Homework 4 Solved

22C:122/55:132, Spring 2001

Douglas W. Jones
  1. Background: Consider using the approach outlined in Notes on Large Scale System Design (indexed from http://homepage.cs.uiowa.edu/~dwjones/logicsim/) to create a definition of the Minimal Ultimate RISC.

    Part A: Give a circuit description for an 1K RAM module, using appropriate register-transfer-leve primitives, as were assumed to be available in the Notes on Large Scale System Design.

    circuit RAM1K( integer address );
       -- an addressable 1K RAM module, designed to plug into a SOCKET(slave).
       --   designed by D W Jones, Feb 2001
       -- makes global references to
       --   range
       --     word = ...
       --   circuits
       --     ram( range wordselect, range word, time speed ) -- ram
       --     compc( range word, time speed, integer const )  -- comparitor
       --     driver( range word, time speed )                -- bus driver
       range wordselect = 0 .. 9;
       range bankselect = 10 .. last(word);
       assert word = wordselect | bankselect;
          read, write, addr(word), datain(word);
          M: ram( wordselect, word , 70 * ns );
          C: compc( bankselect, 10 * ns, address );
          D: driver( word, 10 * ns );
          readgate, writegate: and(2);
          -- data path
          datain to M.data;
          M.out  to D.in;
          D.out  to dataout;
          -- address decode
          for i in bankselect do
             addr(i) to C.in(i);
          for i in wordselect do
             addr(i) to M.addr(i);
          C.out to readgate.in(1);
          C.out to writegate.in(1);
          -- clock and enable distribution
          read  to readgate.in(2);
          readgate.out to D.enable;
          write to writegate.in(2);
          writegate.out to M.strobe;

    Part B: Finish the definition of the following register-transfer level component:

    circuit addressdecode( range word, range subword, integer address);
       -- given A:addressdecode( word, 1..2, 4 )
       -- The values of A.in(1) through A.in(2) are checked against the
       -- cooresponding bits of the constant 4; if they are equal, A.out
       -- is true, else A.out is false.
       assert first(word) = 0;
       assert first(subword) >= 0;
       assert last(subword) <= last(word);
       -- finished with the following:
          compbit(1 .. onebits( const )): not;
          combine: nor(size(subword));
          -- data paths
          for i in subword do
             if odd( const / 2**i ) then
                in(i) to compbit(onebits( const / 2**i )).in;
                compbit(onebits( const / 2**i )).out to combine.in(i+F);
                in(i) to combine.in(i+F);
          combine.out to out;

  2. Background::

    Part A: Give a simplified timing diagram to replace The timing diagram given in Figure 3 of The Ultimate RISC.

           | . . . | . . . | . . . | . . . |
    PCMUX  |_______________________|       |  unchanged
    WTEMP  |_______________________|//     |  lengthened
    CTEMP  ________|////  /|________________  greatly lengthened
            _______         _______
    CADDR  |////  /|_______|////  /|_______|  greatly lengthened
            _______         _______
    CPC    |/////  |_______|/////  |_______|  greatly lengthened
                    _______         _______
    ADMUX  |_______|       |_______|       |  unchanged
    WRITE  ________________________|////  /|  greatly lengthened
    READ   |//     ///     ///     |_______|  greatly lengthened

    Part B: Why would both timing diagrams work equally well to control the machine?

    This would work equally well under some fairly fragile instructions. We have assumed that all registers and memory units are either positive pulse triggered or negative edge triggered, we have assumed that all negative edges on clock signals are simultaneous! If any results propagate to the outputs of a register before the recipient of the data from that register sees its negative going edge, the design will cease working.

    Second, the enables lines for the bus drivers all come from read and write. When we enable one bus driver at exactly the same time that we disable another driver on the same bus, as the long-pulse logic here implies, power consumption on the bus drivers goes up, and if the enable signal to one driver arrives even slightly before the enable on another is released, the bus will be driven simultaneously by two drivers, raising the power consumption to a level that may be destructive.

    In sum, this is a classic example of "bleeding edge design", it might just work, but there is no safety margin.