CI.TABLE  Examples. 

Author:   Joseph B. Lang,  Department of Statistics and Actuarial Science,  Univ of Iowa, Iowa City, IA 52242 USA

Created:  1/4/09 (Revised 5/18/09)

The examples in this document illustrate how to use the R program  ci.table   (versions 1.1,1.2, and 2.0)  for computing confidence intervals for contingency table parameters.    The examples  herein include those appearing in the first reference below. 

Primary References: 

Lang, J.B. (2008). "Score and Profile Likelihood Confidence Intervals for Contingency Table Parameters," Statistics in Medicine, 27, 5975-5990.   DOI: 10.1002/sim.3391

Lang, J.B. (2004). "Multinomial Poisson Homogeneous Models for Contingency  Tables," Annals of Statistics, 32, 340-383.

Lang, J.B. (2005). "Homogeneous Linear Predictor Models for Contingency Tables,"  Journal of the American Statistical Association, 100, 121-134.

Availability:  To obtain a free copy of ci.table and accompanying programs, email the author, Joseph B. Lang, at

Disclaimer:  The ci.table code has not been thoroughly tested!

#   BINOMIAL PROBABILITY:  Example 2.1 in Lang, J.B. (2008), Stat Medicine.
#  Observed 1 success in 12 trials. 
#  Model: y = (1,11) <- Y ~ mult(12, p1,p2).
#  Goal:  Compute an approximate 95% CI for the 
#         success probability p1.
y <- scan()
1 11

S.fct <- function(p) {
a1 <- ci.table(y,S.fct,lowerbound=0,upperbound=1,save=T);  
a2 <- ci.table(y,S.fct,0,1,type="lr",save=T)
a3 <- ci.table(y,S.fct,0,1,type="pd",save=T)
                    [,1]        [,2]               [,3]              
Shat                0.08333333  0.08333333         0.08333333        
ase                 0.0797856   0.0797856          0.0797856 0.08333333  0.08333333         0.08333333        
lowCI               0.01486509  0.004951072        0.01184658        
highCI              0.3538799   0.3185427          0.3437542         
cc                  0.95        0.95               0.95              
type                "score"     "likelihood ratio" "power divergence"
pdlambda            1           0                  0.6666667         
lowWCI              -0.07304355 -0.07304355        -0.07304355       
highWCI             0.2397102   0.2397102          0.2397102    13          13                 14                
time.elapsed        0.06        0.07               0.06
> a1$version
[1] "ci.table (ver 1.1, 2/17/09)"
> a4 <- ci.table(y,S.fct,0,1,type="wald",save=T); as.matrix(a4)
Shat                0.08333333                   
ase                 0.0797856            0.08333333                   
type                "wald"                       
lowWCI              -0.07304355                  
highWCI             0.2397102                    
version             "ci.table (ver 1.2, 2/27/09)"
time.elapsed        0            

#  y=(0, 39, 18, 11) <- Y ~ mult(n=68, p1,p2,p3,p4)
#  Goal:  Compute an approximate 95% CI for p1/(p1+p2).
y <- scan()
0 39
18 11

S.fct <- function(p) {
Shat                0                            
ase                 0.003107673          0.01470588                   
lowCI               0                            
highCI              0.08966646                   
cc                  "95%"                        
type                "score"                      
pdlambda            1                            
lowWCI              -0.006090928                 
highWCI             0.006090928                  
lowCI.TestStat      Numeric,0                    
highCI.TestStat     3.841440                     
cv                  3.841459                     
iterlow             0                            
iterhigh            4                       9                            
version             "ci.table (ver 1.1, 2/17/09)"
time.elapsed        0.06            
#  CONDITIONAL PROBABILITY  (Stratified Sampling)
#  y = (0, 39 // 18, 11) <- Y ~ prod mult(39, p1, p2 //  29, p3, p4)
#  That is, 
#  y <-  Y ~ MP(ν, p| strata=c(1,1,2,2),fixed="all")
#        where   ν = (39, 29).
#  Goal:  Compute an approximate 95% CI for p1.
y <- scan()
0 39
18 11

