Exam 3: Final

Solutions and Commentary

Part of the homework for CS:2630, Summer 2018
by Douglas W. Jones
THE UNIVERSITY OF IOWA Department of Computer Science

Grade Distributions

All grade distributions that follow exclude 4 students who missed large numbers of classes, in conformance with the grading policy announced at the start of the semester.

Final Exam

Mean   = 9.89        X
Median = 8.9         X
               X     X   X
    0 . 2 . 4 . 6 . 8 . 10. 12. 14. 16. 18. 20

Total EX1, EX2, Final

Mean   = 17.72       X
Median = 17.0        X
               X   X X     X
    0 . 4 . 8 . 12. 16. 20. 24. 28. 32. 36. 40

Machine Problems 1 to 6

Mean   = 12.41
Median = 12.5
                               X X
    0 . 2 . 4 . 6 . 8 . 10. 12. 14. 16. 18. 20. 22. 24. 26. 28. 30

Top 10 Homework Scores of 1 to 13

Mean   = 20.46                           X X   X
Median = 19.3                            X X   X X
    0 . 2 . 4 . 6 . 8 . 10. 12. 14. 16. 18. 20. 22. 24. 26. 28. 30

Total Scores

Mean   = 50.59
Median = 47.8
                     X   X   X X
    24. 28. 32. 36. 40. 44. 48. 52. 56. 60. 64. 68. 72. 76. 80. 84. 88. 92. 96
       + + +|- - -     C     + + +|- - -     B     + + +|- - -     A     + + +|

Note that the grade distribution here is sufficiently unusual that I went back over previous semesters to check that it was not wrong. It appears that the demographics of students who take summer courses are significantly different from the mix during regular semesters.

Exam Solutions and Commentary

  1. A Problem: Give the more common Hawk instruction equivalent to each of the following (0.3 points ea.):

    a)   LEACC   R0,R3,-THIS   __CMPI R3,THIS__________________

    b)   LEACC   R4,R5,THESE   __ADDI R4,R5,THESE______________

    c)   SUB     R0,R6,R7      __CMP R6,R7____________________

    d)   SUB     R8,R0,R9      __NEG R8,R9____________________

    e)   MOVECC  R0,R10        __TESTR R10______________________

    1 in 4 got all of these. 1 in 2 got at least one of these. The first one was the hardest. Only one earned no credit at all. Among the weaker students, many made errors suggestive of having spent little time writing assembly language code for the Hawk; this is consistent with the poor overall performance of this class on programming assignments.

  2. A Problem: Give the 8 bit 2's complement binary representation for each of the following (0.3 points ea.):

    a) –1010         ___11110110________________                                 (scratch space)

    b) +2010         ___00010100________________

    c) –5010          ___11001110________________

    d) +10010       ___01100100________________

    e) –12010        ___10001000________________

    1 in 2 did perfect work. The errors made by the remainder are somewhat distressing. 1 in 4 could earned no credit on part b. 1 in 7 were off by one on negative numbers, while 1 in 10 negated all of the values.

  3. Background: Here's a macro that was used in the code distributed with MP6:
            MACRO   ALLOC =n
              . = . + n

    We could use this to build the activation record for INTTOS from the posted solution to MP5:

    LC      =       .
    .       =       0
    RETAD:  ALLOC   4
    R8SV:   ALLOC   4       ; save locationf for R8 to R10
    R9SV:   ALLOC   4
    R10SV:  ALLOC   4
    ___ARSIZE = .__________________
    ___.      = LC_________________

    A Problem: Fill in the final 2 lines needed to make this work. (1 point)

    1 got this. 1 in 2 earned partial credit by attempting to set ARSIZE but failing to reset the location counter to its original value. Most of those who attempted to set ARSIZE set it incorrectly. Over 1 in 3 earned no credit. Many of these seem to have applied shotgun approaches, filling in blanks with random assembly directives such as ALIGN or EXT.

  4. Background: The following binary data is the result of assembling a useful Hawk subroutine and loading it starting at address 100016:
    1000: D4F5F3F4                            _________MOVE  R4,R3_________
    1004: 02025455                            _____L:  LOADS R5,R4_________
    1008: FB00C114                            _________EXTB  R5,R5,R4______
    100C: B1F04323                            _________BZS   Q_____________
                                              _________ADDSI R4,1__________
                                              _________BR    L_____________
                                              _____Q:  SUB   R3,R4,R3______
                                              _________JUMPS R0,R1_________

    a) Convert it back to SMAL Hawk assembly language in the spaces to the right above. The blank space between the code and the answer blanks is scratch space: (2 points)

    1 in 5 did well. Among those earning partial credit, 1 in 7 were penalized for failure to figure out the branch displacements, and several reversed the order of all of the halfwords. Both of these errors made it difficult to earn any credit on part b). 1 in 3 earned no credit, and most of those left the problem largely blank.

