Always, on every assignment, please write your name legibly as it appears
on your University ID and on the class list! All assignments will be due
at the start of class on the day indicated, and unless there is what
insurance companies call "an act of God" - something outside your
control; the only exceptions to this rule will be by advance arrangement.
Remember, summer session goes very quickly! You will fall behind very
quickly if you do not keep up with the work.
Each of the following problems (except the first) is worth 1/2 point.
What is your E-mail address? (If you have more than one, give the address
you'd prefer used for class purposes.)
Real Homework!
It is useful to be able to estimate roughly how many decimal digits
correspond to a particular power of two. The common rule of thumb is that
there are 3 decimal digits for every 10 bits in the number.
The ratio 3/10 used in the above rule of thumb is an approximation. What is
the exact value?
This is a highschool algebra question and the subject is logarithms.
Show the representation of the text "Hello, world?" in 7-bit
ASCII, showing your answer as a sequence of 7-bit binary numbers.
Show the representation of the text "Hello, world?" in 7-bit
ASCII, showing your answer as a sequence of decimal integers.
Consider doing a binary to decimal conversion on each of the
successive values from the previous question.
Consider this sequence of decimal numbers: 72, 97, 119, 107, 101, 121, 101,
115, 33. What 7-bit ASCII text does this represent?
Consider doing a decimal to binary conversion on each of the
successive values and then looking them up in the ASCII character set table.
Here is a string of numbers in base 8: 107, 145, 157, 162, 147, 145, 40,
127, 141, 163, 150, 151, 156, 147, 164, 167, 166. What 7-bit ASCII text does
this represent?
Consider doing an octal to binary conversion.
The standard for the C language is silent about whether data of type
char (usually 8 bits) is to be interpreted as signed or unsigned.
As a result, the bit pattern 100000002 could be interpreted as
either -128 or +128. If a programmer cares one
way or the other, the programmer can use an explicit sign qualifier to indicate
which interpretation they intend: For 8-bit numbers,
unsigned char allows values from 0 to 255,
and signed char allows values from -128 to 127.
Suppose a program has a value of type char with no explicit
sign qualifier, and this value is assigned to two integer variables called
i_signed and i_unsigned. Give a two-line code fragment
that will fix things up after this assignment so that, no matter which of
the possible rules the C compiler uses, these two variables will hold
both of the possible interpretations. For example, if the character variable
originally held 100000002, i_signed will hold -128 and
and i_unsigned will hold 128.
The code is trivial, but it requires an understanding of the fact that
signed integer variables in C are represented using two's complement