Exam 1: Midterm

Solutions and Commentary

Part of the homework for 22C:60, Fall 2004
by Douglas W. Jones
THE UNIVERSITY OF IOWA Department of Computer Science

Grade Distributions


MEAN   = 8.06                             X
MEDIAN = 8.3                        X     X
                                    X     X
                                    X   X X
                                    X X X X X
                                    X X X X X
                            X X X   X X X X X
                            X X X X X X X X X X
     0 . 1 . 2 . 3 . 4 . 5 . 6 . 7 . 8 . 9 . 10

Overall (excludes those who did not do MP1)

MEAN   = 26.07               X     X    
MEDIAN = 26.1              X X     X    
                       X X X X     X    
                       X X X X X X X   X
           X     X X   X X X X X X X   X
    14. 16. 18. 20. 22. 24. 26. 28. 30. 32. 34
(roughly)     F     D     C     B     A

Exam Questions and Solutions

  1. Fill in the following table; values in each row should be numerically equal and values in each column should all be in the same base. All numbers are unsigned. The top row is worked for you! (2 points)
            base 2            base 10           base 16
            101100              44                2C
            011101           ___29___          ___1D___
           _100011_             35             ___23___
           _110101_          ___53___             35   

    All but 8 did perfectly here.

  2. Interpret each of the following bit patterns as a 6-bit signed binary number under each of the indicated number systems, and give its conventional signed decimal equivalent. The top rows are worked for you. (2 points)
           natural      signed       one's       two's
           decimal    magnituede  complement  complement
            111111       -31          -0          -1  
            100101        -5         -26         -27
            110110     __-22___    ___-9___    __-10___ 
            011110     ___30___    ___30___    ___30___ 
            100010     ___-2___    __-29___    __-30___ 

    Half the class did perfectly here, only 5 had more than 3 mistakes. The most common errors were in the interpretation of 011110, which is a positive number under all the given number systems. There were also a considerable number of problems with 100010.

    The mistake on the exam (heading column 1 with "natural decimal") does not seem to have caused problems. (The heading should have read "bit pattern".)

  3. Translate the following brief useless SMAL code to a sequence of words loaded in memory. The spaces to the right are labeled with a word addresses; fill in the hexadecimal value that goes in that word; use question marks for unknown digits. The result of assembling the first lines are given. (2 points)
            . = 0                 ||  Address  Value
                W     #76543210   ||
            ; --solved to here--  ||  000000:  76543210
            A:  B     #98         ||
                ALIGN 4           ||  000004: _??????98_______
            B:  H     #DCBA       ||
                ALIGN 4           ||  000008: _????DCBA_______
            C:  B     #34         ||
                ALIGN 4           ||  00000C: _??????34_______
            D:  ASCII "ABCD"      ||
                ALIGN 4           ||  000010: _44434241_______
                B     A,B,C,D     ||
                END               ||  000014: _100C0804_______

    Only 4 students got this perfect. Many students did not follow the instructions to fill in unknown digits with question marks. Many gave no indication of unknowns (-0.4); more used leading zero digits (-0.2). One of the most common errors was to forget that this machine stores the lowest byte first, leading to the reversal of the byte order in "ABCD". The other equally common error was to fail to make sense of the 4 labels A, B, C and D used on the last line.

  4. Hand assemble the Hawk program fragment shown below, giving the result as a sequence of halfwords given in hexadecimal. Again, the results are given for the first line. (2 points)
                LIL    R1,#010000 ||  000000:   E101
            ; --solved to here--  ||  000002:   0000
            LABEL:                ||
                STORES R0,R1      ||  000004: __F0A1__
                ADDSI  R1,1       ||
                CMP    R1,R2      ||  000006: __11C1__
                BLEU   LABEL      || 
                                  ||  000008: __2012__
                                  ||  00000A: __07FC__
                                  ||  00000C: ________

    5 did perfect work here, The most common error was a minor one, use of an odd source to look up the CMP opcode. The second major source of problems was with the BLEU instruction, where many students forgot to negate the branch displacement or counted starting from the wrong place.

    Extra Credit: What does this do?

    This code clears memory from the start of RAM up to the address held in R2.

    Only one did well here, and 3 more earned over half credit. For less than half credit, a large number gave long-winded instruction by instruction descriptions of how it does this, without ever distilling their answers down to descriptions of what gets done. Over half the class got no credit because they had significant numbers of details wrong while also not reaching any conclusion about what is being done. Few left this blank!

  5. Complete the following SMAL Hawk program. When complete, it should have a function that conforms to the comments, and this function should be somewhat familiar! (2 points)
        ;       STRTOI convert an ASCII string from decimal
        ;       to a 32 bit unsigned binary integer
        ; -------------------
        STRTOI: ; function called with return address in R1
                       ; on entry, R3   points to the start of the string
                       ;              _________________________________
                       ; on exit, R3 points to the character after the last digit
                       ; on exit, R4 holds the binary value of the number
                       ; on exit, R5    holds the character after the last digit
                       ;              _________________________________
                LIS     R4,0            ; R4 = 0
        STRTOIL:                        ; while (TRUE) {
                LOADS   R5,R3
                EXTB    R5,R5,R3        ;   R5 = *(char *)R3
                CMPI    R5,'0'          ;   if ((R5 < '0')
                BLT     STRTOIX
                _______________________ ;     exit;
                CMPI    R5,'9'          ;   ||  (R5 > '9'))
                BGT     STRTOIX
                _______________________ ;     exit;
                ADDI    R5,R5,-'0'      ;   R5 = R5 - '0';
                SL      R4,1
                ADDSL   R4,R4,1         ;   R4 = R4 * 10; (really)
                ADD     R4,R4,R5        ;   R4 = R4 + R5
                ADDSI   R3,1
                _______________________ ;   R3++;
                BR      STRTOIL         ; }
                JUMPS   R1              ; return

    8 did excellent work here. The hardest part of the problem had to do with the return value in R5; 15 suggested that this held the last digit (-0.2) and 18 had useless answers (-0.4). 6 used the wrong conditional branch instructions or branched to the wrong labels (-0.2 each error), and as many indicated that, on entry, R3 holds the string, as opposed to being a pointer to the string (-0.2). This distinction is important!