strata <- c(1,1,2,2)
S.fct <- function(p) {
Shat                0                            
ase                 0.003107673          0.01470588                   
lowCI               0                            
highCI              0.08966646                   
cc                  "95%"                        
type                "score"                      
pdlambda            1                            
lowWCI              -0.006090928                 
highWCI             0.006090928                  
lowCI.TestStat      Numeric,0                    
highCI.TestStat     3.841431                     
cv                  3.841459                     
iterlow             0                            
iterhigh            4                       9                            
version             "ci.table (ver 2.0, 5/18/09)"
time.elapsed        0.09  

#  y=(0, 39, 18, 11) <- Y ~ mult(n=68, p1,p2,p3,p4)
#  Goal:  Compute an approximate 95% CI for p1/(p1+p2) - p3/(p1+p3).

y <- scan()
0 39
18 11

S.fct <- function(p) {
   p[1]/(p[1]+p[2]) - p[3]/(p[3]+p[4])
Shat                -0.6206897                   
ase                 0.09015582           0.01470588                   
lowCI               -0.7731197                   
highCI              -0.4400254                   
cc                  "95%"                        
type                "score"                      
pdlambda            1                            
lowWCI              -0.7973918                   
highWCI             -0.4439875                   
lowCI.TestStat      3.841456                     
highCI.TestStat     3.841459                     
cv                  3.841459                     
iterlow             3                            
iterhigh            3                       13                           
version             "ci.table (ver 1.1, 2/17/09)"
time.elapsed        0.17                        

#  GAMMA VARIANT:  Example 2.3 in Lang, J.B. (2008), Stat Medicine.
# y = (25, 25, 12 // 0, 1, 3)  ~ prod Mult(62, p11,p12,p13 // 4, p21,p22,p23)
# Goal:  Compute an approximate 95% CI for Gamma* parameter
#        as described in (Lang 2008, Stat Medicine)

y <- scan()
25 25 12
0 1 3

strata <- c(1,1,1,2,2,2)   

S.fct <- function(p) {
   p <- matrix(p, 2,3,byrow=T) <- (p[2,2]+p[2,3])*p[1,1] + p[2,3]*p[1,2] <- p[1,2]*p[2,1] + p[1,3]*(p[2,1]+p[2,2]) <- + 

Shat                0.9358289                    
ase                 0.06654827           0.01515152                   
lowCI               0.5250232                    
highCI              0.98971                      
cc                  "95%"                        
type                "score"                      
pdlambda            1                            
lowWCI              0.8053967                    
highWCI             1.066261                     
lowCI.TestStat      3.841451                     
highCI.TestStat     3.841457                     
cv                  3.841459                     
iterlow             4                            
iterhigh            3                       14                           
version             "ci.table (ver 2.0, 5/18/09)"
time.elapsed        0.37               

Shat                0.9358289                    
ase                 0.06654827           0.01515152                   
type                "wald"                       
lowWCI              0.8053967                    
highWCI             1.066261                     
version             "ci.table (ver 2.0, 5/18/09)"
time.elapsed        0    

### Alternative code...

gammastar.fct <- function(p) {
nr <- nrow(p)
nc <- ncol(p)
probC  <- 0;probD <- 0
for (i in 1:(nr-1)) {
   for (j in 1:(nc-1)) {
           Aij <- 0
           for (h in (i+1):nr) {
              for (k in (j+1):nc) {
                 Aij <- Aij + p[h,k]
           probC <- probC + p[i,j]*Aij    
for (i in 1:(nr-1)) {
   for (j in 2:nc) {
         Aij <- 0
         for (h in (i+1):nr) {
            for (k in 1:(j-1)) {
                Aij <- Aij + p[h,k]
         probD <- probD + p[i,j]*Aij

strata <- c(1,1,1,2,2,2)

