; window.h ; interface description for objects in the window class ; note, there may be many instances of this class ; window objects conform to the interface in display.h ; users of window.h must use display.h as well EXT WININIT PWININIT: W WININIT ; initializer ; given R3 = pointer to new window object ; R4 = pointer to an existing screen object ; R5 = x coordinate of upper left corner ; R6 = y coordinate of upper left corner ; R7 = width ; R8 = height ; returns R3 = pointer to window object ; does not use (or restores) R9-15 EXT WINTAB PWINTAB: W WINTAB ; object descriptor (method table) ; note: the initializer expects the caller to allocate ; space for the new window object before calling WININIT. ; Window objects require word-aligned objects of size WINSIZE. ; They may be allocated however the user wishes, for example ; in a COMMON block or as local variables. ; the size given here is a bit oversize. Given any particular ; window implementation, it can be set optimally, WINSIZE = 40