Assignment 6, Solutions

Part of the homework for 22C:60, Fall 2010
by Douglas W. Jones
THE UNIVERSITY OF IOWA Department of Computer Science

  1. Background: Here is the mp1test program, with some unfinished pieces in it:

    The problem: Fix the above code. Several small pieces have been deleted. If you correctly repair the code, it will work as a test program for MP1. Comments in the code indicate each deletion of one or more lines. Parts a, b, c, d and e above are indicated by comments in the code. (0.4 points each, for a total of 2 points)

    The solution is given below, in the commented lines following the comments indicating missing material.

            TITLE   "mp1test.a, test program for MP1 by Douglas Jones"
            S       START
            USE     "hawk.macs"
            USE     "monitor.h"
            EXT     UNUSED
            EXT     ROOT
    ; description of the structure of each node:
    LEFT    =       0
    RIGHT   =       4
    TEXT    =       8
    ; activation record structure for TRAVERSE
    NODE    =       4
    ;ARSIZE  =       ????(a)????
    ARSIZE  =       8               ;====(a)====
            STORES  R1,R2
            TESTR   R3
            BZS     TRAVQT          ; if node not null
            STORE   R3,R2,NODE
            LIS     R3,'('          ;   print '('
            ADDI    R2,R2,ARSIZE
            LIL     R1,DSPCH
            JSRS    R1,R1
            ADDI    R2,R2,-ARSIZE
            LOAD    R3,R2,NODE      ;   traverse(node->left)
            LOAD    R3,R3,LEFT
            ADDI    R2,R2,ARSIZE
            JSR     R1,TRAVERSE
            ADDI    R2,R2,-ARSIZE
            LOAD    R3,R2,NODE      ;   print(node->text)
    ;       ?????(b)?????
            LEA     R3,R3,TEXT	;====(b)==== compute address of text
            ADDI    R2,R2,ARSIZE    ;====(b)====
            LIL     R1,DSPST
            JSRS    R1,R1
    ;       ?????(b)?????
            ADDI    R2,R2,-ARSIZE   ;====(b)====
            LOAD    R3,R2,NODE      ;   traverse(node->right)
    ;       ?????(c)?????           ;   something big is missing here
            LOAD    R3,R3,RIGHT     ;====(c)==== (code block cribbed
            ADDI    R2,R2,ARSIZE    ;====(c)====  from block for left subtree)
            JSR     R1,TRAVERSE     ;====(c)====
            ADDI    R2,R2,-ARSIZE   ;====(c)====
    ;       ?????(d)?????           ;   something else big is missing here
            LIS     R3,')'          ;====(d)==== print ')'
            ADDI    R2,R2,ARSIZE    ;====(d)====
            LIL     R1,DSPCH        ;====(d)==== (code block cribbed 
            JSRS    R1,R1           ;====(d)====  from block for left paren)
            ADDI    R2,R2,-ARSIZE   ;====(d)====
    TRAVQT:                         ; endif
    ;       ?????(e)?????           ; return
            LOADS   R1,R2           ;====(e)====
            JUMPS   R1              ;====(e)====
    ; the program starts here!
    START:  LIL     R2,UNUSED       ; set up the stack
                                    ;  --- begin aplication code
            LIL     R1,DSPINI
            JSRS    R1,R1           ; initialize the display
            LIL     R3,ROOT
            JSR     R1,TRAVERSE     ; traverse the tree
                                    ;  --- end aplication code
            LIL     R1,EXIT
            JSRS    R1,R1           ; stop!

    The problem: Fix the above code. Several small pieces have been deleted. If you correctly repair the code, it will work as a test program for MP1. Comments in the code indicate each deletion of one or more lines. Parts a, b, c, d and e above are indicated by comments in the code. (0.4 points each, for a total of 2 points)

  2. Background: Chapter 6 discusses numerous approaches to optimization.

    The Problem: Apply all of them that you can to your solution to problem 1. (1 point)

    The solution is given below, cut and pasted from above. comments relating to problem 1 are deleted, comments added indicate changes.

            TITLE   "mp1test.a, test program for MP1 by Douglas Jones"
            S       START
            USE     "hawk.macs"
            USE     "monitor.h"
            EXT     UNUSED
            EXT     ROOT
    ; description of the structure of each node:
    LEFT    =       0
    RIGHT   =       4
    TEXT    =       8
    ; activation record structure for TRAVERSE
    NODE    =       4
    ARSIZE  =       8
            TESTR   R3
            BZS     TRAVQT          ; if node not null
            STORES  R1,R2                   ; ======= moved
            STORE   R3,R2,NODE
            LIS     R3,'('          ;   print '('
            ADDI    R2,R2,ARSIZE
            LIL     R1,DSPCH
            JSRS    R1,R1
    ;------ ADDI    R2,R2,-ARSIZE           ; ------- deleted
            LOAD    R3,R2,NODE-ARSIZE       ; ======= changed
            LOAD    R3,R3,LEFT
    ;------ ADDI    R2,R2,ARSIZE            ; ------- deleted
            JSR     R1,TRAVERSE     ;   traverse(node->left)
    ;------ ADDI    R2,R2,-ARSIZE           ; ------- deleted
            LOAD    R3,R2,NODE-ARSIZE       ; ======= changed
            LEA     R3,R3,TEXT
    ;------ ADDI    R2,R2,ARSIZE            ; ------- deleted
            LIL     R1,DSPST
            JSRS    R1,R1           ;   print(node->text)
    ;------ ADDI    R2,R2,-ARSIZE           ; ------- deleted
            LOAD    R3,R2,NODE-ARSIZE       ; ======= changed
            LOAD    R3,R3,RIGHT
    ;------ ADDI    R2,R2,ARSIZE            ; ------- deleted
            JSR     R1,TRAVERSE     ;   traverse(node->right)
    ;------ ADDI    R2,R2,-ARSIZE           ; ------- deleted
            LIS     R3,')'          ;   print ')'
    ;------ ADDI    R2,R2,ARSIZE            ; ------- deleted
            LIL     R1,DSPCH
            JSRS    R1,R1
            ADDI    R2,R2,-ARSIZE
            LOADS   R1,R2                   ; ======= moved
    TRAVQT:                         ; endif
            JUMPS   R1              ; return