S.fct <- function(p) {
  p <- matrix(p,2,3,byrow=T) 

y <- scan()
25 25 12
0 1 3

a <- ci.table(y,S.fct,0,1,strata=strata,save=T)
b <- ci.table(y,S.fct,0,1,strata=strata,type="pd",save=T)
                    a                             b                            
Shat                0.9358289                     0.9358289                    
ase                 0.06654827                    0.06654827           0.01515152                    0.01515152                   
lowCI               0.5250232                     0.5367156                    
highCI              0.98971                       0.9917275                    
cc                  0.95                          0.95                         
type                "score"                       "power divergence"           
pdlambda            1                             0.6666667                    
lowWCI              0.8053967                     0.8053967                    
highWCI             1.066261                      1.066261                     
lowCI.TestStat      3.841451                      3.841464                     
highCI.TestStat     3.841457                      3.841417                     
cv                  3.841459                      3.841459                     
iterlow             4                             5                            
iterhigh            3                             3                            
gSvalues            Numeric,13                    Numeric,14                   
statvalues          Numeric,13                    Numeric,14                   
normvalues          Numeric,13                    Numeric,14                   
warnvalues          Character,13                  Character,14            14                            15                           
version             "ci.table (ver 2.0, 5/18/09)" "ci.table (ver 2.0, 5/18/09)"
time.elapsed        0.48                          1.24   

# y = (25, 25, 12 // 0, 1, 3)  ~ prod Mult(62, p11,p12,p13 // 4, p21,p22,p23)
# Goal:  Compute an approximate 95% CI for a Global Odds Ratio parameter
#        as described in (Lang 2008, Stat Medicine)

y <- scan()
25 25 12
0 1 3

strata <- c(1,1,1,2,2,2)

S.fct <- function(p) {
   p <- matrix(p, 2,3,byrow=T)
Shat                Inf                          
ase                 1452.629             0.01515152                   
lowCI               0.6611751                    
highCI              Inf                          
cc                  "95%"                        
type                "score"                      
pdlambda            1                            
lowWCI              Inf                          
highWCI             Inf                          
lowCI.TestStat      3.84153                      
highCI.TestStat     Numeric,0                    
cv                  3.841459                     
iterlow             4                            
iterhigh            0                       8                            
version             "ci.table (ver 2.0, 5/18/09)"
time.elapsed        0.13               

#   Example 2.2 in Lang, J.B. (2008), Stat Medicine.
#Source (secondary):  Agresti 2002:65
#Early study of the death penalty in Florida  (Radelet)
#Victim Black...
#  White Defendant  0/9   received Death Penalty
#  Black Defendant  6/103 received Death Penalty
#  Model:  y=(0,9 // 6, 97) <- Y ~ prod mult(9, p1, p2 // 103, p3, p4)
#  Goal:  Compute an approximate 95% CI for p1 - p3.
y <- c(0,9,6,97)
strata <- c("white","white","black","black")

S.fct <- function(p) {
a1 <- ci.table(y,S.fct,-1,1,strata=strata,save=T)

#Consider the alternative full-multinomial data model...
#   y = (0, 9, 6, 97) <- Y ~ mult(112, p1,p2,p3,p4)
#   Goal:  Compute an approximate 95% CI for p1/(p1+p2) - p3/(p3+p4).
S.fct <- function(p) {
   p[1]/(p[1]+p[2]) - p[3]/(p[3]+p[4])

a2 <- ci.table(y,S.fct,-1,1,save=T)

