/* RoadNetwork.java * Program to process description of a road network * author Douglas W. Jones * version 2017-10-25 * incorporates code from version 2017-09-14 * incorporates code from the posted solution to MP3 * incorporates code from Lecture 18 * * This code compiles and runs, and it includes output to trace * the arrival of vehicles at intersections and entry into roads * It is fairly clean and fairly decently commented * * Bug: The model never terminates if there are any stoplights */ import java.util.LinkedList; import java.io.File; import java.io.FileNotFoundException; import java.util.regex.Pattern; import java.util.Scanner; import java.util.Random; import java.util.PriorityQueue; /** Error reporting package * provides standard prefix and behavior for messages */ class Errors { // error messages are counted. private static int errorCount = 0; /** Allow public read-only access to the count of error messages * @return the count */ public static int count() { return errorCount; } /** Report nonfatal errors, output a message and return * @arg message the message to output */ public static void warn( String message ) { System.err.println( "RoadNetwork: " + message ); errorCount = errorCount + 1; } /** Report fatal errors, output a message and exit, never to return * @arg message the message to output */ public static void fatal( String message ) { warn( message ); System.exit( 1 ); } } /** Support methods for scanning * @see Errors */ class ScanSupport { // exception thrown to indicate failure public static class NotFound extends Exception {} // patterns needed for scanning private static final Pattern name = Pattern.compile( "[a-zA-Z0-9_]*" ); private static final Pattern intPattern = Pattern.compile( "-?[0-9][0-9]*|"); private static final Pattern floatPattern = Pattern.compile( "-?[0-9][0-9]*\\.?[0-9]*|\\.[0-9][0-9]*|"); private static final Pattern whitespace = Pattern.compile( "[ \t]*" ); // no newlines // interface for passing error messages public static interface Message { public String myString(); } /** Get next name without skipping to next line (unlike sc.Next()) * @param sc the scanner from which end of line is scanned * @param message the context part of the missing name error message * @return the name if there was one. * @throws NotFound if there wasn't one */ public static String nextName( Scanner sc, Message m ) throws NotFound { sc.skip( whitespace ); sc.skip( name ); String s = sc.match().group(); if ("".equals( s )) { Errors.warn( "name expected: " + m.myString() ); sc.nextLine(); throw new NotFound(); } return s; } /** Get next int without skipping to next line (unlike sc.nextInt()) * @param sc the scanner from which end of line is scanned * @param message the message to output if there was no int * @return the value if there was one * @throws NotFound if there wasn't one */ public static int nextInt( Scanner sc, Message m ) throws NotFound { sc.skip( whitespace ); sc.skip( intPattern ); String s = sc.match().group(); if ("".equals( s )) { Errors.warn( "Float expected: " + m.myString() ); sc.nextLine(); throw new NotFound(); } // now, s is guaranteed to hold a legal int return Integer.parseInt( s ); } /** Get next float without skipping to next line (unlike sc.nextFloat()) * @param sc the scanner from which end of line is scanned * @param message the message to output if there was no float * @return the value if there was one * @throws NotFound if there wasn't one */ public static float nextFloat( Scanner sc, Message m ) throws NotFound { sc.skip( whitespace ); sc.skip( floatPattern ); String s = sc.match().group(); if ("".equals( s )) { Errors.warn( "Float expected: " + m.myString() ); sc.nextLine(); throw new NotFound(); } // now, s is guaranteed to hold a legal float return Float.parseFloat( s ); } /** Advance to next line and complain if is junk at the line end * @see Errors * @param sc the scanner from which end of line is scanned * @param message gives a prefix to give context to error messages * This version supports comments starting with -- */ public static void lineEnd( Scanner sc, Message message ) { sc.skip( whitespace ); String lineEnd = sc.nextLine(); if ( (!lineEnd.equals( "" )) && (!lineEnd.startsWith( "--" )) ) { Errors.warn( message.myString() + " followed unexpected by '" + lineEnd + "'" ); } } } /** Pseudo Random Number Generator * needed to make a single global stream of numbers, hiding Java's failures */ class PRNG { private static Random stream = new Random( 5 ); // Bug: For debugging, use a known seed so errors are reproducable /** get a number