Exam 1: Midterm

Solutions and Commentary

Part of the homework for 22C:60, Fall 2010
by Douglas W. Jones
THE UNIVERSITY OF IOWA Department of Computer Science

Grade Distributions

Exam 1

Mean   = 6.69                    X   X
Median = 6.9                     X   X
                   X       X X   X X X X     X
      0 . 1 . 2 . 3 . 4 . 5 . 6 . 7 . 8 . 9 . 10
                                ^ ^

Machine Problems 1 and 2

Mean   = 8.50                                  X
Median = 9.0                                   X
                                       X   X   X
                       X               X   X   X
      0 . 1 . 2 . 3 . 4 . 5 . 6 . 7 . 8 . 9 . 10
                                        ^ ^

Homework Problems 1 to 6

Mean   = 11.94
Median = 13.0                                          X
               X                     X         X       X         X
    . 3 . 4 . 5 . 6 . 7 . 8 . 9 . 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. 18.
                                          ^   ^

Overall Total Scores

Mean   = 27.12
Median = 29.0                                  X X
                                     X     X   X X
    . 10. 12. 14. 16. 18. 20. 22. 24. 26. 28. 30. 32. 34. 36. 38.
                                        ^   ^

Exam Scores vs Machine Problem Scores

  10 |
   9 |                    3
   8 |                  1 1
   7 |          1     1   4     Conclusion:
   6 |        1         2 2
EX 5 |                2   2     Effort put into doing the
   4 |        1                 machine problems pays off
   3 |        1   1   1         on the exams.
   2 |
   1 |
     |0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10

Exam Solutions

  1. Fill in the following table; values in the blanks in each column derive from the given values in that column, all values in each row are derived from the given values using the same rules. (4 points)
    Bit Pattern x         011000      101000      110110     000010     110111
    Unsigned decimal     ___24___    ___40___       54      ____2___   ___55___
    1's complement of x  _100111_     010111     _001001_   _111101_   _001000_ 
    2's complement of x   101000     _011000_    _001010_   _111110_   _001001_
    x as a 1's comp num  ___24___    __-23___    ___-9___   ____2___      -8   
    x as a 2's comp num  ___24___    __-24___    __-10___       2      ___-9___

    13 had perfect scores, 5 or more had trouble with each of the one's complement numbers, positive or negative, while 2 or more had trouble with the negative two's complement numbers.

  2. Translate the following brief useless SMAL code to a sequence of bytes loaded in memory. The spaces to the right are labeled with a word and byte in word addresses; fill in the hexadecimal value that goes in that byte; leave uninitialized bytes blank. The result of assembling the first lines are given. (2 points)
        . = 0                       ||  Address    3    2    1    0
            H     #4567,#0123       ||          |----|----|----|----|
        ; --solved to here--        ||  000000: | 01 | 23 | 45 | 67 |
        A:  W     #89ABCDEF         ||          |----|----|----|----|
            ALIGN 4                 ||  000004: |(89 | AB | CD | EF)|
        B:  B     C                 ||          |----|----|----|----|
        C:  H     #2468             ||  000008: |    |(24 | 68)|(09)|
            ALIGN 2                 ||          |----|----|----|----|
        D:  B     #C,"C"            ||  00000C: |    |    |(43 | 0C)|
            ALIGN 4                 ||          |----|----|----|----|
            B     D,C,B,A           ||  000010: |(04)|(08)|(09)|(0C)|
            END                     ||          |----|----|----|----|
                                    ||  000014: |    |    |    |    |

    6 did perfect work, 2 earned no credit at all. 5 or more had difficulty with questions byte order. 5 or more had difficulty with the aligh directives. The translation of ASCII "C" posed problems for 6 or more. The label C posed special problems for at least 4.


  3. a) A sequence of memory addresses and the halfwords they hold are given below in base 16. These are HAWK machine instructions. Give a symbolic representation of these machine instructions, in Hawk assembly language notation. The first line is worked for you. (1.5 points)
                                ||   Label    Opcode     Operands
            001000: 00D3        ||             LIS        R3,0
                                ||   _____    ______     ________________
            001002: E400        ||             BR         (way back somewhere)
                                ||   _____    ______     ________________
            001004: 0603        ||             BVS        (forward just beyond)
                                ||   _____    ______     ________________
            001006: 3533        ||    L:       ADD        R3,R3,R5
                                ||   _____    ______     ________________
            001008: CF14        ||             ADDSI      R4,-1
                                ||   _____    ______     ________________
            00100A: FD0E        ||             BGT        L
                                ||   _____    ______     ________________

    1 did perfect work, 5 earned no credit (2 of which left the problem blank). 8 or more had trouble with all of the branches. The ADDSI posed problems for 6. 4 gaven +15 instead of -1 as the operand on the ADDSI.

    Note that there was an error in the preparation of this exam leading to an incorrect problem statement in the first two instructions. As a result, the code did not make as much sense as it was supposed to.

    b) What does this do? (The answer is very short.) (0.5 points)


    Most left this blank or wrote nonsense that had little connection to their answers to part a. One noticed that there was a loop adding up some numbers, the other commented correctly that, because of the error, the code began with a branch to somewhere else.

  4. The following SMAL Hawk code is related to MP3 and contains several errors. The comments are correct. The program worked before it was carefully broken. Find and correct the errors. (2 points)
            SUBTITLE "PLOT routine"
    ; activation record of plot
    XCOORD  =       4       ; x coordinate 
    YCOORD  =       6       ; y coordinate  ;#### 6; should be 8
    ARSIZE  =       8                       ;#### 8; should be 12
    PLOT:   ; plot a recursively defined series of x marks
                    ;   expects R3,R4 - x and y coordinate
                    ;   conforms to usual calling conventions
            STORES  R1,R2
            STORE   R3,R2,XCOORD
            STORE   R4,R2,YCOORD
            ADDI    R2,R2,ARSIZE
            LIL     R1,DSPAT
            JSRS    R1,R1                   ; dspat( xcoord, ycoord )
            LIS     R3,"x"
            LIL     R1,DSPCH
            JSRS    R1,R1                   ; dspch( 'x' )
            ADDI    R2,R2,ARSIZE            ; #### 13; should be -ARSIZE
            LOADCC  R3,R2,XCOORD            ; if ((xcoord > 0)
            BLE     PLOTQT                  ; #### 3; should be BGT PLOTON
            LOADCC  R4,R2,YCOORD
            BLE     PLOTQT                  ; ||  (ycoord > 0)) {
            LOAD    R4,R2,YCOORD
            SR      R3,1
            SR      R4,2                    ; #### 14; should be R4,1
            ADDI    R2,R2,ARSIZE
            JSR     R1,PLOT                 ;    plot(xcoord/2,ycoord/2)
            ADDI    R2,R2,-ARSIZE
    PLOTQT:                                 ; }
            LOADS   R1,R1                   ; #### 8; should be R1,R2
            JUMPS   R1                      ; return

    Changes above are shown with ####. The number of students who correctly fixed the problem is given before the correction. Nobody got all of the changes, and there were penalties for adding changes that further broke the code. Several students noted that the above code is partially optimized and made an effort to further optimize this code. If the changes they proposed made no damage, there was no penalty for this. Several students noticed the problem with the BGT instruction, but did additional damage in their effort to correct it.