// Epidemic.java /* Program that will eventually develop into an epidemic simulator * author Douglas W. Jones * version Feb. 28, 2021 */ import java.io.File; import java.io.FileNotFoundException; import java.util.Random; import java.util.Scanner; import java.util.Collections; import java.util.LinkedList; /** Error reporting framework * All error messages go to System.err (aka stderr, the standard error stream). * Currently, this only supports fatal error reporting. * Later it would be nice to have a way to report non-fatal errors. */ class Error { private static int warningCount = 0; /** Report a fatal error * @param msg -- error message to be output * This never returns, the program terminates reporting failure. */ public static void fatal( String msg ) { System.err.println( "Epidemic: " + msg ); System.exit( 1 ); // abnormal termination } /** Non-fatal warning * @param msg -- the warning message * keeps a running count of warnings */ public static void warn( String msg ) { System.err.println( "Warning: " + msg ); warningCount = warningCount + 1; } /** Error exit if any warnings */ public static void exitIfWarnings( String msg ) { if (warningCount > 0) fatal( msg ); } } /** Support for scanning input files with error reporting * @see Error * @see java.util.Scanner * Ideally, this would be extend class Scanner, but class Scanner is final * Therefore, this is a wrapper class around class Scanner */ class MyScanner { private Scanner sc; // the scanner we are wrapping public MyScanner( File f ) throws FileNotFoundException { sc = new Scanner( f ); } // methods that we wish we could inhereit from Scanner public boolean hasNext() { return sc.hasNext(); } public boolean hasNext( String s ) { return sc.hasNext( s ); } public String next() { return sc.next(); } // new methods added to class Scanner /** get the next item from the scanner or complain if missing * @param defalt -- return value if there is no next item * @param errorMesage -- the message to complain with * @return the next item or the defalt */ public String getNext( String defalt, String errorMessage ) { if ( sc.hasNext() ) { return sc.next(); } else { Error.warn( errorMessage ); return defalt; } } /** get the next integer from the scanner or complain if missing * @param defalt -- return value if there is no next integer * @param errorMesage -- the message to complain with * @return the next integer or the defalt */ public int getNextInt( int defalt, String errorMessage ) { if ( sc.hasNextInt() ) { return sc.nextInt(); } else { Error.warn( errorMessage ); return defalt; } } /** get the next float from the scanner or complain if missing * @param defalt -- return value if there is no next float * @param errorMesage -- the message to complain with * @return the next float or the defalt */ public float getNextFloat( float defalt, String errorMessage ) { if ( sc.hasNextFloat() ) { return sc.nextFloat(); } else { Error.warn( errorMessage ); return defalt; } } /** get the next literal from the scanner or complain if missing * @param literal -- the literal to get * @param errorMesage -- the message to complain with */ public void getNextLiteral( String literal, String errorMessage ) { if ( sc.hasNext( literal ) ) { sc.next( literal ); } else { Error.warn( errorMessage ); } } } /** Class for semantic error checkers * @see Error * This is a place to put error checking code that doesn't fit elsewhere. * The error check methods here actually take up more space than the * code they helped clarify, so the net gain in readability for this code * is rather limited. Perhaps as the program grows, they'll help more. */ class Check { /** Force a floating value to be positive * @param value -- the value to check * @param defalt -- the value to use if the check fails * @param msg -- the error message to output if check fails * @return either value if success or defalt if failure */ public static float positive( float value, float defalt, String msg ) { if (value > 0.0) { return value; } else { Error.warn( msg ); return defalt; } } /** Force a floating value to be non negative * @param value -- the value to check * @param defalt -- the value to use if the check fails * @param msg -- the error message to output if check fails * @return either value if success or defalt if failure */ public static float nonNegative( float value, float defalt, String msg ) { if (value >= 0.0) { return value; } else { Error.warn( msg ); return defalt; } } } /** Wrapper extending class Random, turning it into a singleton class * @see Random * Ideally, no user should ever create an instance of Random, all use this! * Users can call MyRandom.stream.anyMethodOfRandom() (or of MyRandom) * or MyRandom.stream().anyMethodOfRandom() * Users can allocate MyRandom myStream = MyRandom.stream; * or MyRandom myStream = MyRandom.stream(); * No matter how they do it, they get the same stream */ class MyRandom extends Random { /** the only random number stream */ public static final MyRandom stream = new MyRandom(); // the only stream; // nobody can construct a MyRandom except the above line of code private MyRandom() { super(); } /* alternative access to the only random number stream * @return the only stream */ public static MyRandom stream() { return stream; } // add distributions that weren't built in /** exponential distribution * @param mean -- the mean value of the distribution * @return a positive exponentially distributed random value */ public double nextExponential( double