Homework 2 Solutions

22C:18, Summer 1997

Douglas W. Jones

  1. Translate the following Hawk instructions to machine code, giving the result as a string of consecutive halfwords in hex:
    	LIS	R1,#FF
    	ORIS	R2,#98
    	ADD	R3,R2,R1
           0000: D1FF   LIS     R1,#FF
           0002: E2FE   LIL     R2,#FEDCBA
           0004: DCBA
           0006: C298   ORIS    R2,#98
           0008: 3321   ADD     R3,R2,R1
  2. Use the SMAL assembler to produce a printed assembly listing like this:
    SMAL32, rev  6/97.              D. W. Jones 22C:018-A HW3    08:17:02  Page  1
                                                                 Tue Jun 24 1997
                                 1             TITLE   D. W. Jones 22C:018-A HW3
                                 2             USE     "/group/22c018/hawk.macs"
                                 3             S       start
                                 5     start:
                                 6             LIS     R1,#FF
    +000000: D1FF                7             LIL     R2,#FEDCBA
    +000002: E2FE  DCBA          8             ORIS    R2,#98
    +000006: C298                9             ADD     R3,R2,R1
    +000008: 3321               10             LOAD    R4,pointr
    +00000A: F4E0  0012         11             STORES  R3,R4           ; store in d
    +00000E: F324               12  
                                13             LIW     R5,#FF000100
    +000010: E5FF  0001         14             LIW     R6,"OLEH"
    +000016: E64F  4C45         15             STORES  R6,R5
    +00001C: F625               16  
    +00001E: 0000               17             H       0
                                19             ALIGN   4
                                20             COMMON  data,4
    +000020:+00000000           21     pointr: W       data
                                23             END
                        no errors

  3. What value does the instruction sequence given above leave in each register and in the memory location named data?
       PC:  0000101E                R8: 00000000
       PSW: 0000FF09  R1: FFFFFFFF  R9: 00000000
       NZVC: 1 0 0 1  R2: FEDCBA98  RA: 00000000
                      R3: FEDCBA97  RB: 00000000
                      R4: 00010000  RC: 00000000
                      R5: FF000100  RD: 00000000
                      R6: 4F4C4548  RE: 00000000
                      R7: 00000000  RF: 00000000
       R4 points to data; M[R4] = M[#10000] = R3 = FEDCBA97

  4. Given that R3 holds x, a 32 bit signed number in the 2's complement system, write a short sequence of SMAL Hawk instructions to compute abs(x) (the absolute value of x).
    		TESTR	R3
    		BNR	pos
    		NEG	R3,R3

  5. Assuming that all variables are 32 bit integers, and that the registers R5, R6 and R7 are used to hold the variablex x, y and z, respectively write a sequence of SMAL Hawk assembly language instructions that is equivalent to the following sequence of Pascal instructions:
    	CLR	R7	;    z := 0;
    	LIS	R6,1	;    y := 1;
    LOOP:			;    repeat
    	ADD	R5,R7,R6;	x := z + y;
    	MOVE	R6,R7	;	y := z;
    	MOVE	R7,R5	;	z := x;
    	CMPI	R5,50	;    until x > 50
    The most important and common problem students had with the above is recognizing that the loop termination condition is tested after the execution of the loop body (the same is true with the C/C++ do-while loop).