Homework 3

22C:122, Fall 1999

Due Monday Sept 13, 1999, in class

Douglas W. Jones

  1. Background In the two previous homework assignments, you were asked to study features of the machine proposed by Berks, Goldstine and Von Neumann in their Preliminary discussion of the logical design of an electronic computing instrument and features of the DEC PDP-8. There are several huge differences between these machines: If you ignore these differences, the machines seem very similar. Both had program counters, both had a single accumulator, both used a multiplier-quotient register for the second register needed for multiply and divide.

    Part A: What major architectural innovations are present in the DEC PDP-8 that were not present in the IAS proposal. There are at least 6; list at least 4, with a short paragraph for each explaining the importance of the innovation.

    Part B: One minor innovation in the PDP-8 instruction set was forced by the very short op-code field of this machine. There is no load-accumulator instruction. Assuming all variables are statically allocated and somewhere in page 0 of memory, explain how the following short code fragment would be translated to PDP-8 code:

    A = B + C
    B = C

    Part C: Having done the above exercise, explain the innovation which allows the load-accumulator instruction to be eliminated at a very modest run-time cost.