Assignment 11, due Nov 21


Part of the homework for CS:2630, Fall 2019
by Douglas W. Jones
THE UNIVERSITY OF IOWA Department of Computer Science

  1. schematic diagram Background: Consider the schematic diagram given here, containing 3 multiplexers, x, y and z where input c is connected to the control inputs of all the multiplexors input d is connected to x.0 (the zero data input of multiplexor x) and to y.1. The output x.out is connected to x.1 and z.1, and y.out is connected to y.0 and z.0. The output of the entire circuit, f is z.out.

    a) First, consider just the behavior of the multiplexor y, enclosed in a grey box in the figure). This is some kind of flipflop. Give the values or behavior of c and d required to make y.out take a particular value, and the values or behavior required to make it remember that value, then name the type of flipflop discussed in the notes with similar behavior (and note any differences). (0.5 points)

    When c = 1, y.out = d
    When c = 0, y.out is held constant — that is, remembered.

    Therefore, this is a regular type-D latch.

    b) Now, consider the entire circuit. This is also some kind of flipflop (a bit more complex). Give the values or behavior of c and d required to make y.out take a particular value, and the values or behavior required to make it remember that value, then name the type of flipflop discussed in the notes with similar behavior (and note any differences). (0.5 points)

    y.out = d when c = 1.
    But when c = 1, f = x.out, which is remembered.

    x.out = d when c = 0.
    But when c = 0, f = y.out, which is remembered.

    Therefore, this is an edge-triggered flipflop where f only changes when c changes from 0 to 1 or from 1 to 0. It is triggered on both the leading and trailing edges of the c input, which makes it different from any of the edge-triggered flipflops in the notes.

  2. Backtgound: See exercies c) in Chapter 13, broken down as follows:

    a) Give a SMAL data structure description for jmp_buf compatable with our standard Hawk calling sequence. (0.5 points)

    ; structure of a jump buffer
    JBRASV  =       0       ; saved return address
    JBR2SV  =       4       ; saved frame pointer
    JBR8SV  =       8       ; saved R8 and up
    JBR9SV  =       12
    JBRASV  =       16
    JBRBSV  =       20      ;   -- these are saved because
    JBRCSV  =       24      ;   -- the Hawk calling conventions
    JBRDSV  =       28      ;   -- require R8-15 to survive
    JBRESV  =       36      ;   -- subroutine calls
    JBRFSV  =       40
    JBSIZE  =       42

    b) Give SMAL Hawk code for SETJMP that behaves like C's setjmp. (0.5 points)

    SETJMP: ; expects R3 = jb, the address of a jump buffer
            ; returns R3 = null, except for return from LONGJMP
            STORES  R1,R3	        ; jb->rasv = return-address
            STORE   R2,R3,JBR2SV    ; jb->r2sv = frame-pointer
            STORE   R8,R3,JBR8SV    ; jb->r8sv = R8
            STORE   R9,R3,JBR9SV    ;   ... etc ...
            STORE   RA,R3,JBRASV
            STORE   RB,R3,JBRBSV
            STORE   RC,R3,JBRCSV
            STORE   RD,R3,JBRDSV
            STORE   RE,R3,JBRESV
            STORE   RF,R3,JBRFSV
            LIS  	R3,0
            JUMPS	R1              ; return NULL

    c) Give SMAL Hawk code for LONGJMP that behaves like C's longjmp. (0.5 points)

    LONGJMP:; expects R3 = jb, the address of a jump buffer
            ;         R4 = ret, the return value
            ; does not return to the point of call
            ; returns R3 = ret, but returns to the point of call to SETJMP
            LOADS   R1,R3	        ; return-address = jb->rasv
            LOAD    R2,R3,JBR2SV    ; frame-pointer = jb->r2sv
            LOAD    R8,R3,JBR8SV    ; R8 = jb->r8sv
            LOAD    R9,R3,JBR9SV    ;   ... etc ...
            LOAD    RA,R3,JBRASV
            LOAD    RB,R3,JBRBSV
            LOAD    RC,R3,JBRCSV
            LOAD    RD,R3,JBRDSV
            LOAD    RE,R3,JBRESV
            LOAD    RF,R3,JBRFSV
            MOVE    R3,R4
            JUMPS	R1              ; return ret

  3. A little problem: Write a main program to test the C code given in problem 5 of exam II. (It will need to build a little tree to traverse, I suggest just 3 nodes.) (0.5 points)
    # include 
    typedef struct node {
        struct node * left;
        struct node * right;
        int (*thing)(const char *); /* fixed to work with puts() */
        char * value;
    } node;
    void doit( node * n ) {
        if (n != NULL) {
            doit( n->left );
            (n->thing)( n->value );
            doit( n->right );
    node lson = { NULL, NULL, &puts, "left son's string" };
    node rson = { NULL, NULL, &puts, "right son's string" };
    node root = { &lson, &rson, &puts, "root's string" };
    int main() {
        doit( &root );
        return 0;