n where 0 <= n < bound * @param bound * @return n */ public static int fromZeroTo( int bound ) { return stream.nextInt( bound ); } } /** Framework for discrete event simulation */ class Simulator { /** interface used to allow lambda expressions passed to schedule method */ public interface Action { // actions contain the specific code of an event void trigger( float time ); } private static class Event { public float time; // time of the event public Action act; // the action to perform } private static PriorityQueue eventSet = new PriorityQueue ( (Event e1, Event e2) -> Float.compare( e1.time, e2.time ) ); /** schedule one new event * @param time when an event will occur * @param act the action that will be triggered at that time * Typically, this is called as follows: *
     *  Simulator.schedule( someTime, (float time)->aMethodCall( time ... ) );
*/ public static void schedule( float time, Action act ) { Event e = new Event(); e.time = time; e.act = act; eventSet.add( e ); } /** main loop that runs the simulation * This must be called after all initial events are scheduled. */ public static void run() { while (!eventSet.isEmpty()) { Event e = eventSet.remove(); e.act.trigger( e.time ); } } } /** Roads are joined by Intersections and driven over by Vehicles * @see Intersection */ class Road { // constructors may throw this when an error prevents construction public static class ConstructorFailure extends Exception {} final float travelTime; // measured in seconds, always positive final Intersection source; // where this road comes from, never null final Intersection destination; // where this road goes, never null final int dstDir; // what direction does this enter dst // name of a road is source-destination /** construct a new road by scanning its description from the source file * @param sc the scanner from which the input is read * @throws ConstructorFailure when it cannot construct a road */ Road( Scanner sc ) throws ConstructorFailure { final String sourceName; final String dstName; try { sourceName = ScanSupport.nextName( sc, ()->"Road ???" ); dstName = ScanSupport.nextName( sc, ()-> "Road " + sourceName + " ???" ); } catch (ScanSupport.NotFound e) { throw new ConstructorFailure(); } source = RoadNetwork.findIntersection( sourceName ); destination = RoadNetwork.findIntersection( dstName ); if (source == null) { Errors.warn( "No such source intersection: Road " + sourceName + " " + dstName ); sc.nextLine(); throw new ConstructorFailure(); } if (destination == null) { Errors.warn( "No such destination intersection: Road " + sourceName + " " + dstName ); sc.nextLine(); throw new ConstructorFailure(); } try { travelTime = ScanSupport.nextFloat( sc, ()->"Floating point travel time expected: Road " + sourceName + " " + dstName ); } catch (ScanSupport.NotFound e) { throw new ConstructorFailure(); } if (travelTime < 0.0F) { Errors.warn( "Negative travel time:" + this.toString() ); } ScanSupport.lineEnd( sc, ()->this.toString() ); // register this road with its source and destination intersections source.outgoing.add( this ); dstDir = destination.incoming.size(); destination.incoming.add( this ); } // Road constructor /** give the road in a form like that used for input * @return the textual road description */ public String toString() { return "road " + source.name + " " + destination.name + " " + travelTime; } // simulation methods /** what happens when a vehicle enters this road * @param time the vehicle enters */ public void entryEvent( float time ) { System.out.println( "Vehicle entered " + this.toString() + " at " + time ); // after a vehicle enters the road, it exits it travelTime later // Bug: could track population to model congestion // Bug: could take and pass on a Vehicle parameter Simulator.schedule( time + travelTime, (float t)->exitEvent( t ) ); } /** what happens when a vehicle exits this road * @param time the vehicle exits */ public void exitEvent( float time ) { // Bug: could track population to model congestion Simulator.schedule( time, (t)->destination.arrivalEvent( t, dstDir ) ); } } // class Road /** Intersections pass Vehicles between Roads * @see Road * @see StopLight * @see NoStop */ abstract class Intersection { // constructors may throw this when an error prevents construction public static class ConstructorFailure extends Exception {} final public String name; // textual name of intersection, never null! // set of all roads out of this intersection public final LinkedList outgoing = new LinkedList (); // set of all roads in to this intersection public final LinkedList