Testing Machine Problem 2
Part of
the homework for 22C:60, Fall 2005
To test your solution to MP2, presuming you have a file called mp2.a in your current working directory, and assuming that it conforms to the requirements for the assignment, use the following commands:
$ smal mp2.a $ link mp2.o mp2data.o $ hawk link.o
The first command above assembles the code in your file mp2.a, producing mp2.o, the object file, and mp2.l, the listing file, both in your current working directory. It should output the message no errors to the terminal window.
The second command combines your mp2.o file with mp2data.o from the object code repository for the class, and produces link.o in your working directory. It should output the message no errors to the terminal window. The most likely errors you might encounter involve failure to define ARRAY properly.
When you have the hawk emulator display up on the screen, use the emulator's r command to your program on the test data structure.
Submit whatever you have by the deadline, using Icon to submit your mp1.a file. Late submissions will receive partial credit only if you submit something by the due date or if you have legitimate excuse such as what insurers call an act of God.