; numbin.h ; Author: Douglas W. Jones ; Purpose: Definiton of the concrete class binary integer ; this is a subclass of number; read that file first! ; users of binint.h must first use number.h SNUMBIN = 8 ; size of an object of type numbin ; all other attributes of numbin objects are private! EXT NUMBIN ; address of class descriptor for NUMBIN PNUMBIN: W NUMBIN EXT NBIASBN ; address of ASSBIN routine for NUMBIN PNBIASBN: W NBIASBN EXT NBIASNM ; address of ASSNUM routine for NUMBIN PNBIASNM: W NBIASNM EXT NBITOBN ; address of NTOBIN routine for NUMBIN PNBITOBN: W NBITOBN EXT NBITODS ; address of NTODSP routine for NUMBIN PNBITODS: W NBITODS EXT NBIADD ; address of NADD routine for NUMBIN PBIADD: W NBIADD EXT NBISUB ; address of NSUB routine for NUMBIN PBISUB: W NBISUB EXT NBIMUL ; address of NMUL routine for NUMBIN PBIMUL: W NBIMUL EXT NBIDIV ; address of NDIV routine for NUMBIN PBIDIV: W NBIDIV