Homework 5 Solved

22C:122/55:132, Spring 2001

Douglas W. Jones
  1. Background: Consider the multifunction ALU listed in section 6 of the notes for lecture 10 (Feb 9).

    Part A: Use the Iowa Logic Specification Language to describe the extended version of the exclusive OR gate documented in section 6 of the notes for lecture 10.

    circuit xxor; -- extended xor
          a, b, -- the normal inputs to an xor gate 
          aenab, benab, xenab; -- function control inputs
          agate, bgate, xgate: nand(3);
          outgate: nand(2);
          a to agate.in(1), xgate.in(1);
          b to bgate.in(1), xgate.in(2);
          aenab to agate.in(2);
          benab to bgate.in(2);
          xenab to xgate.in(3);
          xgate.out to agate.in(3), bgate.in(3);
          agate.out to outgate.in(1);
          bgate.out to outgate.in(2);
          outgate.out to out;

    Part B: Construct a test vector (file of test inputs) for this circuit documented with comments indicating the outputs you expect each input line to produce.

          -- inputs are a,b,aenab,benab,xenab in that order
          -- output always low
          -- output always low
          -- pass b
          -- pass b and not a
          -- pass a
          -- pass a and not b
          -- pass a or b
          -- pass a xor b

    Part C: Turn in the output resulting from submitting your circuit to the logic simulator with your input data. The UNIX script command is one way to create a transcript for later printing of an entire session using the simulator.

    Script started on Fri Mar  2 14:37:14 2001
    jones@tempest [101]% bin/logicsim
    IOWA Logic Simulator, Ver. 10
    Source file name: t
       circuit name   = xxor
       input interval = 1.0us       If you need help, type h.
       output interval= 500ns
    ----:-------  :------
     500:out      : a
     ns : |       : |b
        : |       : ||aenab
        : |       : |||benab
        : |       : ||||xenab
        : | :     : |||||
       0:|  :INPUT: r t.vec
       0:|- :INPUT:       -- inputs are a,b,aenab,benab,xenab in that order
       1:|  :     : 00000
       2:|  :INPUT:       -- output always low
       3:|  :     : 00000
       4:|  :INPUT: 00000
       5:|  :     : 00000
       6:|  :INPUT: 01000
       7:|  :     : 01000
       8:|  :INPUT: 10000
       9:|  :     : 10000
      10:|  :INPUT: 11000
      11:|  :     : 11000
      12:|  :INPUT:       -- output always low
      13:|  :     : 11000
      14:|  :INPUT: 00001
      15:|  :     : 00001
      16:|  :INPUT: 01001
      17:|  :     : 01001
      18:|  :INPUT: 10001
      19:|  :     : 10001
      20:|  :INPUT: 11001
      21:|  :     : 11001
      22:|  :INPUT:       -- pass b
      23:|  :     : 11001
      24:|  :INPUT: 00010
      25:|  :     : 00010
      26:|  :INPUT: 01010
      27:|_ :     : 01010
      28:  |:INPUT: 10010
      29: _|:     : 10010
      30:|  :INPUT: 11010
      31:|_ :     : 11010
      32:  |:INPUT:       -- pass b and not a
      33:  |:     : 11010
      34:  |:INPUT: 00011
      35: _|:     : 00011
      36:|  :INPUT: 01011
      37:|_ :     : 01011
      38:  |:INPUT: 10011
      39: _|:     : 10011
      40:|  :INPUT: 11011
      41:|- :     : 11011
      42:|  :INPUT:       -- pass a
      43:|  :     : 11011
      44:|  :INPUT: 00100
      45:|  :     : 00100
      46:|  :INPUT: 01100
      47:|  :     : 01100
      48:|  :INPUT: 10100
      49:|_ :     : 10100
      50:  |:INPUT: 11100
      51:  |:     : 11100
      52:  |:INPUT:       -- pass a and not b
      53:  |:     : 11100
      54:  |:INPUT: 00101
      55: _|:     : 00101
      56:|  :INPUT: 01101
      57:|  :     : 01101
      58:|  :INPUT: 10101
      59:|_ :     : 10101
      60:  |:INPUT: 11101
      61: _|:     : 11101
      62:|  :INPUT:       -- pass a or b
      63:|  :     : 11101
      64:|  :INPUT: 00110
      65:|  :     : 00110
      66:|  :INPUT: 01110
      67:|_ :     : 01110
      68:  |:INPUT: 10110
      69:  |:     : 10110
      70:  |:INPUT: 11110
      71:  |:     : 11110
      72:  |:INPUT:       -- pass a xor b
      73:  |:     : 11110
      74:  |:INPUT: 00111
      75: _|:     : 00111
      76:|  :INPUT: 01111
      77:|_ :     : 01111
      78:  |:INPUT: 10111
      79:  |:     : 10111
      80:  |:INPUT: 11111
      81: _|:     : 11111
      82:|  :INPUT: q
       Simulation ends.
    jones@tempest [102]%
    script done on Fri Mar  2 14:37:54 2001

