# You may have to edit this file to delete header lines produced by # mailers or news systems from this file (all lines before these shell # comments you are currently reading). # Shell archive made by dwjones on Tue 13 Apr 2021 10:32:26 AM CDT # To install this software on a UNIX system: # 1) create a directory (e.g. with the shell command mkdir stuff) # 2) change to that directory (e.g. with the command cd stuff), # 3) direct the remainder of this text to sh (e.g. sh < ../savedmail). # This will make sh create files in the new directory; it will do # nothing else (if you're paranoid, you should scan the following text # to verify this before you follow these directions). Then read README # in the new directory for additional instructions. cat > Error.java <<\xxxxxxxxxx // Error.java /** Error reporting framework * @author Douglas W. Jones * @version Apr. 6, 2021 lifted from Epidemic.java of that date * All error messages go to System.err (aka stderr, the standard error stream). * Currently, this only supports fatal error reporting. * Later it would be nice to have a way to report non-fatal errors. */ public class Error { private static int warningCount = 0; /** Report a fatal error * @param msg -- error message to be output * This never returns, the program terminates reporting failure. */ public static void fatal( String msg ) { System.err.println( "Epidemic: " + msg ); System.exit( 1 ); // abnormal termination } /** Non-fatal warning * @param msg -- the warning message * keeps a running count of warnings */ public static void warn( String msg ) { System.err.println( "Warning: " + msg ); warningCount = warningCount + 1; } /** Error exit if any warnings */ public static void exitIfWarnings( String msg ) { if (warningCount > 0) fatal( msg ); } } xxxxxxxxxx cat > MyScanner.java <<\xxxxxxxxxx // MyScanner.java import java.io.File; import java.io.FileNotFoundException; import java.util.Scanner; import java.util.regex.Pattern; /** Support for scanning input files with error reporting * @author Douglas W. Jones * @version Apr. 6, 2021 lifted from Epidemic.java of that date * @see Error * @see java.util.Scanner * Ideally, this would be extend class Scanner, but class Scanner is final * Therefore, this is a wrapper class around class Scanner */ public class MyScanner { private Scanner sc; // the scanner we are wrapping public MyScanner( File f ) throws FileNotFoundException { sc = new Scanner( f ); } // methods that we wish we could inhereit from Scanner public boolean hasNext() { return sc.hasNext(); } public boolean hasNext( String s ) { return sc.hasNext( s ); } public String next() { return sc.next(); } // patterns that matter here // delimiters are spaces, tabs, newlines and carriage returns private static final Pattern delimPat = Pattern.compile( "[ \t\n\r]*" ); // note that all of the following patterns allow an empty string to match // this is used in error detection below // if it's not a name, it begins with a non-letter private static final Pattern NotNamePat = Pattern.compile( "([^A-Za-z]*)|" ); // names consist of a letter followed optionally by letters or digits private static final Pattern namePat = Pattern.compile( "([A-Za-z][0-9A-Za-z]*)|" ); // if it's not an int, it begins with a non-digit, non-negative-sign private static final Pattern NotIntPat = Pattern.compile( "([^-0-9]*)|" ); // ints consist of an optional sign followed by at least one digit private static final Pattern intPat = Pattern.compile( "((-[0-9]|)[0-9]*)" ); // floats consist of an optional sign followed by // at least one digit, with an optional point before between or after them private static final Pattern floatPat = Pattern.compile( "-?(([0-9]+\\.[0-9]*)|(\\.[0-9]+)|([0-9]*))" ); /** tool to defer computation of messages output by methods of MyScanner * To pass a specific message, create a subclass of Message to do it * In general, this will be used to create lambda expressions, so * users will not need to even know the class name! */ public interface Message { String myString(); } // new methods added to class Scanner /** get the next nae from the scanner or complain if missing * See namePat for the details of what makes a float. * @param defalt -- return value if there is no next item * @param errorMesage -- the message to complain with (lambda expression) * @return the next item or the defalt */ public String getNextName( String defalt, Message errorMessage ) { // first skip the delimiter, accumulate anything that's not a name String notName = sc.skip( delimPat ).skip( NotNamePat ).match().group(); // second accumulate the name String name = sc.skip( namePat ).match().group(); if (!notName.isEmpty()) { // there's something else a name belonged Error.warn( errorMessage.myString() + ": name expected, skipping " + notName ); } if (name.isEmpty()) { // missing name Error.warn( errorMessage.myString() ); return defalt; } else { // there was a name return name; } } /** get the next integer from the scanner or complain if missing * See intPat for the details of what makes a float. * @param defalt -- return value if there is no next integer * @param errorMesage -- the message to complain with (lambda expression) * @return the next integer or the defalt */ public int getNextInt( int defalt, Message errorMessage ) { // first skip the delimiter, accumulate anything that's not an int String notInt = sc.skip( delimPat ).skip( NotIntPat ).match().group(); // second accumulate the int, if any String text = sc.skip( delimPat ).skip( intPat ).match().group(); if (!notInt.isEmpty()) { // there's something else where an int belonged Error.warn( errorMessage.myString() + ": int expected, skipping " + notInt ); } if (text.isEmpty()) { // missing name Error.warn( errorMessage.myString() ); return defalt; } else { // the name was present and it matches intPat return Integer.parseInt( text ); } } /** get the next float(double) from the scanner or complain if missing * See floatPat for the details of what makes a float. * @param defalt -- return value if there is no next integer * @param defalt -- return value if there is no next float * @param errorMesage -- the message to complain with (lambda expression) * @return the