5. Short Immediate Instructions

Part of the Hawk Manual
by Douglas W. Jones
THE UNIVERSITY OF IOWA Department of Computer Science


5.1. Short Immediate Format
5.2. Load Immediate

5.1. Short Immediate Format

07060504 03020100 15141312 11100908
1 1 0 - dst const

The 2 instructions in the short immediate format are 16 bits long. The first byte of these instructions holds the opcode and destination register dst. The second byte holds an 8-bit constant const.

5.2. Load Immediate

07060504 03020100 15141312 11100908                        
1 1 0 1 dst (nz) const LIS dst,const r[dst] = sx(const)
1 1 0 0 dst (nz) const ORIS dst,const r[dst]=(r[dst]<<8)∨const

NZVC unchanged

LIS (load immediate short) loads the destination register r[dst] with the sign extended 8 bit constant. Thus, it can be used to load any value between -128 and +127 (see Section 1.5).

ORIS shifts the destination register r[dst] 8 places left and then puts the 8 bit unsigned constant into r[dst]:7:0, the least significant 8 bits of r[dst] (see Section 1.5).

Neither instruction alter the condition codes. LIS R0,const and ORIS R0,const are illegal; if used, they will cause instruction traps. (See Chapter 13) Assemblers should flag use of r[0] as an error.

LIS Rd,0 can be used to clear a register. Hawk assemblers should define CLR Rd as a synonym for LIS Rd,0.

07060504 03020100 15141312 11100908                        
1 1 0 1 dst (nz) 0 0 0 0  0 0 0 0 CLR dst r[dst] = 0

An arbitrary 32-bit value can be loaded into a register using an LIL instruction (See Chapter 4) to load the most significant 24 bits of the constant followed by ORIS to load the bottom 8 bits. Hawk assemblers should provide a macro, LIW (load immediate word) so that, for example, LIW R3,X generates the following two instructions:

        LIL     R3, X >> 8
        ORIS    R3, X & #FF