MATH:4060: Discrete Mathematical Models

MATH:4060:0001 Discrete Mathematical Models

Spring 2019 11:30A - 12:20P MWF 205 MLH

Instructor:  Dr. Isabel K. Darcy,    Department of Mathematics, AMCS, and Informatics,    University of Iowa

Office: 25J MLH               Phone: 319-335-0770         Email: isabel-darcy AT           
Office hours: MF 10:45 - 11:15am, W 9:45 - 11:15am, and by appointment.

Text: Graph Theory and Complex Networks by Maarten van Steen
Recommended Text: Reinhard Diestel, Graph Theory, Springer GTM 173


TENTATIVE CLASS SCHEDULE-ALL DATES SUBJECT TO CHANGE (click on date/section for pdf file of corresponding class material):

Monday Wednesday FridayHW/Announcements
Week 1 1/14: Intro , Proofs, notes 1/16:  2.1 1/18:   2.1 HW 1 (due Friday 1/18): Worksheet
Week 2 MLK day 1/23: Thm 2.2, notes 1/25:  Thm 2.2, notes , 2.4
quiz 1 over ch 1 and 2 (see Exercises)
HW 2

Slides for 1/28 (pdf), (ppt)

Practice problems for Friday's quiz

Slides for 2/1 (pdf), (ppt)

HW 3 and 4 due Wednesday:

HW 4

HW 3: Create slide(s) for your 1 minute presentation on a graph theory application. Make sure your slide(s) cover
(1) Define the problem
(2) What do the vertices represent
(3) What do the edges represent
(4) What can graph theory say about your real-life problem? Can you formally state the graph theory problem(s)?