next float or the defalt */ public double getNextFloat( double defalt, Message errorMessage ) { // skip the delimiter, if any, then the float, if any; get the latter String text = sc.skip( delimPat ).skip( floatPat ).match().group(); if (text.isEmpty()) { // missing name Error.warn( errorMessage.myString() ); return defalt; } else { // the name was present and it matches intPat return Float.parseFloat( text ); } } // patterns for use with the NextLiteral routines public static final Pattern beginParen = Pattern.compile( "\\(|" ); public static final Pattern endParen = Pattern.compile( "\\)|" ); public static final Pattern dash = Pattern.compile( "-|" ); public static final Pattern semicolon = Pattern.compile( ";|" ); /** try to get the next literal from the scanner * @param literal -- the literal to get * @returns true if the literal was present and skipped, false otherwise * The literal parameter must be a pattern that can match the empty string * if the desired literal is not present. */ public boolean tryNextLiteral( Pattern literal ) { sc.skip( delimPat ); // allow delimiter before literal! String s = sc.skip( literal ).match().group(); return !s.isEmpty(); } /** get the next literal from the scanner or complain if missing * @param literal -- the literal to get * @param errorMesage -- the message to complain with (lambda expression) * @see tryNextLiteral for the mechanism used. */ public void getNextLiteral( Pattern literal, Message errorMessage ) { if ( !tryNextLiteral( literal ) ) { Error.warn( errorMessage.myString() ); } } } xxxxxxxxxx cat > Check.java <<\xxxxxxxxxx // Check.java /** Class for semantic error checkers * @author Douglas W. Jones * @version Apr. 6, 2021 lifted from Epidemic.java of that date * @see Error * This is a place to put error checking code that doesn't fit elsewhere. * The error check methods here actually take up more space than the * code they helped clarify, so the net gain in readability for this code * is rather limited. Perhaps as the program grows, they'll help more. */ public class Check { private Check(){} // nobody should ever construct a check object /** Force a floating (double) value to be positive * @param v -- value to check * @param d -- default value to use if the check fails * @param m -- message to output if check fails * @return either value if success or defalt if failure */ public static double positive( double v, double d, MyScanner.Message m ) { if (v > 0.0) { return v; } else { Error.warn( m.myString() ); return d; } } /** Force a floating (double) value to be non negative * @param v -- value to check * @param d -- default value to use if the check fails * @param m -- message to output if check fails * @return either value if success or defalt if failure */ public static double nonNeg( double v, double d, MyScanner.Message m ) { if (v >= 0.0) { return v; } else { Error.warn( m.myString() ); return d; } } /** Scan end of command line containing a positive integer argument * @param in -- the scanner to use * @param msg -- the error message prefix to output if error * @return the value scanned or 1 if the value was defective */ public static int posIntSemicolon( MyScanner in, MyScanner.Message msg ) { final int num = in.getNextInt( 1, ()-> msg + ": missing integer" ); in.getNextLiteral( MyScanner.semicolon, ()-> msg.myString() + num + ": missing ;" ); if (num <= 0) { Error.warn( msg.myString() + num + ": not positive" ); return 1; } return num; } } xxxxxxxxxx cat > MyRandom.java <<\xxxxxxxxxx // MyRandom.java import java.util.Random; /** Wrapper extending class Random, turning it into a singleton class * @author Douglas W. Jones * @version Apr. 6, 2021 lifted from Epidemic.java of that date * @see Random * Ideally, no user should ever create an instance of Random, all use this! * Users can call MyRandom.stream.anyMethodOfRandom() (or of MyRandom) * or MyRandom.stream().anyMethodOfRandom() * Users can allocate MyRandom myStream = MyRandom.stream; * or MyRandom myStream = MyRandom.stream(); * No matter how they do it, they get the same stream */ public class MyRandom extends Random { /** the only random number stream */ public static final MyRandom stream = new MyRandom(); // the only stream; // nobody can construct a MyRandom except the above line of code private MyRandom() { super(); } /* alternative access to the only random number stream * @return the only stream */ public static MyRandom stream() { return stream; } // add distributions that weren't built in /** exponential distribution * @param mean -- the mean value of the distribution * @return a positive exponentially distributed random value */ public double nextExponential( double mean ) { return mean * -Math.log( this.nextDouble() ); } /** log-normal distribution * @param median -- the median value of the distribution * @param sigma -- the sigma of the underlying normal distribution * @return a log-normally distributed random value */ public double nextLogNormal( double median, double sigma ) { return Math.exp( sigma * this.nextGaussian() ) * median; } } xxxxxxxxxx cat > Simulator.java <<\xxxxxxxxxx // Simulator.java import java.util.PriorityQueue; /** Framework for discrete event simulation * @author Douglas W. Jones * @version Apr. 6, 2021 lifted from Epidemic.java of that date */ public class Simulator { private Simulator() {} // prevent construction of instances! Don't call! /** Functional interface for scheduling actions to be done later * Users will generally never mention Action or trigger because * this is used to support lambda expressions passed to schedule(). */ public static interface Action { void trigger( double time ); } private static class Event { public final double time; // when will this event occur public final Action act; // what to do then public Event( double t, Action a ) { time = t; act = a; } } private static final PriorityQueue eventSet = new PriorityQueue<>( ( Event e1, Event e2 )-> Double.compare( e1.time, e2.time ) ); /** Schedule an event to occur at a future time * @param t, the time of the event * @param a, what to do for that event * example: *
     *    Simulator.schedule( now+later, (double t)-> whatToDo( then, stuff ) );
