Assignment 3, due Feb 7Solutions
Part of
the homework for 22C:60 (CS:2630), Spring 2014
On every assignment, write your name legibly as it appears on your University ID card! Homework is due on paper at the start of class on the day indicated (usually Friday). Exceptions will be made only by advance arrangement (excepting "acts of God"). Late work must be turned in to the TA's mailbox (ask the CS receptionist in 14 MLH for help). Never push homework under someone's door!
. = 100000 A: B "h","i","l","l" . = A + 1 B: B "e" . = B + 3 C: ASCII "o girth" . = C + 2 D: ASCII "wo" . = D + 3 E: B "l","d"
a) When this code is assembled for the Hawk computer system our class is using, does the data go in RAM, ROM, or some other memory region? (0.2 points)
This is RAM.
100000 decimal is 186A0 hex; the Hawk ROM runs from 00000 to 0FFFF hex, and the Hawk RAM runs from 10000 to 1FFFF hex, so this is RAM because it is in the latter range.
b) Show the contents of memory locations 100000 through 100010 after the above code is assembled and loaded into memory. Show it as a sequence of bytes (not halfwords or words) with the contents of each byte interpreted as an ASCII character. (0.8 points)
This code keeps loading data into memory and then replacing that data with new data. The following chart shows the addresses in the left column and the data loaded in memory in the right columns, with each column labeled by the source code line number.
line 2 4 6 8 10 100000: 'h' 100001: 'i' 'e' 100002: 'l' 100003: 'l' 100004: 'o' 100005: ' ' 100006: 'g' 'w' 100007: 'i' 'o' 100008: 'r' 100009: 't' 'l' 100010: 'h' 'd'The last value loaded in each location is the one that matters, so the net result is to load the string "hello world"
c) Show the contents of memory location 100004 as a 32-bit word in hexadecimal. (0.5 points)
100004: "o wo" or, as bytes #6F #20 #77 #6F or, as one word #6F20776F
Note: You will learn the most if you do this by hand first, and then check your work by using the SMAL assembler to assemble the code and then use the Hawk emulator to load the object file and display the contents of memory in hex and ASCII.
Here is the assembly listing of the code from the problem statement:
1 . = 100000 0186A0: 68 69 6C 6C 2 A: B "h","i","l","l" 3 . = A + 1 0186A1: 65 4 B: B "e" 5 . = B + 3 0186A4: 6F 20 67 69 6 C: ASCII "o girth" 72 74 68 7 . = C + 2 0186A6: 77 6F 8 D: ASCII "wo" 9 . = D + 3 0186A9: 6C 64 10 E: B "l","d" 11 ENDAnd here is what it looks like loaded in RAM by the Hawk emulator:
HAWK EMULATOR /------------------CPU------------------\ /----MEMORY----\ PC: 00000000 R8: 00000000 0186A0: 6C6C6568 hell PSW: 00000000 R1: 00000000 R9: 00000000 0186A4: 6F77206F o wo NZVC: 0 0 0 0 R2: 00000000 RA: 00000000 0186A8: 00646C72 rld R3: 00000000 RB: 00000000 0186AC: 00000000 R4: 00000000 RC: 00000000 0186B0: 00000000 R5: 00000000 RD: 00000000 0186B4: 00000000 R6: 00000000 RE: 00000000 0186B8: 00000000 R7: 00000000 RF: 00000000 0186BC: 00000000
. = #1000 NIL = 0 HEAD: W P, 3 A: W N, 1 C: W E, 9 E: W NIL, 3 N: W C, 5 P: W R, 1 R: W A, 4
a) Give the integer values of the list elements starting with the element with the label HEAD and continuing until the end of the list (the value NIL in the pointer field marks the end). (0.5 points)
One way to untangle the list is to sort the lines of code so that each list element is given immediately after the element that references it.
. = #1000 NIL = 0 HEAD: W P, 3 P: W R, 1 R: W A, 4 A: W N, 1 N: W C, 5 C: W E, 9 E: W NIL, 3Doing this puts the labels in order, PRANCE (an English word) and the numbers in order 3.141593 (with a point added, it looks like a decimal approximation of π).
b) Give the contents, in hexadecimal, of the 4 words of memory starting at location 100016. (0.5 points)
Here is the assembly listing, with the first 4 words highlighted:
1 . = #1000 2 NIL = 0 001000: 00001028 3 HEAD: W P, 3 00000003 001008: 00001020 4 A: W N, 1 00000001 001010: 00001018 5 C: W E, 9 00000009 001018: 00000000 6 E: W NIL, 3 00000003 001020: 00001010 7 N: W C, 5 00000005 001028: 00001030 8 P: W R, 1 00000001 001030: 00001008 9 R: W A, 4 00000004
Quoting chapter 3 of the notes: "The basic rule is simple: Worry about alignment whenever smaller objects are followed by larger ones."
More precisely, if you have been assembling bytes, and the next data objects are halfwords or words, use ALIGN 2 first. If you have been assembling halfwords, and the next data objects are words, use ALIGN 4 first.
B #31 B #23
a) What is the destination register? (0.1 points)
Convert it to binary with the two bytes organized left to right, as in the Hawk manual, and compare that with the frame for the ADD instruction:
0 0 1 1 0 0 0 1 0 0 1 0 0 0 1 1 |0 0 1 1| dst | | src1 | src2 |So, the destination register is R1
b) What is the first source register? (0.1 points)
c) What is the second source register? (0.1 points)