\magnification 2200 \parindent 0pt \parskip 13pt \pageno=1 \hsize 7truein \vsize 9.2truein \def\u{\vskip -10pt} \def\v{\vskip 3pt} \def\w{\vskip 13pt} 3.8: Mechanical and Electrical Vibrations Electrical Vibrations: Voltage drop across resistor: $IR$ Voltage drop across capacitor: $Q/C$ Voltage drop across inductor: $LI'$ \vskip 4pt \centerline{$L{dI(t) \over dt} + RI(t) + {1 \over C}Q(t) = E(t), ~~L, R, C \geq 0 {\hbox{ and }} I = {dQ \over dt}$~~~~~~} $L$ = inductance (henrys), \u $R$ = resistance (ohms) \u $C$ = capacitance (farads) \u $Q(t)$ = charge at time $t$ (coulombs) \u $I(t)$ = current at time $t$ (amperes) \u $E(t)$ = impressed voltage (volts). 1 volt = 1 ohm $\cdot$ 1 ampere = 1 coulomb / 1 farad = 1 henry $\cdot$ 1 amperes/ 1 second \end