Assignment 5, Solutions
Part of
the homework for 22C:60 (CS:2630), Spring 2012
a) What Hawk monitor routines are relevant to this assignment? (0.5 points)
PUTDECU - for output of the integer calculated
PUTCHAR - for output of the space needed between integers
b) What parameters must you pass to each of these routines? (For the purpose of this question, the integer you want to output is the variable i.) (0.5 points)
-- R3 = i, the integer to output
-- R4 = 1, the field width (0 will also work)PUTCHAR(' ')
-- R3 = ' ', the blank to outputNote that PUTDECU (and also PUTDECU) will output the number, and if the number requires fewer than the indicate field width, will output extra blanks to pad the output to the indicated width. So, specifying 2 would always take at least 2 characters, outputting too many blanks between the lower integers in the sequence.
while (i > 1) do { if (i is even) { i = i / 2; } else { i = (3 * i) + 1; } }
Note: To solve this, assuming that the variable i is in R3, you will need to use the BITTST R3,0 instruction to test the least significant bit of R3 and either BBR or BBS to do a conditional branch on the result of the test. You can divide R3 by two using SR R3,1 and you can multiply by three by repeated addition.
A problem: Give an equivalent fragment of SMAL Hawk code. The total number of instructions required is approximately ten, with about 5 labels. (1.0 points)
; --- begin aplication code --- LIS R8,25 ; i = 25 -- for example, to test the code LOOP: ; loop { CMPI R8,1 BLE LOOPQT ; if (i <= 1) break BITTST R8,0 BBR ELSE ; if (i is odd) { ADDSL R8,R8,1 ; -- can also use 2 ADDs for *3 ADDSI R8,1 ; i = 3*i + 1 BR ENDIF ELSE: ; } else { -- i is even SRU R8,1 ; i = i/2 ENDIF: ; } MOVE R3,R8 -- optional code to LIS R4,4 -- observe the sequence LIL R1,PUTDECU -- of values computed JSRS R1,R1 ; putdecu(i,4) BR LOOP ; } LOOPQT: ; --- end aplication code ---Note: The above solution is exactly 10 instructions, if the optional instructions for testing the code are deleted.
A problem: Write the application code of a main program for the Hawk that uses PUTAT and PUTCHAR to display an X in the center of the screen. (1.0 points)
You are welcome to substitute your code into the skeleton of a main program in order to try it, but please do not turn in the boilerplate code for the working program. Just turn in the 6 or so lines of code that do the work.
; --- begin aplication code --- SR R3,1 ; -- paramter: width/2 SR R4,1 ; -- parameter: height/2 LIL R1,PUTAT JSRS R1,R1 ; putat( width/2, height/2 ) LIS R3,'X' ; -- parameter: 'X' LIL R1,PUTCHAR JSRS R1,R1 ; putchar( 'X' ) ; --- end aplication code ---