                    a1                            a2                           
Shat                -0.05825243                   -0.05825243                  
ase                 0.02534787                    0.02534787           0.008928571                   0.008928571                  
lowCI               -0.1213022                    -0.1213022                   
highCI              0.2427237                     0.2427237                    
cc                  0.95                          0.95                         
type                "score"                       "score"                      
pdlambda            1                             1                            
lowWCI              -0.1079333                    -0.1079333                   
highWCI             -0.008571523                  -0.008571523                 
lowCI.TestStat      3.841458                      3.841458                     
highCI.TestStat     3.841449                      3.841449                     
cv                  3.841459                      3.841459                     
iterlow             4                             4                            
iterhigh            5                             5                            
gSvalues            Numeric,15                    Numeric,15                   
statvalues          Numeric,15                    Numeric,15                   
normvalues          Numeric,15                    Numeric,15                   
warnvalues          Character,15                  Character,15            16                            16                           
version             "ci.table (ver 2.0, 5/18/09)" "ci.table (ver 2.0, 5/18/09)"
time.elapsed        0.29                          0.25                   

Shat                -0.05825243                  
ase                 0.02534787           0.008928571                  
lowCI               -0.1189673                   
highCI              0.2169931                    
cc                  "95%"                        
type                "power divergence"           
pdlambda            0.6666667                    
lowWCI              -0.1079333                   
highWCI             -0.008571523                 
lowCI.TestStat      3.841459                     
highCI.TestStat     3.841456                     
cv                  3.841459                     
iterlow             4                            
iterhigh            5                       16                           
version             "ci.table (ver 2.0, 5/18/09)"
time.elapsed        0.27 

##  Alternative (artificial) data that is even more sparse...
Shat                0                            
ase                 0.01082153           0.009433962                  
lowCI               -0.03809444                  
highCI              0.2991438                    
cc                  "95%"                        
type                "score"                      
pdlambda            1                            
lowWCI              -0.02120981                  
highWCI             0.02120981                   
lowCI.TestStat      3.8415                       
highCI.TestStat     3.841436                     
cv                  3.841459                     
iterlow             3                            
iterhigh            5                       15                           
version             "ci.table (ver 1.1, 2/17/09)"
time.elapsed        0.29         

#  KAPPA COEFFICIENT:  Example 2.4 in Lang, J.B. (2008), Stat Medicine.
#  y = (4,0,0,0,1,0,0,0,15) <-  Y ~ mult(20, p11,p12,...,p33)
#  Goal:  Compute an approximate 95% CI for the 
#         unweighted kappa coefficient.
y <- c(4,0,0,0,1,0,0,0,15)
S.fct <- function(p) {
  p <-  matrix(p,3,3,byrow=T)
  s1 <- p[1,1]+p[2,2]+p[3,3]
  prow <- apply(p,1,sum)
  pcol <- apply(p,2,sum)
  s2 <- prow[1]*pcol[1]+prow[2]*pcol[2]+prow[3]*pcol[3]
a1 <- ci.table(y,S.fct,-1,1,save=T);  
a2 <- ci.table(y,S.fct,-1,1,type="lr",save=T)
a3 <- ci.table(y,S.fct,-1,1,type="pd",save=T)
                    [,1]       [,2]               [,3]              
Shat                1          1                  1                 
ase                 0.06592083 0.06592083         0.06592083 0.05       0.05               0.05              
lowCI               0.635835   0.766156           0.665659          
highCI              1          1                  1                 
cc                  0.95       0.95               0.95              
type                "score"    "likelihood ratio" "power divergence"
pdlambda            1          0                  0.6666667         
lowWCI              0.8707976  0.8707976          0.8707976         
highWCI             1.129202   1.129202           1.129202     9          8                  10                
time.elapsed        4.65       4.61               5   
[1] "ci.table (ver 1.1, 2/17/09)"

CI.TABLE INPUT and OUTPUT:    (The text below is found in ci.table.Rcode.txt)

# Implementation Instructions: 
# 1. Source ci.table.Rcode.txt (this file). This creates the two (2) R functions:  
#                 ci.table and PD.fct.    
#                 Syntax:    R> source("ci.table.Rcode.txt")
# 2. Source mph.Rcode.txt.  This creates the nine (9) R functions: 
#       ,  mph.summary, num.deriv.fct, create.U, create.Z.ZF, 
#                 check.homog,  check.HLP, block.fct,  M.fct  
#                 Syntax:    R> source("mph.Rcode.txt")
# For examples of how to use ci.table, go to  

ci.table <- function(y,S.fct,lowerbound=NA,upperbound=NA,type="score",pdlambda=2/3, cc=0.95,