    Given that this was an open-book exam and the Hawk manual has an appendix giving the instructions in reverse numerical order by opcode, this problem is basically clerical work, but it requires that the students understand that the Hawk computer is a low-byter or littleendian machine, and it requires that the student understand hexadecimal.

    b) What registers does it expect parameters in, what registers does it alter, and what does it return in what registers? Use a style appropriate for subroutine header comments. (2 points)

    ______Expects  R3 - pointer to a null-terminated string________________
    ______Uses     R4 - temporary pointer used to traverse string__________
    _______________R5 - successive characters of the string________________
    ______Returns  R5 - string length______________________________________

    1 in 10 got this, An additional 1 in 7 correctly identified the registers that were used but did not explain how they were used. Among those earning no credit, a remarkable number made statements about register usage after having made little progress on part a). In general, statements about register usage were graded in terms of the answer given to part a).

  5. A problem: For each instruction below, identify the addressing mode or modes used: (0.3 points each)

    a)   LOAD   R8,R2,R8SAVE   ___register mode, indexed mode__________________

    b)   LOAD   R3,TRANSLATE   ___register mode, pc-relative mode______________

    c)   LIS    R4,' '         ___register mode, immediate mode________________

    d)   BZR    RELOOP         ___pc-relative mode_____________________________

    e)   LOADS  R3,R4          ___register mode, short-indexed mode____________

    1 in 4 earned full credit. An equal number earned no credit, frequently for giving answers that strongly suggested that they had no clue what the phrase addressing mode referred to. Among those earning partial credit, PC-relative mode was the most frequently remembered.

    Nobody mentioned that the first operand of many instructions is always a register mode instruction, but this was not penalized.

  6. Background: The rotate operator on a fixed-length word is similar to a shift operator, except that values shifted off one end of the word are shifted into the other end. Thus, 0123456716 rotated 12 bits left or 20 bits right is 3456701216.

    A problem: Write SMAL Hawk code to rotate R3 10 bits right. R4 and up are available. (1.5 points)

    ________MOVESL  R4,R3,11_______________________________________________
    ________SL      R4,11__________________________________________________
    ________SRU     R3,10__________________________________________________
    ________OR      R3,R4__________________________________________________

    None did perfectly. 1 in 3 earned good partial credit for answers that used shift counts over 16. Because the actual shift count needed is 22, this must be divided into 2 shift instructions.

    1 in 3 wrote solutions that involved loops, and 1 in 3 (many the same) added large numbers of unnecessary instructions. 1 in 3 earned no credit, but only one left this blank. Several gave nonsense answers, for example, copying one of the optimal code sequences for multiplying by a constant, something unrelated to the assignment except that it also involves shifting.

    It is clear that a large fraction of the class has significant difficulty with any computations involving shift operators.

  7. Here is a little floating point format that is based on all of the same ideas as the IEEE floating point format:
        s =sign of mantissa
    exp=biased exponent
      111 – not a number, infinity if m=0
      011 – represents zero
      000 – non-normalized values (hidden bit = 0)
    mnt=mantissa with hidden bit in 1's place

    Convert each of the following numbers in this format to decimal (0.3 points each):

                                                            (scratch space)
    a)   000001        ___0.0625__________________

    b)   110010        __-3.0_____________________

    c)   011100        ___infinity________________

    d)   001000        ___0.5_____________________

    e)   100010        __-0.125___________________

    1/4 earned full credit. Part a was the most difficult, with 3 in 4 earning no credit. Part d was also hard, completely stumping 1 in 3 while another 1 in 3 only got the sign right.

    It is noteworthy that this was the same floating point representation used on the second midterm. In general, students who had difficulty with negative numbers in the 2's complement number system had even more difficulty here where the exponent is represented as a biased number with an unnatural bias.

  8. Background: As the comments indicate, this code is some kind of multiply routine, but some comments have been simplified to allow for the questions that follow.
    TIMES:  ; multiply
            ; expects:  R4 - ier, integer multiplier
            ;           R5 - icand, integer multiplicand
            ; returns:  R3 - ?
            ; destroys: R6 - loop counter
            LIS     R6,32
    TIMESLP: __________________ ; loop 31 times { ___________
         |  SRU     R3,1        ;   R3 = R3 >> 1             |
         |  SRU     R4,1        ;   ier = ier >> 1           |
         |  ADJUST  R4,CMSB                                  |
         |  BCR     TIMESEND    ;   if (C) {                 |
         |_ ADD ___ R3,R3,R5 __ ; ___ R3 = R3 + icand _______|
    TIMESEND:                   ;   }
            ADDSI   R6,-1
            BGT     TIMESLP     ; }
            JUMPS   R1          ; return

    a) What is returned in R3 and R4? (0.5 points)

        ____R3 holds the most significant 32 bits of the product_______
        ____R4 holds the multiplier____________________________________

    None earned full credit. 1 in 3 earned partial credit for recognizing that R3 ends up holding the product, but not specifying that it's just the high half of the product. Some explicitly said low half, but that is the correct answer for a different multiply algorithm.