*/ public static void schedule( double t, Action a ) { eventSet.add( new Event( t, a ) ); } /** Run the simulation * Before running the simulation, schedule the initial events * all of the simulation occurs as side effects of scheduled events */ public static void run() { while (!eventSet.isEmpty()) { Event e = eventSet.remove(); e.act.trigger( e.time ); } } } xxxxxxxxxx cat > Time.java <<\xxxxxxxxxx // Time.java /** All about simulated time * @author Douglas W. Jones * @version Apr. 6, 2021 lifted from Epidemic.java of that date */ public class Time { /** one second of simulated time */ public static double second = 1.0F; /** one minute of simulated time */ public static double minute = 60.0F * second; /** one hour of simulated time */ public static double hour = 60.0F * minute; /** one day of simulated time */ public static double day = 24.0F * hour; } xxxxxxxxxx cat > InfectionRule.java <<\xxxxxxxxxx // InfectionRule.java /** Statistical Description of the disease progress * @author Douglas W. Jones * @version Apr. 6, 2021 lifted from Epidemic.java of that date * @see MyRandom * @see MyScanner */ public class InfectionRule { private final double median; // median of the distribution private final double sigma; // sigma of the distribution private final double recovery; // recovery probability private static final MyRandom rand = MyRandom.stream(); /** construct a new InfectionRule * @param in -- the input stream * @param context -- the context for error messages */ public InfectionRule( MyScanner in, MyScanner.Message context ) { final double scatter; median = Time.day * in.getNextFloat( 1.0, ()-> context.myString() + ": median expected" ); scatter = Time.day * in.getNextFloat( 0.0, ()-> context.myString() + " " + median + ": scatter expected" ); if (!in.tryNextLiteral( MyScanner.semicolon )) { recovery = in.getNextFloat( 0.0, ()-> context.myString() + " " + median + " " + scatter + ": recovery probability expected" ); if (!in.tryNextLiteral( MyScanner.semicolon )) Error.warn( context.myString() + " " + median + " " + scatter + " " + recovery + "semicolon expected" ); } else { recovery = 0.0; } // sanity checks on the values Check.positive( median, 0.0, ()-> context.myString() + " " + median + " " + scatter + " " + recovery + ": non-positive median?" ); Check.nonNeg( scatter, 0.0, ()-> context.myString() + " " + median + " " + scatter + " " + recovery + ": negative scatter?" ); Check.nonNeg( recovery, 0.0, ()-> context.myString() + " " + median + " " + scatter + " " + recovery + ": negative recovery probability?" ); if (recovery > 1.0) { Error.warn( context.myString() + " " + median + " " + scatter + " " + recovery + ": recovery probability greater than zero?" ); } // we do this up front so scatter is never seen again. sigma = Math.log( (scatter + median) / median ); } /** Toss the dice to see if someone recovers under the terms of this rule * @return true if recovers, false if not */ public boolean recover() { return rand.nextFloat() <= recovery; } /** Toss the dice to see how long this disease state lasts under this rule * @return the time until the next change of disease state */ public double duration() { return rand.nextLogNormal( median, sigma ); } } xxxxxxxxxx cat > Schedule.java <<\xxxxxxxxxx // Schedule.java /** Tuple of start and end times used for scheduling people's visits to places * @author Douglas W. Jones * @version Apr. 10, 2021 augmented per MP10 to support likelihood of travel * @see Person * @see Place * @see MyScanner for the tools used to read schedules * @see Error for the tools used to report errors in schedules * @see Check for the tools used to check sanity of numbers in schedules * @see Simulator for the tools used to schedule activity under schedules * @see MyRandom for the tools used to assure randomness */ public class Schedule { // instance variables public final double startTime; // times are in seconds anno midnight public final double duration; // duration of visit public final double likelihood;// probability this visit will take place // source of randomness static final MyRandom rand = MyRandom.stream; /** construct a new Schedule * @param in -- the input stream * @param context -- the context for error messages * Syntax: (0.0-0.0) * Meaning: (start-end) times given in hours from midnight * The begin paren must just have been scanned from the input stream */ public Schedule( MyScanner in, MyScanner.Message context ) { // get start time of schedule final double st = in.getNextFloat( 23.98F, ()-> context.myString() + "(: not followed by start time" ); in.getNextLiteral( MyScanner.dash, ()-> context.myString() + "(" + st + ": not followed by -" ); // get end time of schedule final double et = in.getNextFloat( 23.99F, ()-> context.myString() + "(" + st + "-: not followed by end time" ); final double lh; // likelihood of move taking place if (!in.tryNextLiteral( MyScanner.endParen )) { lh = in.getNextFloat( 0.0, ()-> context.myString() + "(" + st + '-' + et + "-: not followed by likelihood" ); in.getNextLiteral( MyScanner.endParen, ()-> context.myString() + "(" + st + "-" + et + " " + lh + ": not followed by )" ); } else { lh = 1.0; } // check sanity constraints on schedule if (st >= 24.00F) { Error.warn( context.myString() + "(" + st + "-" + et + "): start time is tomorrow" ); } Check.nonNeg( st, 0.0F, ()-> context.myString() + "(" + st + "-" + et + "): start time is yesterday" ); if (st >= et) { Error.warn( context.myString() + "(" + st + "-" + et + "): times out of order" ); } Check.nonNeg( lh, 0.0F, ()-> context.myString() + "(" + st + "-" + et + " " + lh + "): likelihood cannot be negative" ); if (lh > 1.0) { Error.warn( context.myString() + "(" + st + "-" + et + " " + lh + "): likelihood cannot be over 1.0" ); } startTime = st * Time.hour; duration = (et * Time.hour) - startTime; likelihood = lh; } /** compare two schedules to see if they overlap * @return true if they overlap, false otherwise */ public boolean overlap( Schedule s ) { if (s == null) return false; double thisEnd = this.startTime + this.duration; if (this.startTime <= s.startTime) { if (s.startTime <= (this.startTime + this.duration)) return true; } double sEnd = s.startTime + s.duration; if (s.startTime <= this.startTime) { if (this.startTime <= (s.startTime + s.duration)) return true; } return false; } /** commit a person to following a schedule regarding a place * @param person * @param place * this starts the logical process of making a person follow this schedule */ public void apply( Person person, Place place ) { Simulator.schedule( startTime, (double t)-> go( t, person, place ) ); } /** keep a person on schedule * @param person * @param place * this continues a logical process of moving a person on this schedule */ private void go( double time, Person person, Place place ) { double tomorrow = time + Time.day; // first, ensure that we keep following this schedule Simulator.schedule( tomorrow, (double t)-> go( t, person, place ) ); if (rand.nextFloat() < likelihood) { // second, make the person go there if they take the trip person.travelTo( time, place ); // third, make sure we get home if we took the trip Simulator.schedule( time + duration, (double t)-> person.goHome( t ) ); } } /** convert a Schedule back to textual form * @return the schedule as a string * Syntax: (0.0-0.0) * Meaning: (start-end) times given in hours from midnight */ public String toString() { return "(" + startTime/Time.hour + "-" + (startTime + duration) / Time.hour + " " + likelihood + ")"; } } xxxxxxxxxx cat > Person.java <<\xxxxxxxxxx // Person.java import java.util.LinkedList; /** People are the central actors in the simulation * @author Douglas W. Jones * @version Apr. 6, 2021 lifted from Epidemic.java of that date * @see Role for the roles people play * @see Place for the places people visit * @see MyRandom for the source of randomness */ public class Person { private static enum DiseaseStates { uninfected, latent, asymptomatic, symptomatic, bedridden, recovered, dead // this must be the last state so that // DiseaseStates.dead.ordinal()+1 is the number of disease states } // population broken down by disease state private static int[] popByState = new int[ DiseaseStates.dead.ordinal()+1 ]; // timing characteristics of disease state private static InfectionRule latent; private static InfectionRule asymptomatic; private static InfectionRule symptomatic; private static InfectionRule bedridden; public static void setDiseaseParameters( InfectionRule l, InfectionRule a, InfectionRule s, InfectionRule b ) { latent = l; asymptomatic = a; symptomatic = s; bedridden = b; } // linkage from person to place involves a schedule private class PlaceSchedule { public Place place; public Schedule schedule; public PlaceSchedule( Place p, Schedule s ) { place = p; schedule = s; } } // instance variables created from model description private final Role role; // role of this person private Place home; // this person's home place, set by emplace private final LinkedList places = new LinkedList<>(); // instance variables that change as simulation progressses private DiseaseStates diseaseState = DiseaseStates.uninfected; private Place location; // initialized by emplace private double infectMeTime = 0.0; // time I will get infected // for the above, the default 0.0 allows for infection at startup // static variables used for all people private static LinkedList allPeople = new LinkedList(); private static MyRandom rand = MyRandom.stream; /** Construct a new person to perform some role * @param r -- the role * This constructor deliberately defers putting people in any places */ public Person( Role r ) { role = r; allPeople.add( this ); // include this person in the list of all popByState[ diseaseState.ordinal() ]++; // include it in the statistics }; // methods used during model construction, at time 0.0 /** Associate this person to a particular place * @param p -- the place * @param s -- the associated schedule */ public void emplace( Place p, Schedule s ) { if (s != null) { places.add( new PlaceSchedule( p, s ) ); s.apply( this, p ); // commit to following schedule s for place p } else { assert home == null: "Role guarantees only one home place"; home = p; location = home; location.arrive( 0.0, this ); // tell location about new occupant } } // state query /** Is this person contageous? * @returns true if they are */ public boolean isContageous() { return (diseaseState.compareTo( DiseaseStates.asymptomatic ) >= 0) && (diseaseState.compareTo( DiseaseStates.bedridden ) <= 0); } // simulation of behavior /** Schedule the time at which a person will be infected * @param time -- the current time * @param meanDelay -- the delay until infection */ public void scheduleInfect( double time, double meanDelay ) { if (diseaseState == DiseaseStates.uninfected) { // irrelevant if not double delay = rand.nextExponential( meanDelay ); infectMeTime = time + delay; Simulator.schedule( infectMeTime, (double t)-> infect( t ) ); } } /** Infect this person * @param now -- the time of infection * This may be called on a person in any infection state and makes the * person latent. * This is a schedulable event service routine */ public void infect( double now ) { if ( (diseaseState == DiseaseStates.uninfected) // no reinfection && (infectMeTime == now) // if not rescheduled ) { final double duration = latent.duration(); // update statistics popByState[ diseaseState.ordinal() ]--; diseaseState = DiseaseStates.latent; popByState[ diseaseState.ordinal() ]++; if (latent.recover()) { Simulator.schedule( now + duration, (double t)-> recover( t ) ); } else { Simulator.schedule( now + duration, (double t)-> beContageous( t ) ); } } } /** This person becomes contageous and asymptomatic * @param time -- the time of this state change * This may be called on a person in with a latent infection and makes the * person asymptomatic. * This is a schedulable event service routine */ public void beContageous( double time ) { assert diseaseState == DiseaseStates.latent : "not latent"; final double duration = asymptomatic.duration(); // update statistics popByState[ diseaseState.ordinal() ]--; diseaseState = DiseaseStates.asymptomatic; popByState[ diseaseState.ordinal() ]++; // tell place that I'm sick if (location != null) location.contageous( time, +1 ); if (asymptomatic.recover()) { Simulator.schedule( time + duration, (double t)-> recover( t ) ); } else { Simulator.schedule( time + duration, (double t)-> feelSick( t ) ); } } /** This person is contageous and starts feeling sick * @param time -- the time of this state change * This may be called on a person in with an asymptomatic infection and * makes the person symptomatic. * This is a schedulable event service routine */ public void feelSick( double time ) { assert diseaseState == DiseaseStates.asymptomatic: "not asymptomatic"; final double duration = symptomatic.duration(); // update statistics popByState[ diseaseState.ordinal() ]--; diseaseState = DiseaseStates.symptomatic; popByState[ diseaseState.ordinal() ]++; if (symptomatic.recover()) { Simulator.schedule( time + duration, (double t)-> recover( t ) ); } else { Simulator.schedule( time + duration, (double t)-> goToBed( t ) ); } } /** This person is contageous and feels so bad they go to bed * @param time -- the time of this state change * This may be called on a person in with an symptomatic infection and * makes the person bedridden. * This is a schedulable event service routine */ public void goToBed( double time ) { assert diseaseState == DiseaseStates.symptomatic: "not symptomatic"; final double duration = bedridden.duration(); // update statistics popByState[ diseaseState.ordinal() ]--; diseaseState = DiseaseStates.bedridden; popByState[ diseaseState.ordinal() ]++; if (symptomatic.recover()) { Simulator.schedule( time + duration, (double t)-> recover( t ) ); } else { Simulator.schedule( time + duration, (double t)-> die( t ) ); } } /** This person gets better * @param time -- the time of this state change * This may be called on a person in any infected disease state * and leaves the person well and immune from further infection. * This is a schedulable event service routine */ public void recover( double time ) { // update statistics popByState[ diseaseState.ordinal() ]--; diseaseState = DiseaseStates.recovered; popByState[ diseaseState.ordinal() ]++; if (location != null) location.contageous( time, -1 ); } /** This person dies * @param time -- the time of this state change * This may be called on a bedridden person and * makes the person die. * This is a schedulable event service routine */ public void die( double time ) { assert diseaseState == DiseaseStates.bedridden: "not bedridden"; // update statistics popByState[ diseaseState.ordinal() ]--; diseaseState = DiseaseStates.dead; popByState[ diseaseState.ordinal() ]++; if (location != null) { location.depart( time, this ); } // no new event is scheduled. } /** Tell this person to go home at this time * @param time * This is a schedulable event service routine. */ public void goHome( double time ) { travelTo( time, home ); } /** Tell this person to go somewhere * @param time * @param place to go * This is a schedulable event service routine. * Note that bedridden people never leave home. */ public void travelTo( double time, Place place ) { if ((diseaseState != DiseaseStates.bedridden) || (place == home)) { location.depart( time, this ); location = place; location.arrive( time, this ); } } // reporting tools /** Report population statistics at the given time * @param time * Intended to be scheduled as an event at time zero, initiates a * sequence of daily reporting events. * Each report is a CSV line giving the time and the population * for each disease state. */ public static void report( double time ) { System.out.print( Double.toString( time/Time.day ) ); for (int i = 0; i <= DiseaseStates.dead.ordinal(); i++ ) { System.out.print( "," ); System.out.print( Integer.toString( popByState[i] ) ); } System.out.println(); // schedule the next report Simulator.schedule( time + 24*Time.hour, (double t)-> Person.report( t ) ); } /** Print out the entire population * This is needed only in the early stages of debugging * and obviously useless for large populations. */ public static void printAll() { for (Person p: allPeople) { // line 1: person id and role System.out.print( p.toString() ); System.out.print( " " ); System.out.println( p.role.name ); // line 2 the home System.out.print( " " ); // indent following lines System.out.print( p.home.kind.name ); System.out.print( " " ); System.out.print( p.home.toString() ); System.out.println(); // lines 3 and up: each place and its schedule for (PlaceSchedule ps: p.places ) { System.out.print( " " ); // indent following lines System.out.print( ps.place.kind.name ); System.out.print( " " ); System.out.print( ps.place.toString() ); assert ps.schedule != null: "guaranteed by PlaceKind"; System.out.print( ps.schedule.toString() ); System.out.println(); } } } } xxxxxxxxxx cat > Place.java <<\xxxxxxxxxx // Place.java import java.util.LinkedList; /** Places that people are associate with and may occupy. * @author Douglas W. Jones * @version Apr. 6, 2021 * Every place is an instance of some kind of PlaceKind * @see PlaceKind for most of the attributes of places */ public class Place { // instance variables fixed at creation public final PlaceKind kind; // what kind of place is this? private final double transmissivity; // how dangerous is it to stay here // instance variables that vary with circumstances private int contageous = 0; // how many infectious people are here private final LinkedList occupants = new LinkedList<>(); /** Construct a new place * @param k -- the kind of place * @param t -- the transmissivity of the place */ public Place( PlaceKind k, Double t ) { kind = k; transmissivity = t; } /** a person arrives at a place * @param time when the arrival happens * @param p the person involved */ void arrive( double time, Person p ) { if (p.isContageous()) contageous( time, +1 ); occupants.add( p ); } /** a person departs from a place * @param time when the departure happens * @param p the person involved */ void depart( double time, Person p ) { occupants.remove( p ); if (p.isContageous()) contageous( time, -1 ); } /** a person in this place changes contageon state * @param time at which contageon change happens * @param c, +1 means became contageous, -1 means recovered or died */ void contageous( double time, int c ) { contageous = contageous + c; // when the number of contageous people in a place changes, for (Person p: