the outside world. */ class Source extends Intersection { private final double interval; // average inter-arrival time /** constructor called only from the factory in class Intersection * @param in the scanner from which the stoplight description is read * @param n the name of the intersection * @param tt the traversal time of that intersection * @param d the number of directions of this intersection * This code assumes that "intersection name time source" has * already been scanned from the input and that it will scan the * sources period before returning to code that scans the * trailing semicolon. */ protected Source( MyScanner in, String n, float tt, int d ) { super( n, tt, d ); interval = in.getNextFloat( 999.9F, ()-> this.toString() + " source: interval expected" ); if (interval <= 0.0) { Error.warn( this.toString() + " source" + interval + ": interval must be positive" ); } Simulator.schedule( MyRandom.stream.nextExponential( interval ), (double t)-> create( t ) ); } private void create( double time ) { Simulator.schedule( time + MyRandom.stream.nextExponential( interval ), (double t)-> create( t ) ); this.arrive( time, new Vehicle() ); } } /** Sinks are a kind of Intersection that consumes traffic * Typically, sinks will represent edge points on the road * network where cars leave to the outside world. */ class Sink extends Intersection { /** constructor called only from the factory in class Intersection * @param in the scanner from which the stoplight description is read * @param n the name of the intersection * @param tt the traversal time of that intersection * @param d the number of directions of this intersection * This code assumes that "intersection name time source" has * already been scanned from the input and that it will scan the * sources period before returning to code that scans the * trailing semicolon. */ protected Sink( MyScanner in, String n, float tt, int d ) { super( n, tt, d ); } // Behavior for intersections /** a vehicle arrives at this sink intersection, usually from a road * @param time the vehicle arrives * @param v the vehicle that arrives */ public void arrive( double time, Vehicle v ) { System.out.println( // Debug output, comment out if not debugging v.toString() + " arrived at" + name + " at " + time + " and exiting" ); // conceptually vehicle is crushed and recycled // rely on Java to reclaim vehicles resources // this only works if we don't accidentally retain a handle on v } } /** Stoplights are a kind of Intersection with distinct behavior */ class Stoplight extends Intersection { private final double interval; // period of stoplight // BUG lists of waiting cars in each direction // BUG direction -- how many directions does this stoplight control /** constructor called only from the factory in class Intersection * @param in the scanner from which the stoplight description is read * @param n the name of the intersection * @param tt the traversal time of that intersection * @param d the number of directions of this intersection * This code assumes that "intersection name time stoplight" has * already been scanned from the input and that it will scan the * stop-light's period before returning to code that scans the * trailing semicolon. */ protected Stoplight( MyScanner in, String n, float tt, int d ) { super( n, tt, d ); interval = in.getNextFloat( 999.9F, ()-> this.toString() + " stoplight: interval expected" ); if (interval <= 0.0) { Error.warn( this.toString() + " stoplight " + interval + ": interval must be positive" ); } // BUG: eventually, stop-lights ought to do something to traffic? Simulator.schedule( MyRandom.stream.nextDouble() * interval, (double t)->lightChange( t ) ); } private void lightChange( double time ) { Simulator.schedule( time + interval, (double t)->lightChange( t ) ); // BUG unblock waiting cars // BUG start blocking cars in new direction } } public class RoadNetwork { /** build a road network model by scanning an input file * @param in -- the scanner used to read the file * Input file contains keywords road and intersection, * details beyond that are handled by the appropriate classes */ private static void buildModel( MyScanner in ) { double endOfTime = 0.0; while (in.hasNext()) { String keyword = in.getNextName( "???", ()-> "intersection: name missing" ); if ("intersection".equals( keyword )) { Intersection.newOne( in ); } else if ("road".equals( keyword )) { new Road( in ); } else if ("end".equals( keyword )) { double et; // effectively final end of time et = in.getNextFloat( 0.01F, ()-> "end: time expected" ); in.getNextLiteral( MyScanner.semicolon, ()-> "end " + et + ": semicolon missing" ); if (et <= 0) { Error.warn( "end " + et + ": non positive end time?" ); } if (endOfTime != 0.0) { Error.warn( "end " + et + ": duplicate end time?" ); } else { endOfTime = et; } } else { Error.warn( "not a keyword in the input: " + keyword ); } } if (endOfTime == 0.0) { Error.warn( "end of time not specified" ); } else { Simulator.schedule( endOfTime, (double t)->System.exit(0) ); } Error.exitIfWarnings(); // if there were warnings, don't try to go on } /** Print out the road network. * This is intended to help with debugging buildmodel */ private static void printModel() { for (Intersection i: Intersection.all) { System.out.println( i.toString() ); } for (Road r: Road.all) { System.out.println( "" + r ); } } /** main method mostly concerned with command line arguments * @param args -- the command line arguments * Want just one argument, the file name for model description */ public static void main( String[] args ) { // arg[0] should be the name of a file describing a road network if (args.length < 1) { Error.fatal( "missing command line argument, a file name" ); } if (args.length > 1) { Error.warn( "extra command line argument: " + args[1] ); } try { buildModel( new MyScanner( new File( args[0] ) ) ); // printModel(); // BUG: this is only for debugging Simulator.run(); } catch ( FileNotFoundException e ) { Error.fatal( "could not open file: " + args[0] ); } } }