  2. Part A: How many bits per instruction should be devoted to distinguishing branch operations from other operations?
    We can construct an "average" basic block as follows:
       load immediate
       store -- one average assignment statement
       load immediate
       store -- another average assignment statement
       load immediate
       conditional branch -- one average conditional exit
       load immediate
       store -- another average assignment statement
       unconditional branch -- half the blocks end with this
    So, assuming a load-store architecture, half of the basic blocks are 16 instructions long, of which one is a conditional, and the other half have an unconditional branch at the end. (note that if the final exit from the block is not by a fall through, it must be by an unconditional branch).

    So, to a first approximation, 1/16 of all instructions are conditional or branches (4 bits of opcode is about right to indicate this), and about 1/32 of all instructions are unconditional branches (5 bits of opcode is about right to indicate this).

    Part B: How many bits per memory reference instruction should be devoted to the absolute address of a simple variable referenced?

    We are told that the average program references about 32 distinct simple variables, so a 5 bit memory address field will suffice for most programs. There will, of course, have to be some way to address more variables in those rare programs that have more.

    Part C: How many bits per instruction should be devoted to indicating that the instruction is a store instruction.

    The average basic block constructed to help answer part A had about 16 instructions, of which 3 were store instructions. So, about 3/16 of all instructions will be store instructions. This suggests allocating no fewer than 2 and no more than 3 bits to the opcode indicating store. Alternately, we could imagine allocating 3 distinct 4-bit opcodes to different flavors of the store instruction.

    Part D: In addition to part C, how many bits of each store instruction should be devoted to distinguishing between the different addressing modes a store instruction might use.

    We know that 1/2 of all memory references involve simple variables, so one bit will distinguish this case from others. 1/4 are subscript references (indexed addressing), requiring 2 bits, and 1/8 have a field selection operator, requiring 3 bits.

    If we've set aside 3 of 16 4-bit opcodes for store operations, it would make almost equal sense to use one for each addressing mode or to use two for simple variables and to use the other for the rarer addressing modes.

    Part E: Write briefly but convincingly about the optimality of the instruction coding of the Ultimate RISC, assuming a 16 bit word, and assuming 16 registers and 16 ALU operations. Quantitative comparisons with some of the results from parts A through D may be useful in supporting your conclusions.

    The 16-bit ultimate RISC with 16 arithmetic operations on each of 16 registers uses almost a full 16 bits for each simple variable reference, while 5 would be sufficient. It uses 16 additional bits to load, add to or store any of the accumulators, far more than the 4 to 6 bits we can justify for distinguishing a direct load or store operation. Branches are similarly inefficient, with a 16 bit destination address used to identify the operation as a branch, when we can only justify 4 or 5 bits. The logic of conditional branches takes an entire extra 32 bit instruction, yet conditional branches are actually more common than unconditional branches according to our statistics! In sum, the ultimate RISC is a pretty miserable machine, even with a decent multiple register ALU.