\magnification 1200 \vsize 9.4 truein \hsize 6.9 truein \nopagenumbers \parskip=10pt \parindent= 0pt \def\u{\vskip 2.77in} \def\v{\vskip 2.2in} \def\w{\vskip 2pt} Math 34 Differential Equations Final Exam \vskip -10pt December 15, 2003 \hfill SHOW ALL WORK ~ Choose 10 of the following 11 problems. If you choose fewer than 10, the points for the remaining problems will be appropriately averaged. 3 of the problems have 1 point extra credit available (indicated by [1-EC]). You can do the extra credit even if you do not choose these problems. [3]~ 1a.) Without using the LaPlace transform, solve the following initial value problem: \centerline{$y'' + 2y' + y = 0, ~y(0) = 0, ~y'(0) = 4$} \vskip -10pt \u \centerline{Answer 1a.) $\underline{\hskip 5in}$} \w [4]~ 1b.) Without using the LaPlace transform, find the general solution to the differential equation $y'' + 2y' + y = e^{-t}$ \vfill \vskip 13pt \u \vfill \centerline{Answer 1b.) $\underline{\hskip 5in}$} \w [3]~ 1c.) Without using the LaPlace transform, solve the following initial value problem: \centerline{$y'' + 2y' + y = e^{-t}, ~y(0) = 0, ~y'(0) = 4$} \vskip 2in \centerline{Answer 1c.) $\underline{\hskip 5in}$} \w [10]~ 2.) Use the LaPlace transform to solve the following initial value problem: \centerline{$y'' + 2y' + y = e^{-t}, ~y(0) = 0, ~y'(0) = 4$} \vskip .5in \u \centerline{Answer 2.) $\underline{\hskip 5in}$} \w [1-EC]~~ 2a.) How can you use the LaPlace transform to find the general solution to a differential equation. \u \w [10]~ 3.) Find the inverse LaPlace transform of $e^{-3s}{s \over s^2 + 8s + 18}$ \vskip 2.4in \centerline{Answer 3.) $\underline{\hskip 5in}$} \w [10]~ 4.) Use the definition and not the table to find the LaPlace transform of $f(t) = 3t^2$. CLEARLY indicate when you are taking a limit. \vskip 4.4in \centerline{Answer 4.) $\underline{\hskip 5in}$} \w [5]~ 5a.) Find the inverse LaPlace transform ${1 \over (s-3)(s^2 - 6s + 10)}$ by using the convolution integral. Leave your answer in terms of a convolution integral: \vskip 4truein \centerline{Answer 5a.) $\underline{\hskip 5in}$} \w [5]~ 5b.) Evaluate the convolution integral obtained in 3a. \vskip 4truein \centerline{Answer 5b.) $\underline{\hskip 5in}$} \w [10]~ 6.) Solve the following initial value problem: ${y' \over t^2} = -3y + 1, ~y(0) = 0$ \vfill \vfill \centerline{Answer 6.) $\underline{\hskip 5in}$} [10]~ 7.) Draw the direction field for the differential equation $y' = (y-2)(y + 2)$. Based on the direction field, determine the behavior of $y$ as $t \rightarrow \infty$. If this behavior depends on the initial value of $y$ at $t=0$, describe this dependency. \u \eject [5]~ 8a.) Transform $x'' - 2x' - 3x = e^t$ into a system of first order differential equations. \vskip 2.2truein \centerline{Answer 8a.) $\underline{\hskip 5in}$} \w [5]~ 8b.) Use Euler's formula to write $e^{4 - 2i}$ in the form of $a + ib$. \vskip 1.7in \centerline{Answer 8b.) $\underline{\hskip 3in}$} 9.) Circle T for true and F for false. [2]~ 9a.) Given an initial value, there always exists a unique solution to any second order differential equation. \rightline{T~~~~~~~~~~~F} [2]~ 9b.) Given an initial value, there always exists at least one solution to any second order differential equation. \rightline{T~~~~~~~~~~~F} [2]~ 9c.) If there is no damping and no external force, then the general solution to a mechanical vibration problem with constant spring force must be of the form $c_1cos(\omega_0t) + c_2 sin(\omega_0t)$ \rightline{T~~~~~~~~~~~F} [1]~ 9d.) $y = c_1e^{3t} + c_2te^{3t} + 4cos t$ is a possible general solution to a mechanical vibration problem with damping. \rightline{T~~~~~~~~~~~F} [4 or 1-EC]~ 9e.) Explain your answer to problem 9d. \eject [10]~ 10a.) A mass weighing 2 kg stretches a spring .1m. If the mass is pulled down an additional .2m and released, and if there is no damping, determine the position of the mass at any time $t$ \vskip 6.3in \centerline{Answer 10a.) $\underline{\hskip 5in}$} [1-EC]~ 10b.) Do the initial conditions affect the long-term behavior of the motion of the mass? \eject [10]~ 11.) Suppose that a sum $S_0$ is invested at an annual rate of return $r$ compounded continuously. Find the time $T$ required for the original sum to double in value as a function of $r$. Assume that the rate of change of the value of the investment is equal to the interest rate $r$ times the current value of the investment $S(t)$. \vskip 6.99in \centerline{Answer 11.) $\underline{\hskip 5in}$} \end