occupants) { p.scheduleInfect( time, 1 / (contageous * transmissivity) ); } } } xxxxxxxxxx cat > PlaceKind.java <<\xxxxxxxxxx // PlaceKind.java import java.util.Collections; import java.util.LinkedList; /** Categories of places * @author Douglas W. Jones * @version Apr. 6, 2021 * @see Place * @see MyRandom * @see MyScanner */ public class PlaceKind { // linkage from person to associated place involves a schedule private class PersonSchedule { public Person person; public Schedule schedule; public PersonSchedule( Person p, Schedule s ) { person = p; schedule = s; } } // instance variables from the input final String name; // the name of this category of place private double median; // median population for this category private double scatter;// scatter of size distribution, reduces to sigma private double transmissivity; // how likely is disease transmission here // instance variables developed during model elaboration private double sigma; // sigma of the log normal population distribution private Place unfilledPlace = null; // a place of this kind being filled private int unfilledCapacity = 0; // capacity of unfilledPlace // a list of all the people associated with this kind of place private final LinkedList people = new LinkedList<>(); // static variables used for categories of places private static LinkedList allPlaceKinds = new LinkedList<>(); private static final MyRandom rand = MyRandom.stream(); /** Construct a new place category by scanning an input stream * @param in -- the input stream * The stream must contain the category name, and the parameters * for a log-normal distribution for the sizes. * All specifications end with a semicolon. */ public PlaceKind( MyScanner in ) { name = in.getNextName( "???", ()->"place with no name" ); median = in.getNextFloat( 9.9999F, ()-> "place " + name + ": not followed by median" ); scatter = in.getNextFloat( 9.9999F, ()-> "place " + name + " " + median + ": not followed by scatter" ); transmissivity = (1/Time.hour) * in.getNextFloat( 9.9999F, ()-> "place " + name + " " + median + " " + scatter + ": not followed by transmissivity" ); // BUG: conversion factors this is given in per hour!!! in.getNextLiteral( MyScanner.semicolon, ()->this.describe() + ": missing semicolon" ); // complain if the name is not unique if (findPlaceKind( name ) != null) { Error.warn( this.describe() + ": duplicate name" ); } // force the median to be positive median = Check.positive( median, 1.0F, ()-> this.describe() + ": non-positive median?" ); // force the scatter to be positive or zero scatter = Check.nonNeg( scatter, 0.0F, ()-> this.describe() + ": negative scatter?" ); // force the transmissivity to be positive or zero transmissivity = Check.nonNeg( transmissivity, 0.0F, ()-> this.describe() + ": negative scatter?" ); sigma = Math.log( (scatter + median) / median ); allPlaceKinds.add( this ); // include this in the list of all } /** Produce a reasonable textual description of this place * @return the description * This shortens many error messages */ private String describe() { return "place " + name + " " + median + " " + scatter + " " + transmissivity; } /** Find or make a place of a particular kind * @return the place * This should be called when a person is to be linked to a place of some * particular kind, potentially occupying a space in that place. */ private Place findPlace() { if (unfilledCapacity <= 0 ) { // need to make a new place // make new place using a log-normal distribution for the size unfilledCapacity = (int)Math.round( rand.nextLogNormal( median, sigma) ); unfilledPlace = new Place( this, transmissivity ); } unfilledCapacity = unfilledCapacity - 1; return unfilledPlace; } /** Add a person to the population of this kind of place * @param p the new person * @param s the associated schedule */ public void populate( Person p, Schedule s ) { people.add( new PersonSchedule( p, s ) ); } /** Distribute the people from all PlaceKinds to their individual places * Prior to this, each PlaceKind knows all the people that will be * associated with places of that kind, a list constructed by populate(). * This calls findPlace to create or find places. */ public static void distributePeople() { // for each kind of place for (PlaceKind pk: allPlaceKinds) { // shuffle its people to break correlations from people to places Collections.shuffle( pk.people, MyRandom.stream ); // for each person, associate that person with a specific place for (PersonSchedule ps: pk.people) { ps.person.emplace( pk.findPlace(), ps.schedule ); } } } /** Find a category of place, by name * @param n -- the name of the category * @return the PlaceKind with that name, or null if none has been defined */ public static PlaceKind findPlaceKind( String n ) { for (PlaceKind pk: allPlaceKinds) { if (pk.name.equals( n )) return pk; } return null; // category not found } } xxxxxxxxxx cat > Role.java <<\xxxxxxxxxx // Role.java import java.util.LinkedList; /** People in the simulated community each have a role * @author Douglas W. Jones * @version Apr. 6, 2021 lifted from Epidemic.java of that date * @see Person * @see PlaceSchedule * @see MyRandom * @see MyScanner * Roles create links from people to the categories of places they visit */ public class Role { // linkage from role to associated place involves a schedule private class PlaceSchedule { public PlaceKind placeKind; public Schedule schedule; public PlaceSchedule( PlaceKind p, Schedule s ) { placeKind = p; schedule = s; } } // instance variables public final String name; // name of this role private final LinkedList placeKinds = new LinkedList<>(); private double fraction; // fraction of the population in this role private int number; // number of people in this role // static variables used for summary of all roles private static double sum = 0.0F; // sum of all the fractions private static LinkedList allRoles = new LinkedList(); /** Construct a new role by scanning an input stream * @param in -- the input stream * The stream must contain the role name, and the number or fraction * of the population in that role. * All role specifications end with a semicolon. */ public Role( MyScanner in ) { PlaceKind homePlaceKind = null; // the home place