Assignment 8, due Mar 28
Part of
the homework for 22C:122/55:132, Spring 2003
Always, on every assignment, please write your name legibly as it appears on your University ID and on the class list!
Consider the proposed alternative to the VAX instruction set given on the midterm exam study questions. By sheer coincidence, this instruction set is perfectly suited to a functional-unit approach to execution, and this could, potentially, give considerable parallelism.
static float f[ASIZE]; loop r3 = f[r1++]; f[r2++] = r4; r4 = r4 + r3; -- floating point sum forever;
Code the above loop in our proposed instruction set, assuming that r1, r2, r3 and r4 are each one of the 16 "general registers" on our machine, and taking maximum advantage of the parallelism in your proposed functional unit breakdown for our machine.