# You may have to edit this file to delete header lines produced by # mailers or news systems from this file (all lines before these shell # comments you are currently reading). # Shell archive made by dwjones on Fri Oct 30 14:53:21 CDT 2015 # To install this software on a UNIX system: # 1) create a directory (e.g. with the shell command mkdir stuff) # 2) change to that directory (e.g. with the command cd stuff), # 3) direct the remainder of this text to sh (e.g. sh < thisfile). # This will make sh create files in the new directory; it will do # nothing else (if you're paranoid, you should scan the following text # to verify this before you follow these directions). Then read README # in the new directory for additional instructions. cat > AndGate.java <<\xxxxxxxxxx // AndGate.java /** * And gates are a subclass of gate in the logic circuit simulation. * @author Douglas Jones * @version MP4 * * This code depends on: * @see Simulator * @see Gate */ import java.util.Arrays; import java.util.List; import java.util.Scanner; class AndGate extends Gate { private AndGate() {} // prevent outsiders from using the initializer private static List inputs = Arrays.asList( "in1", "in2" ); public static Gate scan( Scanner sc ) { AndGate g = new AndGate(); g.scan( sc, inputs ); if (g.name == null) g = null; return g; } public String toString() { /** Convert an intersection back to its textual description */ return "gate and " + name + ' ' + delay; } public void inputChange( float t, int i, boolean v ) { /** Simulation event service routine called * when input i of this and gate changes at time t to value v. */ boolean newValue = true; inputValue[i] = v; for (boolean vi: inputValue) if (!vi) newValue = false; if (newValue != outputValue) { outputValue = newValue; Simulator.schedule( t + delay, (float time) -> this.outputChange( time, outputValue ) ); } } } xxxxxxxxxx cat > Errors.java <<\xxxxxxxxxx // Errors.java /** * Tools for reporting errors, both fatal and non-fatal * @author Douglas Jones * @version MP4 */ import java.io.File; class Errors { /** Error reporting framework */ static void fatal( String message ) { /** Report a fatal error with the given message */ System.err.println( message ); System.exit( 1 ); } static void warn( String message ) { /** Report a nonfatal error with the given message */ System.err.println( message ); } } xxxxxxxxxx cat > Gate.java <<\xxxxxxxxxx // Gate.java /** * Gates are the active elemets linked by wires in a logic circuit simulation * @author Douglas Jones * @version MP3 * * This code depends on: * @see Simulator * @see Errors * @see SyntaxCheck * @see Wire */ import java.util.List; import java.util.LinkedList; import java.util.Scanner; abstract class Gate { /** Gates are driven by and drive wires. * @see Wire */ String name; // name of this gate; null signals invalid gate private LinkedList driven = new LinkedList (); // driven is (eventually) a list of all wires driven by this gate private List inputList; // the list of allowed input names private boolean[] inputUsed; // for each input, is it in use? boolean[] inputValue; // for each input, current value. boolean outputValue; // most recent computed output value. float delay; // delay of this gate // initializer -- note: called only by implementing classes public void scan( Scanner sc, List inputs ) { /** Initialize a gate scanning its description from sc. * Returns name = null if the description contains errors. */ name = sc.next(); String returnName = name; inputList = inputs; inputUsed = new boolean[ inputList.size() ]; inputValue = new boolean[ inputList.size() ]; for (int i = 0; i < inputUsed.length; i++) { inputUsed[i] = false; inputValue[i] = false; } outputValue = false; if (LogicCircuit.findGate( name ) != null) { Errors.warn( "Gate '" + name + "' redefined" ); returnName = null; } if (!sc.hasNextFloat()) { Errors.warn( "Gate '" + name + "' -- delay not specified" ); returnName = null; } else { delay = sc.nextFloat(); } SyntaxCheck.lineEnd( sc, () -> "Gate '" + name + "'" ); name = returnName; } public void setDriven( Wire w ) { /** Inform this gate that it drives wire w */ driven.add( w ); } public int inputNumber( String in ) { /** Given an input name, returns the corresponding number. * Also checks that the name has not been used before; * if it has been used or is an illegal name, returns -1. */ int i = inputList.indexOf( in ); if ( i >= 0 ) { if (inputUsed[i]) { i = -1; // input already in use } else { inputUsed[i] = true; } } return i; } public String inputName( int in ) { /** Given an input number, returns the corresponding name. * and also check off the fact that it has been used. */ return inputList.get( in ); } public void checkInputs() { /** Check to see that all inputs of this gate are connected. */ for (int i = 0; i < inputUsed.length; i++) { if (inputUsed[i] == false) { Errors.warn( "Gate " + name + ' ' + inputList.get( i ) + " -- input not connected" ); } } } public abstract String toString(); /** Convert a gate back to its textual description */ public abstract void inputChange( float t, int i, boolean v ); /** Simulation event service routine called * when input i of this gate changes at time t to value v. * What to do at an input change depends on the gate type; * it may do nothing, it may schedule an output change. */ public void outputChange( float t, boolean v ) { /** Simulation event service routine called * when the output of this gate changes at time t to value v. * At this point, output changes are gate type independent. */ System.out.println( "Time " + t + " Gate " + name + " changes to " + v + '.' ); for (Wire w: driven) w.inputChange( t, v ); } } xxxxxxxxxx cat > LogicCircuit.java <<\xxxxxxxxxx // LogicCircuit.java /** * Top level code to build and simulate one logic circuit * composed of gates connected by wires. * @author Douglas Jones * @version MP3 * * This code depends on: * @see Simulator * @see Errors * @see Wire * @see Gate * @see AndGate * @see OrGate * @see NotGate * @see InputGate */ import java.util.LinkedList; import java.io.File; import java.io.FileNotFoundException; import java.util.Scanner; public class LogicCircuit { /** Top level description of a logic circuit made of * some gates connected by some wires. * @see Gate * @see Wire */ private static LinkedList gates = new LinkedList (); private static LinkedList wires = new LinkedList (); public static Gate findGate( String s ) { /** Given s the name of a particular gate * returns null if that gate does not exist, * returns that gate if it exists. * @see Intersection */ // Bug: Reengineering this to use a hash should be possible for (Gate i: gates) { if (i.name.equals( s )) { return i; } } return null; } private static void readCircuit( Scanner sc ) { /** Read a logic circuit, scanning its description from sc. */ while (sc.hasNext()) { // until the input file is finished String command = sc.next(); if ("gate".equals( command )) { String kind = sc.next(); Gate g = null; if ("and".equals( kind )) { g = AndGate.scan( sc ); } else if ("or".equals( kind )) { g = OrGate.scan( sc ); } else if ("not".equals( kind )) { g = NotGate.scan( sc ); } else if ("output".equals( kind )) { g = Output.scan( sc ); } else { Errors.warn( "gate '" + kind + "' type not supported" ); sc.nextLine(); } if (g != null) gates.add( g ); } else if ("wire".equals( command )) { Wire w = Wire.scan( sc ); if (w != null) wires.add( w ); } else { Errors.warn( "'" + command + "' not a wire or gate" ); sc.nextLine(); } } } private static void checkCircuit() { /** Check the completeness of the logic circuit description. */ for (Gate g: gates) { g.checkInputs(); } } private static void writeCircuit() { /** Write out a textual description of the entire logic circuit. * This routine is scaffolding used during development. */ for (Gate g: gates) { System.out.println( g.toString() ); } for (Wire w: wires) { System.out.println( w.toString() ); } } public static void main(String[] args) { /** Create a logic circuit. * The command line