Lectures: 10:30 Monday, Wednesday and Friday, 3405, Engineering. Professor: Douglas W. Jones
Discussion sections: Tuesdays, 11:30, 210 MacLean; and 12:30, 219 Phillips. Assistant: Ragu Bhavansikar
Text: Assembly Language and Systems Programming for the MC68000 Family, by Ford and Topp, DC Heath. This book is expensive! Many current students may be willing to sell their old copies! Take advantage of such offers, form teams, and do other things to cut costs!
Computer support: The Macintosh machines in 301 MLH (or any not-too-out-of-date Macintosh computer) will be needed to run the assignments. The Macintosh Assembly System, preloaded on the computers in 301 MLH, is also available from DC Heath.
Exams: All exams will be comprehensive, covering all material up to the date of the exam, with an emphasis on recent material (but not so recent that you haven't had time to think about it). Students with serious conflicts (illness, religious holidays) may make alternate arrangements (preferably in advance).
Grading: 20% of the score will depend on homework (10 assignments at 2% each). 30% will depend on programming (6 assignments at 5% each). The exams will count, respectively, 12%, 13% and 25%.
Questions: Questions about assignments before the due date may be directed to any of us, during office hours or in class. The TA of your discussion section is the only one who can answer questions about administrative matters, scores, make up exams, or special cases in which late work will be accepted. The lab monitors cannot help you with your machine problems! They can help you with problems getting to computers and getting them to work, but they cannot help you with programming them.
World Wide Web: All handouts for this course will be made available on the Web at:
Annoying legalistic stuff:
If you do not have the prerequisite for this couse, a course on elementary data structures such as 22C:17, you are likely to fail. If you are currently registered in 22C:18 and in some course that depends on it as a prerequisite, and if you get into any academic trouble in either course, you must not drop 22C:18 until after you drop the other course.
Students caught cheating for the first time may be given a penalty up to an automatic F in the course. Such an F cannot be removed from the transcript. Penalties up to expulsion may apply to second offences. While you are encouraged to discuss homework problems with others in the class (this is a good way to learn), do not discuss your solutions prior to the due date!
Temporary grades of I (Incomplete) will be granted only on the basis of discussion with the professor prior to the final exam.
If you have any disagreement or communications problem with the teaching assistant, take it to the professor. If you have any similar problem with your professor, contact the department chair; due process continues from there to the dean's office of the College of Liberal Arts.