mean ) { return mean * -Math.log( this.nextDouble() ); } } /** Places that people are associate with and may occupy. * Every place is an instance of some kind of PlaceKind * @see PlaceKind for most of the attributes of places */ class Place { // instance variables final PlaceKind kind; // what kind of place is this? /** Construct a new place * @param k -- the kind of place * BUG: Attributes such as disease transmissivity will be needed */ public Place( PlaceKind k ) { kind = k; } } /** Categories of places * @see Place */ class PlaceKind { // instance variables final String name; // the name of this category of place private float median; // median population for this category private float scatter;// scatter of size distribution for this private float sigma; // sigma of the log normal distribution private Place unfilledPlace = null; // a place of this kind being filled private int unfilledCapacity = 0; // capacity of unfilledPlace // a list of all the people associated with this kind of place private final LinkedList people = new LinkedList<>(); // static variables used for categories of places private static LinkedList allPlaceKinds = new LinkedList<>(); private MyRandom rand = MyRandom.stream(); /** Construct a new place category by scanning an input stream * @param in -- the input stream * The stream must contain the category name, and the parameters * for a log-normal distribution for the sizes. * All specifications end with a semicolon. */ public PlaceKind( MyScanner in ) { name = in.getNext( "???", "place with no name" ); median = in.getNextFloat( 9.9999F, "place " + name + ": not followed by median" ); scatter = in.getNextFloat( 9.9999F, "place " + name + " " + median + ": not followed by scatter" ); in.getNextLiteral( ";", this.describe() + ": missing semicolon" ); // complain if the name is not unique if (findPlaceKind( name ) != null) { Error.warn( this.describe() + ": duplicate name"); } // force the median to be positive median = Check.positive( median, 1.0F, this.describe() + ": non-positive median?" ); // force the scatter to be positive scatter = Check.nonNegative( scatter, 0.0F, this.describe() + ": negative scatter?" ); sigma = (float)Math.log( (scatter + median) / median ); allPlaceKinds.add( this ); // include this in the list of all } /** Produce a full textual description of this place * @return the description * This shortens many error messages */ private String describe() { return "place " + name + " " + median + " " + scatter; } /** Find or make a place of a particular kind * @return the place * This should be called when a person is to be linked to a place of some * particular kind, potentially occupying a space in that place. */ private Place findPlace() { if (unfilledCapacity <= 0 ) { // need to make a new place // must make a new place using a log-normal distribution double lognormal = Math.exp( sigma * rand.nextGaussian() ) * median; unfilledCapacity = (int)Math.round( lognormal ); unfilledPlace = new Place( this ); } unfilledCapacity = unfilledCapacity - 1; return unfilledPlace; } /** Add a person to the population of this kind of place * @param p the new person */ public void populate( Person p ) { people.add( p ); } /** Distribute the people from all PlaceKinds to their individual places * Prior to this, each PlaceKind knows all the people that will be * associated with places of that kind, a list constructed by populate(). * This calls findPlace to create or find places. */ public static void distributePeople() { // for each kind of place for (PlaceKind pk: allPlaceKinds) { // shuffle its people to break correlations from people to places Collections.shuffle( pk.people, MyRandom.stream ); // for each person, associate that person with a specific place for (Person p: pk.people) { p.emplace( pk.findPlace() ); } } } /** Find a category of place, by name * @param n -- the name of the category * @return the PlaceKind with that name, or null if none has been defined */ public static PlaceKind findPlaceKind( String n ) { for (PlaceKind pk: allPlaceKinds) { if (pk.name.equals( n )) return pk; } return null; // category not found } } /** People in the simulated community each have a role * @see Person * @see PlaceKind * Roles create links from people to the categories of places they visit */ class Role { // instance variables public final String name; // name of this role private final LinkedList placeKinds = new LinkedList<>(); private float fraction; // fraction of the population in this role private int number; // number of people in this role // static variables used for summary of all roles private static float sum = 0.0F; // sum of all the fractions private static LinkedList allRoles = new LinkedList(); /** Construct a new role by scanning an input stream * @param in -- the input stream * The stream must contain the role name, and the number or fraction * of the population in that role. * All role specifications end with a semicolon. */ public Role( MyScanner in ) { name = in.getNext( "???", "role with no name" ); fraction = in.getNextFloat( 9.9999F, "role " + name + ": not followed by population" ); // get the list of places associated with this role while (in.hasNext() && !in.hasNext( ";" )) { String placeName = in.next(); PlaceKind p = PlaceKind.findPlaceKind( placeName ); // see if this place is can be legally associated with this role if (p == null) { Error.warn( this.describe() + " " + placeName + ": place name undefined?" ); } else { // see if this role is already associated with this PlaceKind boolean duplicated = false; for (PlaceKind pp: placeKinds) { if (p == pp) duplicated = true; } if (duplicated) { Error.warn( this.describe() + " " + placeName + ": place name reused?" ); } else { placeKinds.add( p ); } } } in.getNextLiteral( ";", this.describe() + ": missing ;" ); // complain if the name is not unique if (findRole( name ) != null) { Error.warn( this.describe() + ": role name reused?" ); } // force the fraction or population to be positive fraction = Check.positive( fraction, 0.0F, this.describe() + ": negative population?" ); sum = sum + fraction; // complain if no places for this role if (placeKinds.isEmpty()) { Error.warn( this.describe() + ": has no places?" ); } allRoles.add( this ); // include this role in the list of all roles } /** Produce a reasonably full textual description of this role * @return the description * This shortens many error messages */ private String describe() { return "role " + name + " " + fraction; } /** Find a role, by name * @param n -- the name of the role * @return the role with that name, or null if none has been defined */ private static Role findRole( String n ) { for (Role r: allRoles) { if (r.name.equals( n )) return r; } return null; // role not found } /** Create the total population, divided up by roles in * @param population -- the total population to be created * The math here divides the population in the ratio of the numbers * given for each role. * It is critical that this not be done until all roles are known. */ public static void populateRoles( int population ) { if (allRoles.isEmpty()) Error.fatal( "no roles specified" ); for (Role r: allRoles) { // how many people are in this role r.number = Math.round( (r.fraction / r.sum) * population ); // make that many people for (int i = 1; i <= r.number; i++) { Person p = new Person( r ); // each person is associated all their role's place kinds // note that this does not create places yet for (PlaceKind pk: r.placeKinds) { pk.populate( p ); } } } // finish putting people in their places // this actually creates the places and puts people in them PlaceKind.distributePeople(); } } /** People are the central actors in the simulation * @see Role for the roles people play * @see Place for the places people visit */ class Person { // instance variables private final Role role; // role of this person private final LinkedList places = new LinkedList(); // static variables used for all people private static LinkedList allPeople = new LinkedList(); /** Construct a new person to perform some role * @param r -- the role * This constructor deliberately defers putting people in any places */ public Person( Role r ) { role = r; allPeople.add( this ); // include this person in the list of all }; /** Associate this person to a particular place * @param p -- the place */ public void emplace( Place p ) { places.add( p ); } /** Print out the entire population * This is needed only in the early stages of debugging * and obviously useless for large populations */ public static void printAll() { for (Person p: allPeople) { System.out.print( p.toString() + " " + p.role.name ); for (Place pp: p.places ) { System.out.print( " " + pp.kind.name + " " + pp.toString() ); } System.out.println(); } } } /** The main class * This class should never be instantiated. * All methods here are static and all but the main method are private. * @see Role for the framework that creates people * @see PlaceKind for the framework from which places are constructed * @see Person for the ultimate result of this creation */ public class Epidemic { /** Read the details of the model from an input stream * @param in -- the stream * Identifies the keywords population, role, etc and farms out the * work for most of these to the classes that construct model parts. * The exception (for now) is the total population. */ private static void buildModel( MyScanner in ) { int pop = 0; // the population of the model, 0 = uninitialized while ( in.hasNext() ) { // scan the input file // each item begins with a keyword String keyword = in.next(); if ("population".equals( keyword )) { if (pop != 0) { Error.warn( "population specified more than once" ); } pop = in.getNextInt( 1, "population: missing integer" ); if (pop <= 0) { Error.warn( "population " + pop + ": not positive" ); pop = 1; } in.getNextLiteral( ";", "population " + pop + ": missing ;" ); } else if ("role".equals( keyword )) { new Role( in ); } else if ("place".equals( keyword )) { new PlaceKind( in ); } else { // none of the above Error.warn( "not a keyword: " + keyword ); } } if (pop == 0) Error.warn( "population not specified" ); Error.exitIfWarnings( "Aborted due to errors in input" ); // Role is responsible for figuring out how many people per role Role.populateRoles( pop ); } /** The main method * @param args -- the command line arguments * Most of this code is entirely about command line argument processing. * It calls buildModel and will eventuall also start the simulation. */ public static void main( String[] args ) { if (args.length < 1) Error.fatal( "missing file name" ); if (args.length > 1) Error.warn( "too many arguments: " + args[1] ); try { buildModel( new MyScanner( new File( args[0] ) ) ); // BUG: Simulate based on model just built? Person.printAll(); // BUG: In the long run, this is just for debug } catch ( FileNotFoundException e ) { Error.fatal( "could not open file: " + args[0] ); } } }