#ci.table (version 2.0)
#   Computes a score, likelihood ratio,  power-divergence, or Wald 
#   confidence interval for a contingency table parameter, S(p),
#   where p is a vector of table probabilities.  
#   The contingency table counts y are modeled as a realization of 
#   a multinomial-Poisson random vector.  
#   In symbols,   
#   ci.table  computes a confidence interval for S(p) based on data
#          y <- Y ~ MP(nu, p | strata=s, fixed.strata=F).  
#   For details on the MP distribution specification, see the documentation.
#Author:        Joseph B. Lang
#Created:       June 2008,  last updated: 2/27/09,  5/18/09
#Primary References:  
#      Lang, J.B. (2008).  "Score and Profile Likelihood Confidence Intervals for 
#          Contingency Table Parameters,"   Statistics in Medicine, 27, 5975-5990.
#          DOI: 10.1002/sim.3391
#      Lang, J.B. (2004).  "Multinomial Poisson Homogeneous Models for Contingency 
#          Tables,"   Annals of Statistics, 32, 340-383.
#      Lang, J.B. (2005).  "Homogeneous Linear Predictor Models for Contingency Tables,"
#          Journal of the American Statistical Association, 100, 121-134. 
#Subroutines:   ci.table uses PD.fct and (and its subroutines).       
#               See the implementation instructions above.  
#  Required:   y =vector of table counts
#              S.fct = function object with single argument p, the table probabilities.
#                      S.fct(p) is the parameter of interest.
#              Note:  The table counts are [cross-]classification counts.  Generically, 
#              y[1] = number of observations with (C = 1),  
#              y[2] = number of observations with (C = 2), 
#                  etc, 
#                     where  C is the [composite] classification variable.
#              The [composite] variable C has [joint] distribution characterized by the 
#              probability vector P,  defined as P[i] = P(C=i).  
#              The table probabilities p are interpreted as p = D^{-1}(ZZ'P)P,   
#              where P is the vector of joint probabilities and Z is the strata matrix 
#              corresponding to strata=s.   Unless strata=rep(1,length(y)),  
#              that is, unless a single sample is taken from a single strata,  the table 
#              probabilities are conditional probabilities.
#  Optional:   lowerbound= smallest possible value for S(p). 
#              upperbound= largest possible value for S(p).
#                      Defaults:  lowerbound=NA means no lower bound
#                                 upperbound=NA means no upper bound
#                      LOWERBOUND AND UPPERBOUND! (This can mitigate convergence
#                      problems.)
#              type  = interval type, either "score", "lr",  "pd", or "wald"
#                      Default:  type="score"
#                      If type == "lr" the likelihood-ratio (equiv profile likelihood) 
#                          confidence interval is computed. 
#                      If type == "pd" the power-divergence statistic with lambda=pdlambda
#                          is used to compute the confidence interval.
#                      If type == "wald" only the wald confidence interval is computed.
#                      If type is not any of the four options, the score interval is computed.
#              pdlambda = the parameter used to define the power-divergence statistic.
#                      This parameter is ignored unless type=="pd".  Default: pdlambda=2/3.
#              cc    = the confidence coefficient.  Default:  cc=0.95.
#              strata = vector of the same length as y that gives the stratum
#                       membership identifiers.  Default: strata = rep(1,length(y));
#                       i.e. the default is the single stratum (non-stratified) setting.
#                       Examples, strata=A or strata=c(1,1,1,2,2,2,3,3,3) or 
#                       strata=paste(sep="","A=",A,",B=",B)
#              fixed.strata = the object that gives information on which stratum have 
#                     fixed sample sizes.  It can equal one of the keywords, 
#                     fixed.strata = "all" or   fixed.strata = "none",  or it can 
#                     be a vector of stratum membership identifiers, e.g. 
#                     fixed.strata=c(1,3) or fixed.strata=c("pop1","pop5").
#                     (default: fixed.strata="all")
#     = positive constant added to zero counts for 
#                      purposes of computing standard errors for Wald intervals.