for this role name = in.getNextName( "???", ()-> "role with no name" ); fraction = in.getNextFloat( 9.9999F, ()-> "role " + name + ": not followed by population" ); // get the list of places associated with this role boolean hasNext = in.hasNext(); // needed below for missing semicolon while (hasNext && !in.tryNextLiteral( MyScanner.semicolon )) { String placeName = in.getNextName( "???", ()->"role " + name + " " + fraction + ": place name expected" ); PlaceKind pk = PlaceKind.findPlaceKind( placeName ); Schedule s = null; // is placeName followed a schedule? if (in.tryNextLiteral( MyScanner.beginParen )) { s = new Schedule( in, ()-> this.describe() + " " + placeName ); } // was it a real place name? if (pk == null) { Error.warn( this.describe() + " " + placeName + ": undefined place?" ); } // see if this role is already associated with PlaceKind pk boolean duplicated = false; boolean overlap = false; if (pk != null) { if (pk == homePlaceKind) duplicated = true; for (PlaceSchedule ps: placeKinds) { if (ps.placeKind == pk) duplicated = true; if ((ps.schedule != null) && (ps.schedule.overlap(s))) { overlap = true; } } } if (duplicated) { Error.warn( this.describe() + " " + placeName + ": place name reused?" ); } else if (overlap) { Error.warn( this.describe() + " " + placeName + ": schedule overlap?" ); } else { // only record non-duplicate entries placeKinds.add( new PlaceSchedule( pk, s ) ); // schedule all if (s == null) { if (homePlaceKind != null) Error.warn( this.describe() + " " + placeName + ": a second home?" ); homePlaceKind = pk; } } hasNext = in.hasNext(); } if (!hasNext) Error.warn( this.describe() + ": missing semicolon?" ); // complain if the name is not unique if (findRole( name ) != null) { Error.warn( this.describe() + ": role name reused?" ); } // force the fraction or population to be positive fraction = Check.positive( fraction, 0.0F, ()-> this.describe() + ": negative population?" ); sum = sum + fraction; // complain if no places for this role if (homePlaceKind == null) { Error.warn( this.describe() + ": no home specified?" ); } if (placeKinds.isEmpty()) { Error.warn( this.describe() + ": has no places?" ); } allRoles.add( this ); // include this role in the list of all roles } /** Produce a reasonably full textual description of this role * @return the description * This shortens many error messages */ private String describe() { return "role " + name + " " + fraction; } /** Find a role, by name * @param n -- the name of the role * @return the role with that name, or null if none has been defined */ private static Role findRole( String n ) { for (Role r: allRoles) { if (r.name.equals( n )) return r; } return null; // role not found } /** Create the total population, divided up by roles in * @param population -- the total population to be created * @param infected -- the total number of initially infected people * The math here divides the population in the ratio of the numbers * given for each role. * It is critical that this not be done until all roles are known. */ public static void populateRoles( int population, int infected ) { int pop = population; // working copy used only in infection decisions int inf = infected; // working copy used only in infection decisions final MyRandom rand = MyRandom.stream; if (allRoles.isEmpty()) Error.fatal( "no roles specified" ); for (Role r: allRoles) { // how many people are in this role r.number = (int)Math.round( (r.fraction / r.sum) * population ); // make that many people and infect the right number at random for (int i = 0; i < r.number; i++) { Person p = new Person( r ); // the ratio inf/pop is probability this person is infected if (rand.nextFloat() < ((float)inf / (float)pop)) { p.infect( 0.0 ); inf = inf - 1; } pop = pop - 1; // each person is associated all their role's place kinds // note that this does not create places yet for (PlaceSchedule ps: r.placeKinds) { ps.placeKind.populate( p, ps.schedule ); } } } // finish putting people in their places // this actually creates the places and puts people in them PlaceKind.distributePeople(); } } xxxxxxxxxx cat > Epidemic.java <<\xxxxxxxxxx // Epidemic.java import java.io.File; import java.io.FileNotFoundException; /** The main class of an epidemic simulator * @author Douglas W. Jones * @version Apr. 6, 2021 lifted from Epidemic.java of that date * @see MyScanner * This class should never be instantiated. * All methods here are static and all but the main method are private. * @see Role for the framework that creates people * @see PlaceKind for the framework from which places are constructed * @see Person for the ultimate result of this creation */ public class Epidemic { /** Read the details of the model from an input stream * @param in -- the stream * Identifies the keywords population, role, etc and farms out the * work for most of these to the classes that construct model parts. * The exception (for now) is the total population. */ private static void buildModel( MyScanner in ) { int pop = 0; // the population of the model, 0 = uninitialized int infected = 0; // number initially infected, 0 = uninitialized double endOfTime = 0.0; // 0.0 = uninitialized // rules describing the progress of the infection InfectionRule latent = null; InfectionRule asymptomatic = null; InfectionRule symptomatic = null; InfectionRule bedridden = null; while ( in.hasNext() ) { // scan the input file // each item begins with a keyword String keyword = in.getNextName( "???", ()-> "keyword expected" ); if ("population".equals( keyword )) { int p = Check.posIntSemicolon( in, ()-> "population" ); if (pop != 0) { Error.warn( "population specified more than once" ); } else { pop = p; } } else if ("infected".equals( keyword )) { int i = Check.posIntSemicolon( in, ()-> "infected" ); if (infected != 0) { Error.warn( "infected specified more than once" ); } else { infected = i; } } else if ("latent".equals( keyword )) { if (latent != null) { Error.warn( "latency time specified more than once" ); } latent = new InfectionRule( in, ()-> "latent" ); } else if ("asymptomatic".equals( keyword )) { if (asymptomatic != null) { Error.warn( "asymptomatic time specified more than once" ); } asymptomatic = new