Exam 1: MidtermSolutions and Commentary
Part of
the homework for 22C:60 (CS:2630), Spring 2014
X X X Mean = 8.12 X X Median = 8.5 X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X ________________X_X_X_X_X_X_X_X_X_X_X_X_X_X_X__ 0 . 1 . 2 . 3 . 4 . 5 . 6 . 7 . 8 . 9 . 10
X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X Mean = 4.36 X X Median = 5.0 X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X ______X_X_X___X___X_X_X_X__ 0 . 1 . 2 . 3 . 4 . 5
X Mean = 12.92 X X Median = 13.6 X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X ________X_________X_X___X_X_X_X___X_X_X_X_X_X_X_X_X_X_X_X_X_X______ 3 . 4 . 5 . 6 . 7 . 8 . 9 . 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. 18
X X X X X X Mean = 25.40 X X X X X X Median = 26.1 X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X ________________________X___X_____X_______X_X_X_X_X_X_X_X_X_X_X_X_X____ 0 . 2 . 4 . 6 . 8 . 10. 12. 14. 16. 18. 20. 22. 24. 26. 28. 30. 32 A very very rough grade scale F D C B A
Bit Pattern x 001100 100011 010010 110011 011010 Unsigned decimal ___12___ ___35___ 18 ___51___ ___26___ 1's complement of x _110011_ 011100 _101101_ _001100_ _100101_ (binary) 2's complement of x 110100 _011101_ _101110_ _001101_ _100110_ x as a 1's comp num ___12___ __-28___ ___18___ __-12___ 26 (signed decimal) x as a 2's comp num ___12___ __-29___ ___18___ -13 ___26___
Bit Pattern x 001110 100111 010011 110001 011001 Unsigned decimal ___14___ ___39___ 19 ___49___ ___25___ 1's complement of x _110001_ 011000 _101100_ _001110_ _100110_ (binary) 2's complement of x 110010 _011001_ _101101_ _001111_ _100111_ x as a 1's comp num ___14___ __-24___ ___19___ __-14___ 25 (signed decimal) x as a 2's comp num ___14___ __-15___ ___19___ -15 ___25___
There were two versions of this problem; the blanks for both versions are filled in above. In each version, one entry in each row and one entry in each column were worked in advance (those entries have no underlining in the above).
Most of the class earned full credit. There were scattered clerical errors, randomly distributed, but approximately 1/10 had serious difficulty with negative numbers, either reporting negative results for the positive values, failing to negate the negative values, or making even more severe errors.
. = 0 || Address 3 2 1 0 A: H #4321 || |----|----|----|----| B: B #65 || 000000: | | 65 | 43 | 21 | ; solved to here || |----|----|----|----| ALIGN 4 || 000004: | |[02]|[0C]|[44]| B "D",#C || |----|----|----|----| C: B B || 000008: |[00]|[02]|[06]|[0C]| ALIGN 2 || |----|----|----|----| B D,C,B,A || 00000C: |[00 | 0A]|[00 | 0C]| ALIGN 4 || |----|----|----|----| D: H D,#A || 000010: | | | | | END || |----|----|----|----|
. = 0 || Address 3 2 1 0 A: H #4321 || |----|----|----|----| B: B #65 || 000000: | | 65 | 43 | 21 | ; solved to here || |----|----|----|----| ALIGN 4 || 000004: | |[0C]|[0C]|[42]| B "B",#C || |----|----|----|----| C: B D || 000008: |[0C]|[06]|[02]|[00]| ALIGN 2 || |----|----|----|----| B A,B,C,D || 00000C: |[00 | 0A]|[00 | 02]| ALIGN 4 || |----|----|----|----| D: H B,#A || 000010: | | | | | END || |----|----|----|----|
There were two versions of this problem; the blanks for both versions are filled in above. In each version, the word at address zero was competely worked out in advance. Square brackets have been added to the solution to indicate which bytes stand alone and which bytes are grouped as halfwords (students were not expected to provide such markers).
Just under half the class earned full credit here, while about 1/20 earned no credit at all. 1/8 apparently did not notice the two halfword directives on line D (treating them as bytes). 1/5 did not have the correct values for one or more labels. Confusion between hexadecimal, decimal, quoted strings and labels (#A, "A" and A) was common, but it is difficult here to distinguish carelessness from cluelessness.