    There is an error in the code. A number correctly interpreted the result of the error — that the multiplier in R4 ends up unchanged.

    It is apparent that many students focused their effort on using the notes to find the closest similar multiply algorithm. The algorithm above is not in the notes, and a correct answer therefore has to rest on reading and understanding the code.

    b) What does the C condition code tested by the BCR instructions hold? (0.5 points)

        ____The least significant bit of the remaining multiplier______

    1 in 5 earned full credit here, and even more earned partial credit for implicating something about R4 or the carry after a shift, without connecting the result to some particular property of the multiplier.

    c) If we omit the ADJUST instruction, what is returned in R3 and R4? (0.5 points)

        ____R3 as in part a, the high half of the product______________
        ____R4 ends up zero____________________________________________

    1 in 10 did well. Several left this blank, and almost 1 in 3 gave answers that verged on nonsense.

    d) To speed this code up, we could change the iteration count from 32 to 16. This requires that we unroll the loop. Draw a circle or oval around the block of code that would need to be duplicated above to do this. (0.5 points)

    Over 1 in 3 did well. Among those earning partial credit, almost all included the ADJUST and BCR instructions in the block they marked, but some focused on the two shift instructions, and one included the opening LIS instruction that is outside the loop.

  9. Background: Here is a Hawk subroutine
    STRCPY: ; expects R3 = dst, a pointer to a destination string
            ;         R4 = src, a pointer to a source string
            ; use     R5 = dst'
            ;         R6 = ch
            ;         R7 temp
            MOVE    R5,R3           ; dst' = dst
    STRCLP:                         ; loop {    ___ start of body ___
        __  LOADS   R6,R4                                         
            EXTB    R6,R6,R4        ;   ch = *src                
        __  LOADS   R7,R5
        __  STUFFB  R7,R6,R5
            STORES  R7,R5           ;   *dst' = ch
            BZS     STRCQT          ;   if (ch == NULL) break
            ADDSI   R4,1            ;   src++
            ADDSI   R5,1            ;   dst'++  ____ end of body ____
            BR      STRCLP
    STRCQT:                         ; }
            JUMPS   R1              ; return dst -- was always in R3

    a) On a 4-stage pipelined Hawk, how many delay slots are in the loop body? (1.5 points)

        ____6______________(2 at each point marked above)______________

    1 in 5 did well, 1 in 4 said 3 for half credit, while 1 in 7 said 4 and an equal number said 2. A few gave very odd answers earning no credit. One, in particular, stood out by suggesting that there were 48 delay slots.

    b) Rewrite the body to minimize the number of delay slots. Use R1 if needed. Omit comments. (2 points)

        ______LOADS   R6,R4____________________________________________
        ______LOADS   R7,R5____________________________________________
        ______EXTB    R6,R6,R4_________________________________________
        ______ADJUST  R4,PLUS1_________________________________________
        ______STUFFB  R7,R6,R5_________________________________________
        ______STORES  R4,R5____________________________________________
        ______BZS     STRCQT___________________________________________
        ______ADDSI   R5,1_____________________________________________

    Just one did perfect work here, while 1 in 4 came close, typically either not noticing the opportunity to replace ADDSI with ADJUST, allowing it to be moved up without destroying the condition codes, or not noticing the need to preserve the condition codes and moving up the ADDSI.

    The solution above has 4 delay slots, and there are several others that do this. Some students added gratuitous instructions that filled delay slots while adding code. Delay slots filled this way were not counted as having been eliminated.

    Several students left this blank or simply copied the original code, adding errors or gratuitous changes in register use. These received no credit. Among the odd answers, one apparently could not identify the body being referred to.

  10. Background: Here is the specification of a logic circuit:

    c =  a b 
    d =  a c 
    e =  c b 
    f =  d e 

    diagram a) Draw the circuit in the space to the left (1 point)

    b) Fill in this truth table: (1 point)

     a  b   c  d  e   f 
    _0_ _0_ _1_ _1_ _1_ _0_
    _0_ _1_ _1_ _1_ _0_ _1_
    _1_ _0_ _1_ _0_ _1_ _1_
    _1_ _1_ _0_ _1_ _1_ _0_

    Over half the class did perfectly — this was probably the easiest problem on the exam. The most common problems were clerical errors, although in some cases, these were almost certainly caused by a generally sloppy approach to the problem. There were a few serious errors involving misreading the overbar notation.