InfectionRule( in, ()-> "asymptomatic" ); } else if ("symptomatic".equals( keyword )) { if (symptomatic != null) { Error.warn( "symptomatic time specified more than once" ); } symptomatic = new InfectionRule( in, ()-> "symptomatic" ); } else if ("bedridden".equals( keyword )) { if (bedridden != null) { Error.warn( "bedridden time specified more than once" ); } bedridden = new InfectionRule( in, ()-> "bedridden" ); } else if ("end".equals( keyword )) { final double et = in.getNextFloat( 1.0F, ()-> "time: end time missing" ); in.getNextLiteral( MyScanner.semicolon, ()-> "end " + et + ": missing ;" ); Check.positive( et, 0.0F, ()-> "end " + et + ": negative end time?" ); if (endOfTime > 0.0) { Error.warn( "end " + et + ": duplicate end time" ); } else { endOfTime = et; } } else if ("role".equals( keyword )) { new Role( in ); } else if ("place".equals( keyword )) { new PlaceKind( in ); } else if (keyword == "???") { // there was no keyword // == is allowed here 'cause we're detecting the default value // we need to advance the scanner here or we'd stick in a loop if (in.hasNext()) in.next(); } else { // none of the above Error.warn( "not a keyword: " + keyword ); } } // check that all required fields are filled in if (pop == 0) Error.warn( "population not given" ); if (latent == null) Error.warn( "latency time not given" ); if (asymptomatic == null) Error.warn( "asymptomatic time not given" ); if (symptomatic == null) Error.warn( "symptomatic time not given" ); if (bedridden == null) Error.warn( "bedridden time not given" ); if (endOfTime == 0.0) Error.warn( "end of time not given" ); Error.exitIfWarnings( "Aborted due to errors in input" ); Person.setDiseaseParameters( latent, asymptomatic, symptomatic, bedridden ); Simulator.schedule( // schedule the end of time endOfTime * Time.day, (double t)-> System.exit( 0 ) ); // Role is responsible for figuring out how many people per role Role.populateRoles( pop, infected ); // Schedule the first of the daily reports to be printed Simulator.schedule( 0.0, (double t)-> Person.report( t ) ); } /** The main method * @param args -- the command line arguments * Most of this code is entirely about command line argument processing. * It calls buildModel and will eventuall also start the simulation. */ public static void main( String[] args ) { if (args.length < 1) Error.fatal( "missing file name" ); if (args.length > 1) Error.warn( "too many arguments: " + args[1] ); try { buildModel( new MyScanner( new File( args[0] ) ) ); // Person.printAll(); // BUG: potentially useful for debugging Simulator.run(); } catch ( FileNotFoundException e ) { Error.fatal( "could not open file: " + args[0] ); } } } xxxxxxxxxx cat > README <<\xxxxxxxxxx EPIDEMIC SIMULATOR ================== Author: Douglas W. Jones Version: Apr. 13, 2021 The code in this directory includes a solution to Machine Problem 10 from CS:2820 at the University of Iowa. This epidemic simulator takes an input file containing a description of the places in a community, the roles fulfilled by the population of that community and the nature of the disease. The output is a CSV file showing the progress of the disease through the community. Files ----- This directory contains the following source files for the epidemic simulator: * Error.java error reporting framework * MyScanner.java Wrapper around java.util.scanner * Check.java Utility to do sanity checks on values * MyRandom.java Extensions to Java.util.random * Simulator.java Simulation framework * Time.java Definitions of time units * InfectionRule.java How do stages of the infection progress * Schedule.java How do people decide to move from place to place * Person.java How does each person behave, also population statistics * Place.java How does each place work * PlaceKind.java What kinds of places are there * Role.java What kinds of roles to people fit into * Epidemic.java the main program The following additional files are included * README this file * testa test input, workers spread disease between families * testb test input, everyone works sometimes, spreading it * testc test input, two compartment, everyone has brief contact * testd test input, two compartment, fewer extended contacts Instructions ------------ To build the epidemic simulator, use this shell command javac Epidemic.java To test or demonstrate the simulator, use one of these shell commands java Epidemic testa java Epidemic testb java Epidemic testc java Epidemic testd Tests A and B should produce very similar results as a wave of infection sweeps through the community until everyone has either recovered or died of the simulated disease. Tests C and D are bi-stable; they involve places named earth and mars, where people from those planets travel to the moon and make brief contact. Sometimes, the epidemic fails to spread between planets, sometimes, it jumps the gap between planets and sweeps through both. Tests A and C involve people following fixed schedules, while tests B and D involve schedules with random elements, where the random elements have been adjusted so that test B produces output similar to test A and D similar to C. xxxxxxxxxx cat > testa <<\xxxxxxxxxx population 100; latent 2.0 0; infected 1; asymptomatic 2 0; place home 10 0 0.01; symptomatic 2 0 0.9; place work 10 0 0.01; bedridden 2 0 0.9; role homebody 60 home; role worker 40 home work (9-17); end 30; xxxxxxxxxx cat > testb <<\xxxxxxxxxx population 100; latent 2.0 0; infected 1; asymptomatic 2 0; place home 10 0 0.01; symptomatic 2 0 0.9; place work 10 0 0.01; bedridden 2 0 0.9; role everybody 100 home work (9-17 0.4); end 30; xxxxxxxxxx cat > testc <<\xxxxxxxxxx population 100; latent 2.0 0; infected 1; asymptomatic 3 0; place earth 100 0 0.001; symptomatic 5 1 0.9; place moon 100 0 .0001; bedridden 8 2 0.9; place mars 100 0 0.001; role human 50 earth moon (10-11.06); role martian 50 mars moon (11-12); end 30; xxxxxxxxxx cat > testd <<\xxxxxxxxxx population 100; latent 2.0 0; infected 1; asymptomatic 3 0; place earth 100 0 0.001; symptomatic 5 1 0.9; place moon 100 0 .0001; bedridden 8 2 0.9; place mars 100 0 0.001; role human 50 earth moon (11-12 0.1); role martian 50 mars moon (11-12 0.1); end 30; xxxxxxxxxx