Assignment 6, Solutions

Part of the homework for 22C:60 (CS:2630), Fall 2011
by Douglas W. Jones
THE UNIVERSITY OF IOWA Department of Computer Science

  1. Background: Consider this stupid little SMAL Hawk subroutine:
    ; subroutine to add two numbers
    ADDTWO: ; conforms to standard Hawk calling conventions
            ;   given R3 = a, an unsigned integer
            ;   given R4 = b, an unsighed integer
            ;   returns R3 = a + b
            ADD     R3,R3,R4
    	JUMPS	R1

    A problem: Modify the above code so that it prints out its operands and their sum. For example, if the subroutine was called with the parameters 3 and 4, the output would be: 3+4=7. This should cause no observable change in the behavior of ADDTWO from the perspective of programs that call it. (1.0 points).

    Note: To solve this problem within the standard Hawk calling conventions, you will be forced to create and use an activation record for ADDTWO. No main program should be turned in, but you are welcome to write one to test your code.

    Here is a solution that was coded with no optimization, just brute-force cookbook-style programming.

    ; subroutine to add two numbers
    ; activation record format
    ;RETAD  =       0
    A       =       4
    B       =       8
    ARSIZE  =       12
    ADDTWO: ; conforms to standard Hawk calling conventions
            ;   given R3 = a, an unsigned integer
            ;   given R4 = b, an unsighed integer
            ;   returns R3 = a + b
            STORES  R1,R2           ; save retad
            STORE   R3,R2,A
            STORE   R4,R2,B         ; save the params
            LOAD    R3,R2,A         ; -- param
            LIS     R4,1            ; -- param
            ADDI    R2,R2,ARSIZE
            LIL     R1,PUTDECU
            JSRS    R1,R1           ; putdecu(a,1)
            ADDI    R2,R2,-ARSIZE
            LIS     R3,'+'          ; -- param
            ADDI    R2,R2,ARSIZE
            LIL     R1,PUTCHAR
            JSRS    R1,R1           ; putchar('+')
            ADDI    R2,R2,-ARSIZE
            LOAD    R3,R2,B         ; -- param
            LIS     R4,1            ; -- param
            ADDI    R2,R2,ARSIZE
            LIL     R1,PUTDECU
            JSRS    R1,R1           ; putdecu(b,1)
            ADDI    R2,R2,-ARSIZE
            LIS     R3,'='          ; -- param
            ADDI    R2,R2,ARSIZE
            LIL     R1,PUTCHAR
            JSRS    R1,R1           ; putchar('=')
            ADDI    R2,R2,-ARSIZE
            LOAD    R3,R2,A
            LOAD    R4,R2,B
            ADD     R3,R3,R4
            STORE   R3,R2,A         ; a = a + b
            LOAD    R3,R2,A         ; -- param
            LIS     R4,1            ; -- param
            ADDI    R2,R2,ARSIZE
            LIL     R1,PUTDECU
            JSRS    R1,R1           ; putdecu(a)
            ADDI    R2,R2,-ARSIZE
            LOAD    R3,R2,A
            LOADS   R1,R2           ; restore retad
            JUMPS   R1              ; return(a)

    Here is what happens when you optimize:

    ; subroutine to add two numbers
    ; activation record format
    ;RETAD  =       0
    A       =       4
    B       =       8
    ARSIZE  =       12
    ADDTWO: ; conforms to standard Hawk calling conventions
            ;   given R3 = a, an unsigned integer
            ;   given R4 = b, an unsighed integer
            ;   returns R3 = a + b
            STORES  R1,R2           ; save retad
            STORE   R3,R2,A
            STORE   R4,R2,B         ; save the params
            LIS     R4,1            ; -- param (R3 already set)
            ADDI    R2,R2,ARSIZE
            LIL     R1,PUTDECU
            JSRS    R1,R1           ; putdecu(a,1)
            LIS     R3,'+'          ; -- param
            LIL     R1,PUTCHAR
            JSRS    R1,R1           ; putchar('+')
            LOAD    R3,R2,B-ARSIZE  ; -- param
            LIS     R4,1            ; -- param
            LIL     R1,PUTDECU
            JSRS    R1,R1           ; putdecu(b,1)
            LIS     R3,'='          ; -- param
            LIL     R1,PUTCHAR
            JSRS    R1,R1           ; putchar('=')
            LOAD    R3,R2,A-ARSIZE
            LOAD    R4,R2,B-ARSIZE
            ADD     R3,R3,R4
            STORE   R3,R2,A-ARSIZE  ; a = a + b
            LIS     R4,1            ; -- param (R3 already set)
            LIL     R1,PUTDECU
            JSRS    R1,R1           ; putdecu(a)
            ADDI    R2,R2,-ARSIZE
            LOAD    R3,R2,A
            LOADS   R1,R2           ; restore retad
            JUMPS   R1              ; return(a)

