Assignment 8, Solutions

Part of the homework for 22C:60 (CS:2630), Spring 2013
by Douglas W. Jones
THE UNIVERSITY OF IOWA Department of Computer Science

  1. Background: Here is a classic algorithm for computing square roots on a 32-bit computer -- lifted from the Wikipedia article on methods of computing square roots:
    unsigned int sqrt(unsigned int num) {
            short result = 0;
            short bit = 0x40000000; /* 1 << 30, the largest power of 4 */
            /* make "bit" the highest power of four <= the argument */
            while (bit > num) bit >>= 2;
            /* now compute the square root from this initial value */
            while (bit != 0) {
                    if (num >= result + bit) {
                            num = num - (result + bit);
                            result = (result >> 1) + bit;
                    } else {
                            result = result >> 1;
                    bit = bit >> 2;
            return result;

    This looks a lot like the traditional pencil and paper square root algorithm that my grandfather used to teach his high-school math students but that was no-longer taught by the time I took high-school math in the late 1960s. For an explanation (if you are curious), see the Wikipedia page, but note that you don't need to understand the code in order to do this assignment.

    A problem: Give a translation of this code to Hawk assembly language, as a function that takes one parameter in R3 and returns the result in R3. Paper and pencil will suffice, if your code is correct, but we will be hard-nosed about syntax errors and legibility. Your code must include the original code in the comments, so that we can see what is going on! (1.5 points)

    SQRT:   ; expects R3 = num, an unsigned integer
            ; returns R3 = sqrt(num)
            ; uses    R4 as result
            ; uses    R5 as bit
            ; uses    R5 as a temporary
            LIS     R4,0            ; result = 0
            LIW     R5,1<<30  ; bit = the largest 32-bit power of 4
            ; make "bit" the highest power of four <= the argument
            CMP     R5,R3
            BLE     SQREX1          ; while (bit > num) {
            SR      R5,2            ;    bit = bit >> 2
            BR      SQRLP1          ; }
            ; now compute the square root from this initial value
            TESTR   R5
            BZS     SQREX2          ; while (bit != 0) {
            ADD     R6,R4,R5        ;    temp = result + bit
            SRU     R4,1            ;    result = result >> 1
            CMP     R3,R6
            BLT     SQREIF          ;    if (num >= temp) {
            SUB     R3,R3,R6        ;       num = num - temp
            ADD     R4,R4,R5        ;       result = result + bit
            SRU     R5,2            ;    bit = bit >> 2
            BR      SQRLP2
    SQREX2:                         ; }
            MOVE    R3,R4
            JUMPS   R1              ; return result

  2. Background: Write efficient Hawk code to multiply by each of the following constants. Note that section 14.2 of the Hawk manual solves this exercise for all constants up to 48:

    a) 99 (it can be done in 4 instructions) (0.2 points)

            ADDSL  R3,R3,1    ; R3 times 3
            ADDSL  R3,R3,5    ; R3 times 33

    b) 999 (it can be done in 4 instructions) (0.2 points)

    Doing it by the book gives this:

            ADDSL  R3,R3,3    ; \ R3 times 27 = 9 x 3
            ADDSL  R3,R3,1    ; /
            MOV    R1,R3      ; \ R3 times 37 = 5 + 32
            ADDSL  R1,R1,2    ; |
            ADDSL  R3,R1,5    ; /

    But there are tricks, that are not obvious that give solutions like this one (but the previous solution is good enough):

            ADDSL  R3,R3,3    ;   R3 times 9
            MOVSL  R1,R3,7    ; \ R3 times 111 = 128-17
            ADDSL  R3,R3,4    ; |
            SUB    R3,R1,R3   ; /

    c) 9999 (this one is harder) (0.4 points)

    Doing it by the book suggests we ought to try finding the prime factors of the multiplier first:

    9999 = 3 × 3 × 11 × 101

    Not bad, but note that we have single instruction tricks for multiplying by 3, 9 and 33, so we can avoid multiplying by 11 if we write this:

    9999 = 3 × 33 × 101

    Now, how do we handle multiplying by 101? That is more fun. 101 is 1100101 in binary, so we can apply brute force binary multiplication by 101 and then follow up with the two final multiplies to get this:

            MOV    R1,R3
            ADDSL  R3,R1,1    ; times 11
            ADDSL  R3,R1,3    ; times 11001
            ADDSL  R3,R1,2    ; times 1100101 = times 101
            ADDSL  R3,R3,1    ;   R3 times 3
            ADDSL  R3,R3,5    ;   R3 times 33

  3. Background: Consider the problem of converting inches to feet. This involves division by 12. In binary,
      1/12 = 0.00010101010101010101010101010101011
    (This is rounded to 32-bits of precision, not counting the leading zeros.)

    Note that section 14.6 of the Hawk manual discusses reciprocal multiplication as a way to do efficient division by constants.

    A problem: Give Hawk code to multiply R3 by 1/12. (0.7 points)

    Here, we use brute force methods from section 14.6:

            ; R3 = R3 / 12 = R3 * 0.00010101010101010101010101010101011
            MOVE    R1,R3   ; R3 = R1 * 1.0      (make copy of original R3)
            SRU     R3,1    ; R3 = R1 * 0.1
            ADDSRU  R3,R1,2 ; R3 = R1 * 0.011
            ADDSRU  R3,R1,2 ; R3 = R1 * 0.01011
            ADDSRU  R3,R1,2 ; R3 = R1 * 0.0101011
            ADDSRU  R3,R1,2 ; R3 = R1 * 0.010101011
            ADDSRU  R3,R1,2 ; R3 = R1 * 0.01010101011
            ADDSRU  R3,R1,2 ; R3 = R1 * 0.0101010101011
            ADDSRU  R3,R1,2 ; R3 = R1 * 0.010101010101011
            ADDSRU  R3,R1,2 ; R3 = R1 * 0.01010101010101011
            ADDSRU  R3,R1,2 ; R3 = R1 * 0.0101010101010101011
            ADDSRU  R3,R1,2 ; R3 = R1 * 0.010101010101010101011
            ADDSRU  R3,R1,2 ; R3 = R1 * 0.01010101010101010101011
            ADDSRU  R3,R1,2 ; R3 = R1 * 0.0101010101010101010101011
            ADDSRU  R3,R1,2 ; R3 = R1 * 0.010101010101010101010101011
            ADDSRU  R3,R1,2 ; R3 = R1 * 0.01010101010101010101010101011
            ADDSRU  R3,R1,2 ; R3 = R1 * 0.0101010101010101010101010101011
            ADDSRU  R3,R1,4 ; R3 = R1 * 0.00010101010101010101010101010101011