argument names the input file. * For now, the output is just a reconstruction of the input. */ if (args.length < 1) { Errors.fatal( "Missing filename argument" ); } if (args.length > 1) { Errors.fatal( "Extra command-line arguments" ); } try { readCircuit( new Scanner( new File( args[0] ))); checkCircuit(); writeCircuit(); Simulator.run(); } catch (FileNotFoundException e) { Errors.fatal( "Can't open file '" + args[0] + "'" ); } } } xxxxxxxxxx cat > NotGate.java <<\xxxxxxxxxx // NotGate.java /** * Not gates are a subclass of gate in the logic ciruit simulation. * @author Douglas Jones * @version MP4 * * This code depends on: * @see Simulator * @see Gate */ import java.util.Arrays; import java.util.List; import java.util.Scanner; class NotGate extends Gate { private NotGate() {} // prevent outsiders from using the initializer private static List inputs = Arrays.asList( "in" ); public static Gate scan( Scanner sc ) { NotGate g = new NotGate(); g.scan( sc, inputs ); // tickle this gate so it triggers its initial event g.inputChange( 0, 0, false ); if (g.name == null) g = null; return g; } public String toString() { /** Convert an intersection back to its textual description */ return "gate not " + name + ' ' + delay; } public void inputChange( float t, int i, boolean v ) { /** Simulation event service routine called * when input i of this not gate changes at time t to value v. */ inputValue[i] = v; outputValue = !v; Simulator.schedule( t + delay, (float time) -> this.outputChange( time, outputValue ) ); outputValue = !v; } } xxxxxxxxxx cat > OrGate.java <<\xxxxxxxxxx // OrGate.java /** * Or gates area subclass of gate in the logic circuit simulation. * @author Douglas Jones * @version MP4 * * This code depends on: * @see Simulator * @see Gate */ import java.util.Arrays; import java.util.List; import java.util.Scanner; class OrGate extends Gate { private OrGate() {} // prevent outsiders from using the initializer private static List inputs = Arrays.asList( "in1", "in2" ); public static Gate scan( Scanner sc ) { OrGate g = new OrGate(); g.scan( sc, inputs ); if (g.name == null) g = null; return g; } public String toString() { /** Convert an or gate back to its textual description */ return "gate or " + name + ' ' + delay; } public void inputChange( float t, int i, boolean v ) { /** Simulation event service routine called * when input i of this or gate changes at time t to value v. */ boolean newValue = false; inputValue[i] = v; for (boolean vi: inputValue) if (vi) newValue = true; if (newValue != outputValue) { outputValue = newValue; Simulator.schedule( t + delay, (float time) -> this.outputChange( time, outputValue ) ); } } } xxxxxxxxxx cat > Output.java <<\xxxxxxxxxx // Output.java /** The entire contents of this file are junk, the minimal framework needed to * fool the Java compiler into thinking that there is something here. */ import java.util.Scanner; class Output extends Gate { public static Gate scan( Scanner sc ) { return null; } public String toString() { return ""; } public void inputChange( float t, int i, boolean v ) { } } xxxxxxxxxx cat > Simulator.java <<\xxxxxxxxxx // Simulator.java /** * A general purpose simulation framework * @author Douglas Jones * @version MP4 */ import java.util.PriorityQueue; class Simulator { public interface Action { // actions contain the specific code of each event // users generally use lambda abstraction // so they don't usually see this class. void trigger( float time ); } private static class Event { public float time; // the time of this event public Action act; // what to do at that time } private static PriorityQueue eventSet = new PriorityQueue ( (Event e1, Event e2) -> Float.compare( e1.time, e2.time ) ); static boolean moreEvents() { /** Report if there pending and not yet triggered events. */ return !eventSet.isEmpty(); } static void schedule( float time, Action act ) { /** Call schedule(time,act) to make act happen at time. * Users typically pass the action as a lambda expression: *
                 *  Simulator.schedule(t,(float time)->method(params,time))