incoming = new LinkedList (); /** constructor used by subclasses to initialize final fields * @param name sets the name field */ protected Intersection( String name ) { this.name = name; } /** factory method to create subclasses of intersections * @param sc the scanner to read intersection description from * @return either a new intersection or null * @throws ConstructorFalure when the interseciton cannot be constructed */ public static Intersection newIntersection( Scanner sc ) throws ConstructorFailure { final String name; // the name the intersection will have try { name = ScanSupport.nextName( sc, ()->"intersection ???" ); } catch (ScanSupport.NotFound e) { throw new ConstructorFailure(); } // check for duplicate definition if (RoadNetwork.findIntersection( name ) != null) { Errors.warn( "Intersection redefined: " + name ); sc.nextLine(); throw new ConstructorFailure(); } // find out which subclass of intersection is needed final String intersectionType; try { intersectionType = ScanSupport.nextName( sc, ()->"intersection " + name + " ???" ); } catch (ScanSupport.NotFound e) { throw new ConstructorFailure(); } // construct the desired class of intersection and return it if ("nostop".equals( intersectionType )) { return new NoStop( sc, name ); } else if ("stoplight".equals( intersectionType )) { return new StopLight( sc, name ); } else if ("source".equals( intersectionType )) { return new Source( sc, name ); } else if ("sink".equals( intersectionType )) { return new Sink( sc, name ); } else { Errors.warn( "intersection " + name + " " + intersectionType + ": unknown type: " ); sc.nextLine(); throw new ConstructorFailure(); } } // newIntersection factory method /** get the intersection description in a form like that used for input * @return the textual description */ public String toString() { // Java bug: No outsider should ever call this // this cannot be protected because it overrides a default // this should only be called from a subclass return "intersection " + name; } // simulation methods /** pick an outgoing road from this intersection * @return the road it picks */ protected Road pickRoad() { // Bug: Perhaps later, it will depend on the vehicle // pick a road at random int roadNumber = PRNG.fromZeroTo( outgoing.size() ); return outgoing.get( roadNumber ); } /** simulate a vehicle arriving at this intersection * @param time a vehicle arrives * the details depend on the intersection */ public abstract void arrivalEvent( float time, int dir ); /** simulate a vehicle departs from this intersection * @param time a vehicle departs * the details depend on the intersection */ public abstract void departureEvent( float time ); } // Intersection class /** Intersection with no control, neither stopsign nor stoplight * @see Intersection */ class NoStop extends Intersection { private final float delay; // time it takes to traverse the intersection private int occupants = 0; // count of vehicles in the intersection // Bug: If vehicles exist, occupants is a queue of vehicles /** NoStop intersection constructor * @param sc scanner from which the description is taken * @param name of the intersection the caller already scanned * @throws Intersection.ConstructorFailure if the description is faulty */ NoStop( Scanner sc, String name ) throws Intersection.ConstructorFailure { super( name ); try { delay = ScanSupport.nextFloat( sc, ()->"Floating point delay expected: Intersection " + name + " nostop" ); } catch (ScanSupport.NotFound e) { throw new ConstructorFailure(); } ScanSupport.lineEnd( sc, ()->this.toString() ); } /** get the intersection description in a form like that used for input * @return the textual description */ public String toString() { return super.toString() + " nostop " + delay; } // simulation methods /** what happens when a vehicle arrives at this NoStop intersection * @param time the vehicle arrives * @param dir the direction it arrives from */ public void arrivalEvent( float time, int dir ) { System.out.println( "Vehicle arrived at " + this.toString() + " at " + time ); if (occupants == 0) { // if intersection is clear, vehicle continues Simulator.schedule( time + delay, (float t)->departureEvent( t ) ); } // always add to the population of the intersection occupants = occupants + 1; // Bug: if vehicle objects exist, enqueue one } /** what happens when a vehicle departs from this NoStop intersection * @param time the vehicle departs */ public void departureEvent( float time ) { // if vehicle objects exist, dequeue one occupants = occupants - 1; // send the vehicle onward