Conversion of unsigned numbers between number bases: The complete
table is given here. Errors students made were generally
matters of simple carelessness:
Base 2 Base 8 Base 10 Base 16
11101011 353 235 DB
101010 52 42 2A
1010111 127 87 57
111111 177 127 7F
100100111 447 295 127
Two's complement numbers: The complete table is presented here.
Some people had serious problems with when to complement and when
not to (as discussed in class during the pre-exam review).
Decimal -25 20 -12 22 -14
Binary 100111 010100 110100 010110 110010
Assembly pseudo operations: The result of assembling the following
M68000 code fragment into memory is given. assuming that the initial value of the
location counter is 00100000 (hexadecimal). Show your results as consecutive
32 bit longwords expressed in hexadecimal, showing unknown values as ?.
Problems here were mostly conceptual!
(3 points)
A: EQU $1 Location Value Comment
; comment 00100000: 00000001 DC.L A
DC.L A 00100004: 00100010 DC.L B
DC.L B 00100008: 00100013 DC.L C
DC.L C 0010000C: 41424300 DC.B 'ABC',0
DC.B 'ABC',0 00100010: ???????? DS.B 3; DS.B A
B: DS.B 3
M68000 instruction format: The result of assembling the following
M68000 code fragment into memory is given as consecutive 16 bit binary words.
Problems here were a mixture of the conceptual and the careless (putting fields
in the wrong order, for example).
MOVE.L (SP),$1234(A3) Location Value
ADDQ.W #7,SP . . . . .
CMPA.W -(A3),A0 00: 0010111101010111
02: 0001001000110100
04: 0101111001001111
06: 1011000011100011
M68000 Programming: The gap between precondition and postcondition can
be bridged as follows. All kinds of problems cropped up here. Perhaps
the best general description of most of the problems is that students
tried to use instructions or addressing modes they didn't really understand.
; Precondition: A0 points to a record in memory.
; X and Y are symbolic names for fields in the record.
; Field X is a word; field Y is an array of 20
; long words (array indices go from 0 to 19).
MOVE.W X(A0),D0 ; get A0^.X (the subscript)
ASL.L #2,D0 ; multiply by array entry size
MOVE.L Y(A0,D0.W),D0 ; get A0^.Y[ subscript ]
; Postcondition: D0 holds A0^.Y[X] (or A0->Y[X] in C)