*/ Event e = new Event(); e.time = time; e.act = act; eventSet.add( e ); } static void run() { /** Call run() after scheduling some initial events * to run the simulation. */ while (!eventSet.isEmpty()) { Event e = eventSet.remove(); e.act.trigger( e.time ); } } } xxxxxxxxxx cat > SyntaxCheck.java <<\xxxxxxxxxx // SyntaxCheck.java /** * Support for common syntax checking problems like skipping to the next line. * @author Douglas Jones * @version MP3 * * This code depends on: * @see Errors */ import java.util.Scanner; class SyntaxCheck { public interface ByName { // crutch to allow lambda evaluation of error message string String s(); } static void lineEnd( Scanner sc, ByName c ) { /** Check for end of line on sc, * Use c to provide context in any error message */ String s = sc.nextLine(); if (!s.isEmpty()) { Errors.warn( c.s() + " has non-empty line end '" + s + "'" ); } } } xxxxxxxxxx cat > Wire.java <<\xxxxxxxxxx // Wire.java /** * Wires are used to link gates in a logic circuit simulation * @author Douglas Jones * @version MP4 * * This code depends on: * @see Simulator * @see Errors * @see SyntaxCheck * @see Gate * @see LogicCircuit */ import java.util.Scanner; class Wire { private float delay; // delay of this wire private Gate driven; // what gate does this wire drive private int input; // what input of driven does this wire drive private Gate driver; // what gate drives this wire // initializer -- note: No outside code uses the default initializer! public static Wire scan( Scanner sc ) { /** Initialize a wire by scanning its description from sc. * Returns null if the description contains errors. */ Wire w = new Wire(); Wire returnValue = w; String srcName = sc.next(); w.driver = LogicCircuit.findGate( srcName ); String dstName = sc.next(); w.driven = LogicCircuit.findGate( dstName ); String inputName = sc.next(); if (w.driver == null) { Errors.warn( "Wire '" + srcName + "' '" + dstName + "' -- the first name is undefined" ); returnValue = null; } else { // inform gate that drives this wire that it does so w.driver.setDriven( w ); } if (w.driven == null) { Errors.warn( "Wire '" + srcName + "' '" + dstName + "' -- the second name is undefined" ); returnValue = null; } else { w.input = w.driven.inputNumber( inputName ); if (w.input < 0 ){ Errors.warn( "Wire '" + srcName + "' '" + dstName + "' '" + inputName + "' -- the input name is not allowed" ); returnValue = null; } } if (!sc.hasNextFloat()) { Errors.warn( "Wire '" + srcName + "' '" + dstName + "'" + "-- delay not specified" ); returnValue = null; } else { w.delay = sc.nextFloat(); } SyntaxCheck.lineEnd( sc, () -> "wire '" + srcName + "' '" + dstName + "'" ); return returnValue; } public String toString() { /** Convert a wire back to its textual description */ return "wire " + driver.name + ' ' + driven.name + ' ' + driven.inputName( input ) + ' ' + delay ; } public void inputChange( float t, boolean v ) { /** Simulation event service routine called * when the input to a wire changes at time t to value v. */ Simulator.schedule( t + delay, (float time) -> this.outputChange( time, v ) ); } public void outputChange( float t, boolean v ) { /** Simulation event service routine called * when the output of a wire changes at time t to value v. */ driven.inputChange( t, input, v ); } } xxxxxxxxxx cat > classes <<\xxxxxxxxxx Simulator.java Errors.java SyntaxCheck.java Wire.java Gate.java AndGate.java OrGate.java NotGate.java Output.java LogicCircuit.java xxxxxxxxxx cat > README <<\xxxxxxxxxx This logic ciruit simulator is written in Java by Douglas Jones during the fall of 2015 as part of an excersise for a class on object-oriented programming. The classes used are listed in file classes, so the following shell command will build a working simulator: prompt$ javac @classes Once compiled, assuming you have a file of test input called inputfile, you can run it as follows: prompt$ java LogicCircuit < inputfile xxxxxxxxxx