#                      Default: = NA, which implies 
#                       = min(0.1,1/sum(y))
#              y.eps = amount to initially add to each count in y, as used in
#              norm.diff.conv = convergence criterion used in
#                      Default:  norm.diff.conv = 100 (i.e. this criterion is 
#                      effectively turned off)
#              norm.score.conv = convergence criterion used in
#              diffc = convergence criterion based on the difference between 
#                      current and previous test stat values.
#              step  = step halving parameter as used in
#              app.low, app.up   rate parameters that control how fast the 
#                      intermediate critical values approach the ultimate critical 
#                      value  (which for cc=0.95 is 3.8415).
#              maxiter = maximum number of iterations for the CI root finding algorithm.
#              max.mph.iter = maximum number of iterations as used in
#              epsm    =   parameter that controls how far to move from 
#                          the empirical estimate Shat (or gShat) when 
#                          deriving initial iterates for the CI root 
#                          solving algorithm.  For example,  for the upper root, 
#                          the inital iterates are gShat+eps, gShat+2*eps, gShat+3*eps,
#                          where, if epsm >= 0, eps=epsm, and if epsm < 0, 
#                          eps = 0.5*ase.   Default:  epsm = -1.
#             print.output = logical variable.  If TRUE then print output, otherwise
#                          suppress printing.
#             save   =     logical variable.  If save=FALSE no output is saved.  If 
#                          save=TRUE and "a <- ci.table(...)" is submitted then 
#                          output is saved in "a". 
# Output
#             Shat             =  S.fct(phat),  phat = sample proportions
#             ase              =  approx std error of S.fct(phat)
#    = amount added to zero counts for computing ase.
#             lowCI, highCI    =  endpoints of confidence interval
#             cc               =  nominal confidence coefficient
#             type             =  interval type, either "score" "likelihood ratio" 
#                                                or "power divergence"
#             pdlambda         =  power-divergence lambda value used
#             lowWCI, highWCI  =  endpoints of Wald confidence interval
#             lowCI.TestStat, 
#             highCI.TestStat  =  test statistic values when the parameter equals the 
#                                 lower and upper endpoint of the confidence interval.  
#                                 (should be close to the critical value)
#             cv               =  qchisq(cc,1)
#             iterlow, iterhigh=  number of iterations required to find lower and 
#                                 upper endpoints
#             gSvalues, statvalues, normvalues, warnvalues = keep track of the g(S(p)) values,
#                                 TestStat values, norm score values, and warning messages that 
#                                 result from
#    =  total number of times restricted MLe had to 
#                                 be computed.
#             version          =  version of ci.table that was used
#             time.elapsed     =  time in seconds that it took to compute the confidence interval.

# Note 1: To mitigate boundary problems,  if a lower and/or upper bound are input, then 
#         a transformed version of the parameter that can take values in -Inf to +Inf
#         is used.   After  finding confidence bounds for the transformed parameter, 
#         the endpoints are transformed back to the original scale.  
# Note 2: When Shat = - or +Inf,  setting y.eps equal to some positive constant can 
#         lead to convergence of the algorithm.  (To make sure the original counts 
#         are ultimately used to find the ci bounds, the program should be run 
#         again with a very different y.eps value.)
# Note 3: Fine tune with step, app.up, app.low, y.eps, and epsm values.  If 
#         lots of 0 counts setting step to a smaller value and perhaps y.eps equal 
#         to some positive number may help with convergence.  If TestStat values are 
#         sensitive to small changes setting app.low and app.up to smaller values
#         like 0.5 or 0.25 may help.

Last Updated:  05/18/2009 02:13:16 PM,  Joseph B. Lang