For your final exam written project, you will turn in your weekly labs into a draft of a paper. Working on this project in a group is allowed, but not required.
If you are collaborating with someone, you should decide as a group how the work
will be divided and what you would like to accomplish. I will not require that you finish all (or even most
parts), but your collaborators can.
The following is one potential project outline, but you may follow any
journal format you prefer. Note that while the ideal paper would include
all of the
following, even published
papers do not include all of the following. You
and your collaborators (if any) will need to decide what to include.
NOTE: Even published
papers do not include all (or even most) of the following. You
and your collaborators will need to decide what to include.
- Abstract.
Introduction: Briefly introduce the problem, techniques, and outline the paper. Try to use as few technical
terms as possible (or reference section where defined).
- Background
- Problem description:
Fully describe the problem. Describe how the data is created, what is its format, what are issues that one
should consider (for example are their different types of noise), etc. Please keep in mind that people from a
variety of backgrounds may be interested in your article, so please help them understand your data. Deeper
mathematics can be applied if more people have a better understanding of the problem.
- Mathematical
One can reference appropriate papers that describe the methods used in your paper or you can
provide the background yourself. Including motivation specific to your problem would be particularly helpful.
- Results
- Data analysis.
In either the results or discussion section, motivate your choices, both techniques and parameters. Output often depends on
parameters. Motivate your parameter choices. Are these choices robust (for example, does one get
similar results for different choices of parameter values).
- Discussion
- Conclusion
- Acknowledgement
You should acknowledge anyone who has provided significant feedback. If you publish the results of your project,
please acknowledge this course. If I provide you with significant helpful feedback, you are also welcome to
acknowledge me.
- Author contribution
Summarize who contributed what to the paper (who designed, computed, analyzed, wrote, etc.).
- Funding sources and conflicts of interest
- References
This is a very important part of your paper. It lets the reader know where to find additional
information. One is also required to reference other people's ideas, analysis, conclusions, figures, etc (even if
modified, reworded, or redrawn).
Using other people's work without acknowledgment constitutes plagerism. For figures,
one may also need to obtain copyright permission if you submit your paper for publication, and redrawing a figure may be