Addr: Val || . = #1000 1000: 00D6 || || FUNCT: 1002: 01D5 || LIS R6,0 || LIS R5,1 1004: ___E3F0___ || FLOOP: || TESTR R3 1006: ___0502___ || BZS FQUIT || ADD R4,R5,R6 1008: ___5634___ || MOVE R6,R5 || MOVE R5,R4 100A: ___F5F6___ || ADDSI R3,-1 || BR FLOOP 100C: ___F4F5___ || FQUIT: || MOVE R3,R6 100E: ___CF13___ || JUMPS R1 || 1010: ___F900___ || || 1012: ___F6F3___ || || 1014: ___B1F0___ ||
Addr: Val || . = #1000 1000: 00D4 || || FUNCT: 1002: 01D5 || LIS R4,0 || LIS R5,1 1004: ___E3F0___ || FLOOP: || TESTR R3 1006: ___0502___ || BZS FQUIT || ADD R6,R5,R4 1008: ___5436___ || MOVE R4,R5 || MOVE R5,R6 100A: ___F5F4___ || ADDSI R3,-1 || BR FLOOP 100C: ___F6F5___ || FQUIT: || MOVE R3,R4 100E: ___CF13___ || JUMPS R1 || 1010: ___F900___ || || 1012: ___F4F3___ || || 1014: ___B1F0___ ||
There were two versions of this problem, differing only in register use.
About 1/8 did perfect work, while about 1/12 earned no credit. The hardest part involved the PC-relative branch instructions. 1/2 had off by one errors on one or more branch displacements. 1/3 did not two's complement the displacement on the backward branch. 1/4 had at least one branch displacements that was off by more than one.
Among the less common problems, 1/12 had the wrong byte order, or even worse, an inconsistent byte order, and 1/20 had serious prxoblems with the ADDSI instruction. Several students made major clerical errors, leaving out entire instructions.
b) It is a subroutine. If FUNCT is called with the integer 3 in R3, what value is returned? (0.5 points)
The vast majority of the class got this correct. The most popular wrong answer was 3, given by 1/15 of the class. 1/20 of the class gave zero. 1/30 gave one.
MRLOOP: _TESTR___R12________ BGT MRQUIT ; while (n > 0) { MOVE R3,R8 ; -- parameter x MOVE R4,R9 ; -- parameter y _LIL_____R1,SETAT___ _____JSRS____R1,R1__ ; setat( x, y ) LIS R3,'x' ; -- parameter 'x' _____LIL_____R1,PUTCHAR _JSRS____R1,R1______ ; putchar( 'x' ) ADD R8,R8,R10 ; x = x + dx ADD R9,R9,R11 ; y = y + dy _____ADDSI___R12,-1_ ; n = n - 1 BR MRLOOP MRQUIT: ; }
a) Three instructions are missing from the above (they have been replaced by underlined blank lines). Fill them in in the code above. (1 point)
There were two versions of this question, based on the same code. They had different instructions blanked out in the same code. The underlines above represent both questions, with the underlines shifted left or right to reflect one versions or the other.
Over 1/2 did perfectly. Only 1/30 earned no credit. A number of students made careless instructions such as using CMP R12,0 instead of CMPI R12,0. (Use of CMPI R12,0 instead of the more optimal TESTR R12 or using ADDI R12,R12,-1 instead of ADDSI R12,-1 was perfectly acceptable.)
Of far greater concern, 15 students had difficulty with the mechanics of the calls to monitor subroutines. Students who have successfully completed Homeworks 5 and 6 or even looked briefly at the solutions should not have had this difficulty.
b) (1 points) If parameters are passed in conformance with the usual Hawk conventions, using R3, R4, R5, R6 and R7, obviously, these values must be copied into R8, R9, R10, R11 and R12 before the above code. The usual Hawk conventions require that any subroutine using R8 through R15 restore the values of those registers before returning. Where should the MAKEROW routine save the ones it uses?
1/3 earned full credit. Almost full credit was offered to 1/12 more who gaven answers such as "where the stack pointer points". Half credit was given to the 1/12 who merely said "in memory" or to the 1/10 who said "in R2". No credit was given to those who merely suggested moving data back and forth between different registers. That cannot solve the problem.