Assignment 10, Solutions

Part of the homework for 22C:60 (CS:2630), Spring 2013
by Douglas W. Jones
THE UNIVERSITY OF IOWA Department of Computer Science

  1. Background: Look at the specifications for the Hawk video display interface in chapter 12 of the notes.

    A Problem: Write a Hawk subroutine that accepts the following parameters:

    Do this without calling PUTAT or PUTCHAR or other Hawk output routines. You are free to call multiplication or division routines in the hawk monitor, if you need them. Your goal is to go straight to the Hawk's I/O hardware, bypassing the Hawk monitor for I/O. (2 points)

    Note: This is not a machine problem, but you are welcome to test your work. We will only grade your code, we will not try to run it. We will be mercyless in grading unreadable or illegible code.

    ; activation record for PLOT
    ;RETAD  =       0
    R8SV    =       4
    R9SV    =       8
    R10SV   =       12
    ARSIZE  =       16
    PLOT:   ; expects R3 = char
            ;         R4 = x
            ;         R5 = y
            ; uses    R6 = temp for addressing
            STORES  R1,R2
            STORE   R8,R2,R8SV
            STORE   R9,R2,R9SV
            STORE   R10,R2,R10SV
            MOVE    R8,R3           ; -- set ch aside
            MOVE    R9,R4           ; -- set x aside
            LIW     R10,#FF000000   ; -- set up pointer to display interface
            LOAD    R4,R10,#0004    ; -- parameter columns in R4
                                    ; -- parameter y is already in R5
            ADDI    R2,R2,ARSIZE
            LIL     R1,TIMES
            JSRS    R1,R1           ; R3 = y*columns
            ADDI    R2,R2,-ARSIZE
            ADD     R3,R3,R9        ; R3 = x + y*columns
            LEA     R4,R10,#0100    ; -- get display base address
            ADD     R3,R3,R4        ; R3 = base + x + y*columns
            LOADS   R4,R3
            STUFFB  R4,R8,R3
            STORES  R4,R3           ; M[R3] = ch
            LOAD    R10,R2,R10SV
            LOAD    R9,R2,R9SV
            LOAD    R8,R2,R8SV
            LOADS   R1,R2
            JUMPS   R1              ; return

  2. Background: Consider this code fragment written in something like python and Java:
    try {
       if (b == 0) throw;
       a = b;
    } catch {
       a = -a;

    A Problem: Write equivalent SMAL Hawk code. (1 point)

    Assume all the variables mentioned are local variables (any other reasonable assumption is OK, since this is a question about control structures).

                                    ; try {
           LOADCC  R3,B
           BZS     HANDLER          ;    if (b == 0) throw
           LOAD    R3,B             ;    -- this line is optional
           STORE   R3,A             ;    a = b
           BR      ENDTRY
    HANDLER:                        ; } catch {
           LOAD    R3,A
           NEG     R3,R3
           STORE   R3,A             ;    a = -a
    ENDTRY:                         ; }     

    Note that all the complex mechanisms from the notes and from the lecture are irrelevant to this problem because the try clause calls no subroutines and the handler is local to the same subroutine as the try clause.