  2. Background: Here is a really stupid implementation of multiplication:
    unsigned int times( unsigned int a, unsigned int b) {
      /* return the product of two numbers, a and b */
      unsigned int p;
      if (a == 0) {
        p = 0;
      } else {
        p = times( b, a - 1 );
        p = p + b;
      return p;

    a) The correctness of this code is not trivial. Consider the call times(5,0). Why does the code work without a check for the second parameter equal to zero? (0.5 points)

    times(5,0) becomes
    times(0,4)+0 which terminates the recursion.

    times(5,2) becomes
    times(2,4)+2 becomes
    times(4,1)+4+2 becomes
    times(1,3)+1+4+2 becomes
    times(3,0)+3+1+4+2 becomes
    times(0,2)+0+3+1+4+2 which terminates the recursion.

    Because the parameters are switched with each recursive call, it is possible to test just one of them for zero.

    b) Write SMAL Hawk assembly code that exactly preserves the logic of the above multiplication routine. (1.5 points)

    Note: Again, no main program should be turned in, but you are welcome to write one to test your code.

    Here is a version that is pure cookbook programming with no optimization:

    ; times routine
    ; activation record
    ;RETAD  =       0
    A       =       4
    B       =       8
    P       =       12
    ARSIZE  =       16
    TIMES:  ; expects R3 = a, R4 = b, unsigned integers
            ; returns R3 = a * b;
            STORES  R1,R2
            STORE   R3,R2,A
            STORE   R4,R2,B         ; save parameters
            LOAD    R3,R2,A
            TESTR   R3
            BZR     TIMELS          ; if (a == 0) {
            LIS     R3,0
            STORE   R3,R2,P         ;   p = 0
            BR      TIMEIF
    TIMELS:                         ; } else {
            LOAD    R3,R2,B
            LOAD    R4,R2,A
            ADDI    R4,R4,-1
            ADDI    R2,R2,ARSIZE
            JSR     R1,TIMES
            ADDI    R2,R2,-ARSIZE
            STORE   R3,R2,P         ;   p = times( b, a - 1 )
            LOAD    R3,R2,P
            LOAD    R4,R2,B
            ADD     R3,R3,R4
            STORE   R3,R2,P         ;   p = p + b
    TIMEIF:                         ; }
            LOAD    R3,R2,P
            LOADS   R1,R2
            JUMPS   R1              ; return p;

    Here is optimized code that still preserves the essential structure of the recursion:

    ; times routine
    ; activation record
    ;RETAD  =       0
    A       =       4
    ARSIZE  =       8
    TIMES:  ; expects R3 = a, R4 = b, unsigned integers
            ; returns R3 = a * b;
            STORES  R1,R2
            STORE   R4,R2,B         ; save parameters
            TESTR   R3              ; -- note a is already in R3
            BZS     TIMEIF          ; if (a == 0) {
                                    ;   p = 0  -- now, p is in R3
                                    ; } else {
            MOVE    R4,R3           ;   -- note, a was already in R3
            LOAD    R3,R2,B         ;   -- parameter
            ADDI    R4,R4,-1
            ADDI    R2,R2,ARSIZE
            JSR     R1,TIMES
            ADDI    R2,R2,-ARSIZE   ;   p = times( b, a - 1 )
            LOAD    R4,R2,B
            ADD     R3,R3,R4        ;   p = p + b
    TIMEIF:                         ; }
            LOADS   R1,R2
            JUMPS   R1              ; return p  -- which is already in R3