this.pickRoad().entryEvent( time ); // alternately Road r = this.pickRoad(); // alternately Simulator.schedule( time, (float t)->r.entryEvent( t ) ); // if others are queued up, let one of them continue // Bug: if vehicle objects exist, test queue not empty if (occupants > 0) { Simulator.schedule( time + delay, (float t)->departureEvent( t ) ); } } } // class NoStop /** Intersection with a stoplight * @see Intersection */ class StopLight extends Intersection { private int lightDir = 0; // direction light is green private final float lightInterval; // how long it stays green in any dir private int[] queues; // where vehicles wait (just counts of vehicles) private final float delay; // time it takes to traverse the intersection private int occupants = 0; // count of vehicles in the intersection /** StopLight intersection constructor * @param sc scanner from which the description is taken * @param name of the intersection the caller already scanned * @throws Intersection.ConstructorFailure if the description is faulty */ StopLight( Scanner sc, String name )throws Intersection.ConstructorFailure { super( name ); try { delay = ScanSupport.nextFloat( sc, ()->"Floating point delay expected: Intersection " + name + " stoplight" ); lightInterval = ScanSupport.nextFloat( sc, ()->"Floating point light interval expected: Intersection " + name + " stoplight " + delay ); } catch (ScanSupport.NotFound e) { throw new ConstructorFailure(); } ScanSupport.lineEnd( sc, ()->this.toString() ); // start the light change event process Simulator.schedule( 0, (float t)->lightChangeEvent( t ) ); } /** get the intersection description in a form like that used for input * @return the textual description */ public String toString() { return super.toString() + " stoplight " + delay + " " + lightInterval; } // simulation methods /** what happens when the StopLight changes * @param time the light changes * StopLight events form a periodic process that continues forever */ private void lightChangeEvent( float time ) { if (queues == null) queues = new int[incoming.size()]; // change the light direction lightDir = lightDir + 1; if (lightDir >= incoming.size()) lightDir = 0; // could write lightDir = (lightDir + 1) % incoming.size(); // release the first waiting cars if the intersection is clear if ((queues[lightDir] > 0) && (occupants == 0)) { queues[lightDir] = queues[lightDir] - 1; Simulator.schedule( time + delay, (float t)->departureEvent( t ) ); occupants = occupants + 1; } // advance the light change process Simulator.schedule( time + lightInterval, (float t)->lightChangeEvent( t ) ); } /** what happens when a vehicle arrives at this StopLight intersection * @param time the vehicle arrives * @param dir the direction it arrives from */ public void arrivalEvent( float time, int dir ) { System.out.println( "Vehicle arrived at " + this.toString() + " at " + time ); if ((dir == lightDir) && (occupants == 0)) { // green and unoccupied // car goes straight through green light Simulator.schedule( time + delay, (float t)->departureEvent( t ) ); occupants = occupants + 1; } else { // red or occupied // queue up another car queues[dir] = queues[dir] + 1; } } /** what happens when a vehicle departs from this StopLight intersection * @param time the vehicle departs */ public void departureEvent( float time ) { // move the departing vehicle onward Road r = this.pickRoad(); Simulator.schedule( time, (float t)->r.entryEvent( t ) ); occupants = occupants - 1; // if there are more vehicles, schedule the next departure // in effect, departure events are a process that drains the queue if (queues[lightDir] > 0) { queues[lightDir] = queues[lightDir] - 1; Simulator.schedule( time + delay, (float t)->departureEvent( t ) ); occupants = occupants + 1; } } } /** Source Intersection * @see Intersection */ class Source extends Intersection { private final float startTime; // when source starts producing private int numCars; // how many vehicles it produces private final float departureInterval; // how long between vehicles /** Source Intersection constructor * @param sc the scanner from which the description is read * @param name of this intersection * @throws Intersection.ConstructorFailure if description is bad */ Source( Scanner sc, String name ) throws Intersection.ConstructorFailure { super( name ); // parse and initialize the source description try { startTime = ScanSupport.nextFloat( sc, ()-> Source.this.toString() // Bug: poorly constructed error message ); numCars = ScanSupport.nextInt( sc, ()-> Source.this.toString() ); departureInterval = ScanSupport.nextFloat( sc, ()-> Source.this.toString() ); } catch (ScanSupport.NotFound e) { throw new Intersection.ConstructorFailure(); } // check sanity of the fields if (startTime < 0.0f) Errors.warn( "Negative start time: " + this.toString() ); if (numCars <= 0) Errors.warn( "Never produces: " + this.toString() ); if (departureInterval < 0.0f) Errors.warn( "Negative departure interval: " + this.toString() ); ScanSupport.lineEnd( sc, ()->Source.this.toString() ); // start the simulation of this source Simulator.schedule( startTime, (float t)->departureEvent( t ) ); } // Source constructor /** get the intersection description in a form like that used for input * @return the textual description */ public String toString() { return super.toString() + " source " + startTime + " " + numCars + " " + departureInterval; } // Simulation methods /** simulate arrival of one vehicle at this source intersection * @param time When the vehicle arrives */ public void arrivalEvent( float time, int dir ) { Errors.fatal( "Vehicle arrived at: " + this.toString() ); } /** simulate departure of one vehicle from this source intersection * @param time When the vehicle departs */ public void departureEvent( float time ) { // simulate the departure Road r = this.pickRoad(); Simulator.schedule( time, (float t)->r.entryEvent( t ) ); // schedule the departure of the next car, if there is one numCars = numCars - 1; if (numCars > 0) Simulator.schedule( time + departureInterval, (float t)->departureEvent( t ) ); } } // class Source /** Sink Intersection * @see Intersection */ class Sink extends Intersection { /** Sink intersection constructor * @param sc scanner from which the description is taken * @param name of the intersection the caller already scanned */ Sink( Scanner sc, String name ) { super( name ); ScanSupport.lineEnd( sc, ()->this.toString() ); } /** get the intersection description in a form like that used for input * @return the textual description */ public String toString() { return super.toString() + " sink"; } /** simulate arrival of one vehicle at this sink intersection * @param time When the vehicle arrives */ public void arrivalEvent( float time, int dir ) { // Bug: what really goes here? System.out.println( "Vehicle arrived at " + this.toString() + " at " + time ); } /** simulate departure of one vehicle from this sink intersection * @param time When the vehicle departs */ public void departureEvent( float time ) { Errors.fatal( "Vehicle departed from: " + this.toString() ); } } // class Sink /** RoadNetwork is the main class * @see Road * @see Intersection * @see ScanSupport * @see Errors * @see Simulator * This class builds a road network consisting of Road and Intersection * objects and then runs the simulation using Simulator.run */ public class RoadNetwork { // the sets of all roads and all intersections private static LinkedList roads = new LinkedList (); private static LinkedList inters = new LinkedList (); /** Find an intersection by textual name in the set inters * @param s name of an intersection * @return the intersection named s or null if none */ public static Intersection findIntersection( String s ) { // quick and dirty implementation for (Intersection i: inters) { if (i.name.equals( s )) { return i; } } return null; } /** Initialize this road network by scanning its description */ private static void readNetwork( Scanner sc ) { while (sc.hasNext()) { String command = sc.next(); if ("intersection".equals( command )) { try { inters.add( Intersection.newIntersection( sc ) ); } catch (Intersection.ConstructorFailure e) { // do nothing, the constructor already reported the error } } else if ("road".equals( command )) { try { roads.add( new Road( sc ) ); } catch (Road.ConstructorFailure e) { // do nothing, the constructor already reported the error } } else if ("--".equals( command )) { sc.nextLine(); } else { Errors.warn( "unknown command: " + command ); sc.nextLine(); } } } /** Print out the road network to system.out */ private static void printNetwork() { for (Intersection i: inters) { System.out.println( i.toString() ); } for (Road r: roads) { System.out.println( r.toString() ); } } /** Main program */ public static void main( String[] args ) { if (args.length < 1) { Errors.fatal( "Missing file name argument" ); } else if (args.length > 1) { Errors.fatal( "Too many arguments" ); } else try { readNetwork( new Scanner( new File( args[0] ) ) ); if (Errors.count() == 0) { Simulator.run(); } else { printNetwork(); } } catch (FileNotFoundException e) { Errors.fatal( "Can't open the file" ); } } }