Assignment 6, due Jun 28
Part of
the homework for CS:2630, Summer 2018
On every assignment, write your name legibly as it appears on your University ID card! Homework is due on paper at the start of class on the day indicated (Tuesday or Thursday). Exceptions will be made only by advance arrangement (excepting "acts of God"). Late work must be turned in to the TA's mailbox (ask the CS receptionist in 14 MLH for help). Never push homework under someone's door!
A problem: Write SMAL Hawk code for a subroutine called LOADS because it does the same thing as the instruction with that name, except that it works for non-aligned memory addresses. It takes an address in R3 and returns the value of the word at that memory location in R3.
Your code should be neat and appropriately commented. Note that all the computation it does can be done in R3 to R7 without any calls to other subroutines, so it does not need an activation record to hold a return address or local variables. This can be done in 16 instructions, but you are more likely to take closer to 20 instructions.
LOADS: ; expects R3 -- addr a memory address, with no alignment constraints ; returns R3 -- value the word at that address ; uses R4-R7 to hold the 4 bytes of the word before combining them LOADS R4,R3 EXTB R4,R4,R3 ; b0 = M[addr] ADDSI R3,1 LOADS R5,R3 EXTB R5,R5,R3 ; b1 = M[addr + 1] ADDSI R3,1 LOADS R6,R3 EXTB R6,R6,R3 ; b2 = M[addr + 2] ADDSI R3,1 LOADS R7,R3 EXTB R7,R7,R3 ; b3 = M[addr + 3] MOVE R3,R7 ; value = b3 ADDSL R3,R6,8 ; value = (value << 8) + b2 ADDSL R3,R5,8 ; value = (value << 8) + b1 ADDSL R3,R4,8 ; value = (value << 8) + b0 JUMPS R1 ; return value
The above is the tightest solution, but the ending isn't necessarily the most obvious. You could end with something like the following:
EXTB R7,R7,R3 ; b3 = M[addr + 3] MOVSL R3,R7,8 ADD R3,R3,R6 ; value = (b3 << 8) + b2 SL R3,8 ADD R3,R3,R5 ; value = (value << 8) + b1 SL R3,8 ADD R3,R3,R4 ; value = (value << 8) + b0 JUMPS R1 ; return value
You could also use the OR instruction instead of the ADD instruction to combine the parts, and you could use ORIS to shift the pieces 8 places left. Here is yet another solution, neither optimal nor obvious:
EXTB R7,R7,R3 ; b3 = M[addr + 3] MOVE R3,R4 ; value = b0 -- no alignment needed LIS R4,1 STUFFB R3,R5,R4 ; value = value + (b1 << 8)) LIS R4,2 STUFFB R3,R6,R4 ; value = value + (b2 << 16) LIS R4,3 STUFFB R3,R7,R4 ; value = value + (b2 << 24) JUMPS R1 ; return value
In more detail, it returns zero if all characters of s1 and s2 are identical up to the trailing null. Otherwise, they must differ at some character i, which is to say s1[i]-s2[i] is not zero. In this case, it returns a positive value if s1[i]-s2[i] > 0, and a negative value if s1[i]-s2[i] < 0.
a) Write code in a high level language notation for strcmp. You can safely act as if strings are simply arrays of characters. (0.5 points)
int strcmp(char * s1, char * s2) { int i = 0; while (s1[i] == s2[i]) { if (s1[i] == '\0') break i = i + 1 } return s1[i] - s2[i] }
b) Write SMAL Hawk code for STRCMP. As much as is possible, use the algorithm you documented above, and make sure your code incorporates comments that convey that algorithm and explain any optimization involved. (1.0 points)
STRCMP: ; expects R3 = s1, a pointer to a null terminated string ; expects R4 = s2, a pointer to a null terminated string ; uses R5 = t1, a character from s1 ; R6 = t2, a character from s2 ; R7 = dif, result of comparison ; instead of using array indexing, it increments the string pointers STRCLP: ; while (true) -- loop exits are by break LOADS R5,R3 EXTB R5,R5,R3 ; t1 = * s1 LOADS R6,R4 EXTB R6,R6,R4 ; t2 = * s2 SUB R7,R5,R6 ; dif = t1 - t2 BNE STRCQT ; if (dif != 0) break TESTR R5 BZS STRCQT ; if (t1 == NUL) break ADDSI R3,1 ; s1++ ADDSI R4,1 ; s2++ BR STRCLP STRCQT; ; } MOVE R3,R7 JUMPS R1 ; return dif
On the other hand, if th eoperands are unsigned and we set the condition codes with LOADSCC or LOADCC and then test them with one of BLTU, BLEU, BEQ, BNE, BGTU or BGEU the result will sometimes be wrong.
a) Which of the above branches will produce wrong results? To answer this question, look up which condition codes these inspect and look at how the instruction sets those condition codes. (0.3 points)
BLTU, BLEU, BGTU and BGEU all produce wrong results after LOADSCC or LOADCC because those load instructions set the C condition code to mean something other than carry (or not borrow) after subtraction from zero.
Note that this isn't really a problem, because unsigned values can't be negative, so after comparison with zero, BZR can be used instead of BGTU, BZS can be used instead of BLTU, a simple BR will substitute for BGEU, and since no unsigned value is less than zero, any BLTU you might be tempted to use after comparing with zero can be simply deleted.
b) What useful purpose is solved by the way the LOADSCC or LOADCC instructions set the condition code or codes that cause the problems you discovered in part a? The answer to this is in Chapter 7 of the notes. (0.2 points)
The C condition code is set by LOADSCC or LOADCC to indicate that some byte in the loaded value was zero. This is useful when trying to do efficient operations on null-terminated text strings in 4 character blocks.