; mp5/boxortext.h ; by Douglas Jones, Dec 1, 2005 ; fields of every box or text object RENDER = 0 ; points to render method of object NEXT = 4 ; points to next object in list (if any) ; all other fields are specific to subclasses of this parent class ; to statically allocate a box or text object, begin with this ; macro and then follow with fields specific to the specific class MACRO MAKEBOXORTEXT render, next W render W next ENDMAC ; the render methods of all box or text objects expect ; R3 -- pointer to object being rendered ; R4 -- pointer to X,Y of rendering origin ; returns R3 unchanged ; ------------- ; fields of every coordinate pair object (used heavily in boxes and text) X = 0 Y = 4 ; macro to statically allocate coordinate pairs MACRO MAKECOORDINATES x, y W x W y ENDMAC ; ------------- ; end marker value for linked lists NULL = 0 END