Assignment 6, due July 6
Part of
the homework for 22C:60, Summer 2005
Always, on every assignment, please write your name legibly as it appears on your University ID and on the class list! All assignments will be due at the start of class on the day indicated, and unless there is what insurance companies call "an act of God" - something outside your control; the only exceptions to this rule will be by advance arrangement.
a) Solve this problem with a sequence of CMPI instructions followed by appropriate conditional branch instructions, with a single unconditional branch at the end. (1/2 point)
b) Write SMAL code to construct a jump table (of 256 words) that associates the correct case with each of the ASCII characters. This is not code. Words correspond to ASCII characters and have, as values, CASEQ, CASEU, CASEH, CASEK CASEM, or CASED. Organizing this table as 32 lines by 8 words per line is convenient. Comments to help you relate the lines to the ASCII character set would also help. Label word zero of this jump table with JUMPTABLE (1/2 point)
c) Write the code to transfer control through your jump table to the correct case, using register 3 to load the correct jump table entry and then jumping to the indicated case. You must load the jump table entry into a register before you use it to jump! (1/2 point)
c = not( a and b )
d = not( a and c )
e = not( b and c )
f = not( d and e )
a) Write this out as a logic diagram giving f as a function of a and b, with all intermediate points labeled. (1/2 point)
b) Give a truth table showing c, d, e and f as functions of a and b. (1/2 point)
Take your solution to Machine Problem 2 and add code to do the following: Randomly plot "#" marks on the screen, so that ten percent of the spaces on the screen contain hash marks. (Later, you will need to make it so moving your asterisk will behave differently depending on whether it moves into a hash mark.)
There are two algorithms you could use: Either figure out how many spaces there are on the screen and then divide by 10 to get the right number of hash marks, then plot that many hash marks at random coordinates on the screen, or draw a random number from zero to nine for each space on the screen and plot a hash mark if that number comes up zero. For the purposes of this assignment, either of these algorithms will suffice.
The real problem here is to write a little routine you can call to compute random numbers. Genuine randomness is difficult to get on a computer, but you can make a pseudo-random number generator by using a sequence of values x0, x1, x2, x3 computed from the following formula:
xi+1 = (16807 xi) mod (231 - 1)
x0 = any integer between 1 and 231 - 1 231 - 1
(The above pseudo-random number generator is called the minimal standard pseudo-random number generator or the Park and Miller generator after the authors of the most widely read paper on the subject.)
Unfortunately, this needs 46-bit arithmetic. On a 32-bit machine, the following code will work:
hi+1 = xi / 127773 (note that 127773 = (231 - 1) / 16807)
li+1 = xi mod 127773
ti+1 = 16807 li+1 - 2836 hi+1 (note that 2836 = (231 - 1) mod 16807)
if ti+1 > 0
then xi+1 = ti+1
else xi+1 = ti+1 + 2147483647 (note that 2147483647 = 231 - 1)
This lovely computation produces exactly the same sequence of values of xi+1 as the first version given above, but with the guarantee that none of the intermediate values will be out of bounds on a 32-bit machine.
Finally, of course, if you want random numbers from 0 to n-1 and you have random numbers in a much larger range, take the larger number mod n.
Submitting your result: Usee the submit command on the department linux cluster to submit your solution. Your program must be in a file named mp2.a, submit it for the course c060 and in the directory mp2. See the assignment for MP1 for details.
Grading: Failure to include an appropriate TITLE directive will be penalized as in MP1. Up to half credit will be deducted for each of the following, depending on severity: Assembly errors, illegible or badly formatted code, poorly thought out logic of the solution, or failure of your program to perform as required. Poorly thought out commentary that belabors the obvious or fails to explain the obscure will cost at most one point. Failure to properly use global variables for the sequence of pseudo-random values will be penalized 1/2 point.