Exam 2

22C:18, Spring 1996, 13 points

Douglas W. Jones
Name ______________________________________   Section ___________

  1. Fixed point numbers. Complete the following table; all numbers in each column share the same base, while all numbers in each row have the same value, fill in the blanks. (0.2 points per blank, 2.4 total.)
        Base 2           Base 8           Base 10           Base 16
       1110.1011         16.54             14.6875            D.B
        101.010         ___.___           ___.___           ___.___
        ___.___          12.34            ___.___           ___.___
        ___.___         ___.___            57.75            ___.___
        ___.___         ___.___           ___.___             A.E

  2. Floating point numbers: Consider a system with the following odd floating point format. Numbers are 8 bits, represented using a biased binary exponent (assume the obvious bias) and a two's complement binary mantissa, normalized so that the most significant non-sign bit of the mantissa is one, with the point immediately to the left of that bit. The format is as follows, where exp is the exponent, s is the sign of the mantissa, and man is the the mantissa, except for the sign bit:
                             _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
                            |s|  exp  | man |
    Give the binary values and fixed point decimal equivalents for each of the following numbers (0.4 each, 1.6 total):
        The largest         
          positive number.       _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _     ____________
        The most negative    
          number.                _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _     ____________
        The smallest nonzero
          positive number.       _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _     ____________ 
        The largest nonzero 
          negative number.       _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _     ____________

  3. Programming with fixed point arithmetic: Given that all variables in the problem are represented as 16 bit fixed point two's complement binary numbers with with 7 bits of fraction, write code to bridge the gap between the indicated pre and postconditions: (3 points)
         ; A is in D0.W.
         ; B is in memory, pointed to by A0.
         ; C is in field F of a record in memory,
         ;     A1 points to the record,
         ;     the symbol F gives the offset of the field.
         ; D1.W contains A*B + 2*B + C

  4. Procedures and functions! The following code is missing some key comments that would help a caller understand how to call it. Give them (2 points):
         ; function to compute the Nth fibonacci number.
         ; FIBO(N) = FIBO(N-1) + FIBO(N-2)
         ; FIBO(1) = 1
         ; FIBO(0) = 0
         ; accepts N in ______________________________________
         ; returns FIBO(N) in ________________________________
         ; destroys __________________________________________
         ; preserves or does not use _________________________
                 MOVEQ.L #1,D1
                 CMP.L   D1,D0
                 BLE     FIBQT
                 MOVE.L  D0,-(SP)
                 SUBQ.L  #1,D0
                 JSR     FIBO
                 MOVE.L  D0,D1
                 MOVE.L  (SP),D0
                 MOVE.L  D1,(SP)
                 SUBQ.L  #2,D0
                 JSR     FIBO
                 ADD.L   (SP)+,D0
         FIBQT:  RTS

  5. M68000 Programming: One way to do BCD arithmetic on a binary computer was discovered back in the late 1950's. Each 4-bit BCD digit is packed into a 6 bit field, so a 32 bit number holds 5 BCD digits with 2 bits to spare. To add two numbers A and B in this format, do the following:
       T1 = A + B + 06666666666;
       T2 = T1  &   06060606060;
       SUM = T1 - (T2 | (T2 >>3));
    (The above code is given in C, where the & operator means bit-by-bit Boolean and, the >>3 operator means right shift 3 bits, and a leading zero on a constants means that the radix is octal.) Write a properly commented M68000 procedure called BCDADD that uses this algorithm and conforms to the header comments given. You do not need to understand how or why the algorithm works to solve this problem! (4 points)
         ; add 2 5-digit BCD numbers, packed 1 digit per 6 bits
         ; given A and B in D0 and D1
         ; returns A+B in D0
         ; preserves all other registers